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Unless that runner was in 1st place of a 110mile iron man triathlon, there is absolutely no excuse for that.
I wasnt logged in so I saw your post's not from ww2 numbnuts, spain wasnt involved in ww2 ..the photo was taken in 1936
Please, just go back to ignoring Vegeta. Saves us from more pointless posts.
That's what I was relying on, but apparantly things can go wrong...

No diarrhea in the world is as explosive as in that picture. Unless he wasn't wearing underwears.

Apparently you've never eaten 2 quesidillas, 3 soft tacos, and a large mountain dew from Taco Bell.
just some screens

Just some screens I made today:
DOOM II (Skulltag):


Duke Nukem II (DOSBox)

Oh,and I don't take screenshots in Oblivion 'cause I always forget it's a game :-)
P.S. I wanted to post Star Ocean II screens but it's not the game with stunning graphics.And I'm playing it the second time as Rena,so I'm near the beginning and there's no good battles.
Yeah,I love second level.Nightmare skill,by the way.
Can't reach e1m5 on it.
I remember my first computergame. Wolfenstein. The only thing i had played before where pong, so all that motion actually made me puke. Good times.
Wolfenstein 3D or the original original?

I managed to complete Doom for GBA on Nightmare. Don't know if I'd be able to manage it now, though.

I remember feeling sad for the little bloodied head in the bottom of my screen.
Cyber penises must've been so small and slow back then D:

Six-week-old Cinders appears to suffer from mysophobia, a fear of dirt, after refusing to join her siblings as they splashed around in the mud.

Owner Andrew Keeble from Thirsk, North Yorks, said his daughter Ellie, 12, suggested kitting her out in the tiny footwear which had been on a key ring.

"Lo and behold they fitted her like a glove," Mr Keeble said.

he has every reason to be afraid ...very afraid:

Mr Keeble and wife Debbie, both 42, run a sausage company and keep about 200 pigs on their 1,000-acre farm.

however ..

But the father-of-four said there was no chance that Cinders would be slaughtered.

"She's more of a pet really now and she's going to live a very long and happy life," he said
I always demand anal at the first date. Everyting else is just a waste of my time.
I think they're faking. Its quite clear they're all gay. I mean, that one guy is resting his arm on the other dudes leg, plus all their shirts are off and theres only one girl around.
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