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I was going to say, we laugh at 9/11, black people and midgets but we can't laugh at some actor's death.

Get over it guise c'mon. Or DON'T get over it but at least joke about it. C'monnnnn.
wow, how careless can you be, should be a new track and field event :p

Lol @ guy reaction in the backround. hes like :|...:O!
im sure the runner saw that girl way before he hit her...he knew what he was doing LOL
I can see why they might confuse the two, that darn moon never stays still

but seriously. In my opinion, the mark of a good sense of humor is if you're willing to suspend personal opinion, circumstance, guilt, all of that baggage, and just laugh.
Jesse Kiefel: YYIANG.

stich_346 has signed out. (7/29/2008 12:18 PM)

Jesse Kiefel: Lol.

Is it a personal attack or an image in the image dump?

Ok, I just thought it was funny, and it's sure to come in useful sometime!
Awww! I love that second one :3

But I hate you. I keep laughing at these jokes with bad taste :(
I have a folder of "Gentlemen" pictures which is 120 or so images BIG.

If you want it I'll rapidshit it and send it to you just pm me.

Heath Ledger actually died from all the poison I put in his dozens of pills.
Can someone post the original strip that all those came from? They're pretty funny, but I've never seen the real one.

Also, the Heath Ledger jokes never really struck me as funny, but god damn I laughed really hard at ledgermon. Phobot, send me the rapidshare link plz.
He really does copy and paste. He did a YouTube video a while back for Christmas. I gave him some constructive comments. Of course, he didn't "allow" my comment. What an arse.
(@ Druckles)

Probably because you're like the millionth person whose criticized him on that. I don't see what the problem is, who cares if he reuses the expression? It's a webcomic for god's sake
(@ Druckles)

Probably because you're like the millionth person whose criticized him on that. I don't see what the problem is, who cares if he reuses the expression? It's a webcomic for god's sake

I didn't mention it, actually. I gave him a compliment and made a remark about how I'm sure he's "not how everyone portrays". While hard for me to take, for obvious reasons, I finally accepted the fact he's just an asshole.

I still read CAD, though.
I hear Vegeta reuses the same pixels over and over again in Isotown.
I think the problem most people have is the fact he's supposed to be an artist, and copying and pasting does not ordinarily constitute as art. Sure, if it was clear he didn't bother trying with the other artwork, it'd be passable using copy and paste, but because is such a "mainstream" comic, he really should be arsed at least trying.
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