
Seriously I can't take frostedb, vegeta or any more of this crap. It's borderline pedophile material and pretty creepy that a 16+ yr old guy loves it and posts it in an image dump thinking that it appeals to everybody.
Interesting. What's borderline pedophile about the photos I posted?

I don't think it appeals to everybody. Since when did the images posted in here have to do that?

Much as I despise the image dump, if Vegeta was posting anything even remotely borderline, it would be dealt with. Maybe the problem is in your head, hool?

And yeah, I didn't post an image. I'm special.
Seriously I can't take frostedb, vegeta or any more of this crap. It's borderline pedophile material and pretty creepy that a 16+ yr old guy loves it and posts it in an image dump thinking that it appeals to everybody.

But I haven't posted anything here in a while, until now....
I would also like to point out that the girl in hool's avatar is underage.

I would also like to point out that the girl in hool's avatar is underage.
True and some of you guys are fun to talk with, including Vegeta. However Vegeta almost every post you have made in the image dump thread's has been a pre-teen Japanese girl making goofy faces or looking cute and innocent. Meanwhile most people post something that is funny. The avatar I like because of how she did her hair and stands out for a tiny icon (especially Steam). In fact the last icon I edited a pic of her just up to the eye line. I even got a comment once saying they liked it because it looked cool and mysterious, not because she was cute or hot.

However Vegeta almost every post you have made in the image dump thread's has been a pre-teen Japanese girl
I don't think I've ever posted a pre-teen, or even under-18 girl in the image dump, especially not for pedophilic reasons.

I don't think I've ever posted a pre-teen, or even under-18 girl in the image dump, especially not for pedophilic reasons.
I'm pretty sure that they are not 18 Veg. Not going into it any further than this.

My only gripe with Vegeta's Asian girl posts, is that they're always obnoxious looking. But thats not a big gripe, since it does provide some entertainment when I'm surprised at just how far they can push the obnoxious looking envelope.

That pic of the APC getting its turret blow off is hilarious though. Thats such a funny looking phenomenon, in spite of how its pretty much guaranteed crew-death.

On the subject of Kyari I just listening to this the other day:

Amazingly catchy.

Umm image.

im sure they're all 18+ but are you guys (looking at you veggie) seriously denying that they arent MEANT to look underage? isnt some of the stuff you post just literally "lolicon?" and yeah it's p. disturbing, but its an image dump not an image dump minus things that make me uncomfortable. so im not bitching about it, but you can't just sit there and deny that it's meant to look that way :P

here's a picture i vaguely remember doing for some argument with stern
heh i had no idea there were so many pedo apologists on this forum. sorry dudes please carry on.

Apologizing for what? You drag up a post that has nothing to do with what I or anyone else was discussing and proclaim your point proven. What ****ing point? That Vegeta posts controversial things every so often? No shit. Sorry if an above-legal-age Japanese girl posing in completely unrevealing outfits and making silly faces doesn't register as objectionable to me. I guess that makes me some kind of terrible sympathizer.

I know I'm getting tetchy now but GOOD CHRIST THIS SHIT IS TEDIOUS.

bad^hat, more like butt^hurt amirite

i was just defending hool because a few people jumped on him for this post:

Seriously I can't take frostedb, vegeta or any more of this crap. It's borderline pedophile material and pretty creepy that a 16+ yr old guy loves it and posts it in an image dump thinking that it appeals to everybody.

...and then denied that anything pedo was ever posted. so I posted an example of a creepy pedo post, and just wanted to say i could at least see where he's coming from with those weird japanese pop star photos. they're ****ing creepy.


albeit no creepier than other things that are posted ;)
It's okay, because with RJMC posting those pictures of Cher, it takes the age average of all the pictures and takes it way above the legal age of consent.

