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Oh... god... can't... stop... laughing...

My face hurts so much from laughing so hard. Easily the best post in the past two image dumps.
The stairs ones are possibly the funniest things I've seen in my life.
No matter how many times these are posted in /v/, they are always hilarious. Thank you for posting these.
The spider one was hilarious. :laugh:
If you've seen one meme you've seen em all. -.-
OH shit I was reading it then I realized what the hell I was reading. Put that in a spoiler you bastad
TDK was a gigantic piece of overhyped shit.

Starbreeze needs to get the **** to work on a sequel to The Darkness video game. With Angelus. No bullshit either.



haha at first i was like meh, but they just kept coming until i laughed.
Quick Q:

This is a pretty fast thing i made up in PS for my mom. It is a fake security sticker to put in the house my mom inherited from my grandpa when he passed away. No one is living in it and it has been broken into twice before. The first time they took the copper pipes out of the basement.

Does it look believable? Everything is made up.

that wont work for real burglars though because they know what security systems are on the market.
that wont work for real burglars though because they know what security systems are on the market.

They were dumb burglars anyway. They lugged a broken snowblower up from the basement. Then hauled it out a window. They also cut the gas line and even went far enough to use blow torches to cut the copper pipe. :hmph:

What we want to stop are the neighborhood kids. We know we can't stop someone who is determined to break into the house. For being in Detroit, it is in one of the nicer areas but there is still a problem. The block the house is on there are like 6 or 7 houses, one of them is being lived in and every single one of them has been hit (minus the one being lived in.) When we were up there for my grandpa's funeral someone hit the house next door and took the pipes out of the basement and did not shut the water off--and flooded the basement, took EVERYTHING off of the walls (cabinets inc.)

The last time we were up there we saw a 16 or 17 year old walking down the street with a roll of copper wire in his hand.
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