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lol Remus. Normally I get ****ing sick of these stupid ass WHEN YOU SEE IT/MIND**** posters, but I finally understood this one which I'll admit is actually pretty funny. Hint: search around the group of people on the left.


Still don't get it?

Kid by the light pole has a Death Note oh lol

I don't get it even with the spoiler.
You write someone's name in the Death Note along with how you want them to die and it happens. Don't give a cause of death and they die of a heart attack. The car on the right has apparently crashed. Put it together mon.
I get it, but it is not even remotely funny/brick shittable
I thought it was because of this:

Used: frequently
Last Used on 11/11/2007

oh, i see the memory now.. wtf
What a long shot.

^Sorry Willie, but this. =/
It's a reference to an anime. Not a long shot, just a reference you aren't aware of.

So yeah, it's fail unless you get it. So it probably doesn't belong here as I assume most people have never seen the anime.

edit: shit double post sorry

The Piss-Screen is a pressure-sensitive inlay for urinals that lets you play a game with your pee. It was designed for bars so people would take a taxi instead of driving home drunk. The game is modeled after Need for Speed so that people end up crashing if their reaction is too slow. After crashing, the game flashes the message: "Too pissed to drive? Take a Taxi instead!” Although if they really want to keep people from driving drunk, they should've invested in my idea: it's a toilet that measures your blood alcohol level, and if it's too high, a fist flies out of the wall and knocks you out. And then I come by and take your wallet. Everybody wins!

Awesome! I want to pissplay



The Siggraph 2007 Convention (Special Interest Group for Computer Graphics) went down last week and there were a number of interesting innovations displayed. Among them was an updated solar powered bikini that was first shown in 2006. The bikini generates enough power to charge an iPod or cell phone. I had this idea years ago, except it was a pair of men's swim trunks. The only problem was that the world doesn't produce enough solar cells to cover my ding dong. I would have been able to power the whole state though.

New this year was a bra and boxer set that can be used to control different aspects of video games. Which is pretty sweet, because Hold on to the Boobies might very well be my most favorite game ever. Just a heads up though folks, stay away from one player mode - it's not fun.

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