Yeah, no picture again. Infraction me. Go on. Do it.
bad^hat, more like butt^hurt amirite

i was just defending hool because a few people jumped on him for this post:

...and then denied that anything pedo was ever posted. so I posted an example of a creepy pedo post, and just wanted to say i could at least see where he's coming from with those weird japanese pop star photos. they're ****ing creepy.
Oh I know that it's pedo crap even if the girl just turned 18 last week making it "legal". I wouldn't even be caught dead looking at pics like that and I'm sure Veg gets it a lot from people he knows personally. Seriously, enough is enough. Unfortunately we got people who are all like "oh they are not put into any sexual stuff so it's ok". Really why would you go to sites like this on veg's Steam profile:
A Japanese schoolgirl shares the shocking details of her sordid career of prostituting herself to creepy lolicon online, a practice otherwise known as “enjo kousai,” supplying a personal account of the kind of events normally only read about as the endless reports of lurid sex crime arrests which fill Japanese newspapers.
Right off the bat first thing you see on the website. I shouldn't have to exposed to this embarrassing crap when I go to a Half-Life 2 fansite within a thread for funny pics. I quit watching Pokemon when I was 13 for for pete sake.
Krynn earns a -3 point negative infraction!
i was just defending hool because a few people jumped on him for this post:

...and then denied that anything pedo was ever posted.

Which thread are you reading?

Oh I know that it's pedo crap even if the girl just turned 18 last week making it "legal".

BARELY LEGAL girl poses fully clothed and makes gross faces CLICK HERE IF YOU DARE.


Last words post I promise this is just too bizarre.
All this talk about underage girls needs to stop. Nobody is posting anything inappropriate.


Yea guys can't we all just get along and look at funny/interesting/weird pictures in peace? If not we might lose the image dump forever, just like misc!

Oh I know that it's pedo crap even if the girl just turned 18 last week making it "legal". I wouldn't even be caught dead looking at pics like that and I'm sure Veg gets it a lot from people he knows personally. Seriously, enough is enough. Unfortunately we got people who are all like "oh they are not put into any sexual stuff so it's ok". Really why would you go to sites like this on veg's Steam profile: Right off the bat first thing you see on the website.
Okay, first it was funny just to laugh at you, but now this is getting retarded. Are you seriously quoting some totally unrelated article from a website I visit as some kind of support to your 'argument'?

Oh my god, this website posts news stories about little girls having sex, and Vegeta visits it, AND HE POSTS DRAWINGS OF LITTLE GIRLS HOLY **** DO YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS

Your lame attempt to criminalize everything I post by connecting it to this site is absolutely hilarious.
I shouldn't have to exposed to this embarrassing crap when I go to a Half-Life 2 fansite within a thread for funny pics.
What embarrassing crap? You're the one who posted the website and quoted a disgusting news story from it. Are you talking about Kyary Pamyu Pamyu? You're embarrassed because of a pop idol's publicity photos? Well, shit man. I'm so sorry. I should have realized that people come into the image dump with their friends and family watching. People have tried this stupid ****ing argument before and it didn't work then either. The image dump contains lots stuff that would be embarrassing to view in front of family, whether I'm posting or not.

...and then denied that anything pedo was ever posted. so I posted an example of a creepy pedo post, and just wanted to say i could at least see where he's coming from with those weird japanese pop star photos. they're ****ing creepy.
Well I mean, Hool made his rant in response to the photos I posted, which definitely weren't pedo in any way. I could agree that her fashion and look is meant to appear younger, but there was nothing sexual about it. The other post you referenced isn't inherently pedophilic either, unless you view it with a tainted mind. Of courseit's easy to view any photo or drawing of a little girl as 'creepy pedo', but that's not going to cut it. And I'm certainly not going to stand idly as you guys continue to talk shit about what I post. The post you quoted contains images I thought were really cute. Nothing more. If Hool thinks that makes me childish, wow, I seriously couldn't give three ****s.

Yeah **** this Japanese shit. Where are my American underage fantasies at?


Much better.
So how is that "must-post-an-image-to-prevent-excessive-discussion-in-the-image-dump" rule working out?
My 21 year old friend dated a 16 year old high schooler for a few months.

Does that make him a lolicon? =D
