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i noticed how Virustype2 removed me from his sig, im deeply hurt and i demand an explanation.
Virus changes his sig like he changes his woman, when ever a better one comes along the old one is thrown to the curb.
omg that last cat picture, its like a hovercraft cat. also, what is that small blue thing, some kinda rhino transformer?
There is a greater chance of failing if you don't ask, than there is if you do ask.
Is my avatar a yay or nay? I got it from this Day of the Dead portrait (Festival, not film :p)

Your avatar has been a nay since as long as I could remember.
Hey, nice avatar, is that from your girlfriend Toaster? OH WAIT, SHE DUMPED YOU CAUSE UR A LOOOOOSERRRRR!

Eheheh, what up, what up? *puts hand out for high five*
She dumped him? I don't ever recall her considering him. But that could just be me.

Also, I thought it was awesome, because it suited your zombieness. Maybe you should paint a zombie turtle. Or would that be sensible.
She dumped him? I don't ever recall her considering him. But that could just be me.

Also, I thought it was awesome, because it suited your zombieness. Maybe you should paint a zombie turtle. Or would that be sensible.
It was a joke they were not really dating.
Are you saying I am not sensible?? :p
The edit was more lame than the OP. :/

Who's? Mine?
The idea was for it to be lame. I thought I made that blatantly obvious by the "what up, what up? *puts out hand for high five*"?

Why you gotta be like that Kamacranky?
I don't understand why you don't ask her permission?

"Hey could I post some pics of you on a forum?"

"Why would you do that?"

"This one guy wants to see more of you?"

"What guy?"

"I dunno, some Dutch guy."

"*awkward silence*"
Stop asking for pictures of random girls Gray Fox, you creepy bastard.
Everyone already knows that toaster is just Druckles' alternate account.
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