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Hilarity... present. Urge to learn... rising? What sort of satanic humour is this?

On that note, here's a fun quote from devilpedia.

Charles Babbage said:
Babbage once contacted the poet Alfred Tennyson in response to his poem "The Vision of Sin". Babbage wrote, "In your otherwise beautiful poem, one verse reads,

Every moment dies a man,
Every moment one is born.

... If this were true, the population of the world would be at a standstill. In truth, the rate of birth is slightly in excess of that of death. I would suggest [that the next version of your poem should read]:

Every moment dies a man,
Every moment 1 1/16 is born.

Strictly speaking, the actual figure is so long I cannot get it into a line, but I believe the figure 1 1/16 will be sufficiently accurate for poetry."

Edit - The one with George Orwell was pure brilliance. And actually now I look I've been to that site before but somehow didn't catch any of those...
And actually now I look I've been to that site before but somehow didn't catch any of those...
The site address is written in the lower left corner of them all.
This image I took from a live cam of my town is creeping me the **** out. I keep watching expecting something horrifying to happen.

Like some creepy thing crawling up the pole where it's positioned and gazing into the camera.

I just see glair? I don't get it?

Thank you, thank you.
Its just the atmosphere and solitude. Its creepy.
Poll incident II in disguise? or just withdrawal issues?

oh my god those comics were so good :laugh:

NSFW image. They managed to make Portal anime porn:

i dont think i wanted to see that :|
For the first time, the teacher's response is funnier than the pupil's.
I could almost imagine running through that hallway screaming: "SHE'S COMIN' FOR MEH! RUN BITCHES, RUN!!"
Hmmm...nothing interesting.
Would you please post some really funny pics or we'll just keep looking at some doubtful humour?
I keep watching expecting something horrifying to happen.
"We made a little green-glass thing. I usually think of it as a paperweight, because that's what I'd use it for if I had it at home. I dream about it sometimes. It is made of four transparent green globes. Three of them always show snow falling in some desolate and, to my mind, sinister little place. Neither of us knew where it was. A road crossing with high banks, bare trees, and a leaning stone marker at the place where the roads meet. It always looked or, rather, felt as though someone were about to come up one of the roads. But no one ever did."
Focking look closer image got me. Got me good. I KNEW what was going to happen, but still I couldn't resist looking one second more then GODDAMMIT.

Laughed hard at the history comics, too.
I don't understand most of the history comics, but I got the Jane Austen one xD.
Where was this Portal Porn? Was it taken down?
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