Oh and she even does more than that, sometimes she pretends she's a little girl.


I didn't make it, I only did fake translation of the text that was there. Like I said, it's probably pretty similar to what was already written in Japanese. The theme of the image is obvious even if you don't know how to read Japanese, so I just went with it.

And Kathy knows about my loli. She accepts me, and that's one of the reasons I love her.
Oh and she even does more than that, sometimes she pretends she's a little girl.

Ya'll are just jealous, that's ****ing love yo. I'm jealous Vegeta, that is one devoted girl.

I lold.

I was about to say "I posted that gif once", then it changed.

wow. whomever did this marketing campaign should be shot/given a raise:

Q: how to get a raise
A: wash your vagina

Makes sense to me. I wouldn't give a raise to a chick with a filthy vagina.

Where's that picture of the dude leaning way back in his computer chair when you need it?

Everybody hold the f*ck up and check out Tracheaman.


Go easy on him. Tracheaman was made fun of plenty when he was growing up. He doesn't need that shit now, because FFS he's Tracheaman.
**** man, I got my hands on an image like this, an image that constitutes itself as more than just "I need to find an image to post in this thread"

So I crack my knuckles, and adjust my Ghost-like lenses as I enter this thread, wincing not quite as much as usual as I dip my toes into the thick fog this thread seems to leave about the ground, however something was missing. Something was wrong.

I have no qualms with the posts before me! I always have some form of qualm. Some complaint which naturally causes me to raise my iron sights in preparation. Then it hits me.

The images, the sounds, the smells; the sight of Pi Mu Rho taking to the public stand, it was yet another flashback that danced about mercissley in my mind's eye. Such a pessimistic man, that Pi-man is, even the casual clearing of his throat sounded like some frustrated grunt that he'd let off while wringing the last drops of life from a man's neck.

"The Image Dump Section, now under Moderator's control, must contain an image for each post any members makes within it's walls. Staff or not."

That was all he said, as he turned to walk back to the shadows such an occupation naturally brought about him, I could feel my entire operation throw itself off-balance.

So here I am, essentially raising an unloaded weapon in a world where your post must contain a valid tag to go under the Moderator's radar. If I fire this shot, I may still get what I want out of it; but [I]part[/I] of what I want is to breathe the relatively pristine air of having an uninfractioned account, the joy of watching my avatar play in it's perpetual loop, as the red-but-somehow-cooling colour of my signature festering beneath it, hoping to embark information about the New World Order to anyone interested.

I shook my head briefly, I must stay on focus! Daydreaming while preparing this would be fatal indeed.

So this image.

Oh, man. This image.

I can safely say that in my life, occasionally braving the mire of the Image Dump, I have never felt so safe traversing across the bubbly bog with this string of URL characters clutched so tightly to my chest; sometimes I have to worry that my very heartbeat could break the fragile chain they bound themselves with. My steps must have purpose, naturally I have to keep all three of my eyes on the ground; fog is a trickster, it can fool the average forumite into forgetting where he was, in a land with such a strictly-enforced rule, it's easy to just open your mouth and comment on the first thing you see - that's where a lot of us fall, at least since this rule has been put in place.



I've erected the mighty obligation. It was, indeed, the best achievement one could possibly earn in this Munro-forsaken place.

Then it hit me. Again.

I had no qualms, no complaints, as surely there was a reason behind this. The last time I had truly looked upon the mud-swept muck piles The Image Dump built itself upon, at least with a bubbling pool of rage-saliva behind my intent, it was during a time where Imageless posts reigned supreme, the "Little Man" in the corner of the bog-and-bone-built dojo, trying desperately to hoist his image above the metaphorical sea of nonsense and jibber-jabber was dead. Long dead. He had no further purpose.

I learned something, today. The overbearing feeling of futility and constant questioning will cease, if only for a day, because of what had dawned on me.

This [All Posts Must Contain Images] rule... Isn't so bad.
Photo of a trip up to my mate's batch, 5 minutes away is this hill ( was where they filmed Edoras in the Two Towers)

Beautiful scenery there man. Was the wind blowing heavily when that photograph was taken?
