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Hayyyyyyyyyy I made that.

Oh wait wtf it's the edit that doesn't make any sense.

lol at zee germans


sorta NWS



Grandpa's gettin' it on!

All that poster does is make me wanna be a mass murderer. Evidently, there are some benefits to it.
Grandpa's gettin' it on!

All that poster does is make me wanna be a mass murderer. Evidently, there are some benefits to it.

lol at "grandpa" ..that's hitler, saddam and stalin. hence the "mass murderer" part
The guy in the bottom right....did someone/himself vomit on his shoulder?
I'm kinda disappointed that I can't see ultraviolet like some creatures. On the other hand, I don't think they see jack shit in low light. Very poor night vision.

Some lizards, like my iguana, have a third eye on the top of their head. Well, it's more of a photo-sensor than an eye. It senses light and dark, we think.

Fun Facts:

Some animals, like bees, have cones for colors we can't see.

Ants can see polarized light.

The butterfly Colias can distinguish two points separated by as little as 30 microns

A dragonfly eye contains 30,000 lenses.

Falcon can see a 10 cm. object from a distance of 1.5 km.

Some fish can see into the infrared wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum.

A Fly eye has a flicker fusion rate of 300/sec. Humans have a flicker fusion rate of only 60/sec in bright light and 24/sec in dim light. The flicker fusion rate is the frequency with which the "flicker" of an image cannot be distinguished as an individual event. Like the frame of a movie.

The penguin has a flat cornea that allows for clear vision underwater. Penguins can also see into the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

With eyes mounted laterally on their heads, pigeons can view 340 degrees!

What about cats?
Cats can see almost as well as humans can, and at times better. Cat vision is designed for detecting motion, useful for hunting. Like humans, cats have binocular vision, although not as well tuned as in humans. This means a cat most likely sees in 3-D; very useful for judging distance. Cats have an elliptical pupil which opens & closes much faster than round types and allows for a much larger pupil size. This allows more light to enter the eye. [so they can see well in low light] Cats appear to be slightly nearsighted, which would suggest their vision is tailored more for closer objects, such as prey, that they can capture within running distance. Objects farther than several hundred yards rarely interest a cat.
Cats & Dogs
On a dark night, flash a bright light at your dog or cat's eyes & you notice that their eyes glow in the dark. It is the tapetum lucidum (meaning "bright carpet"), an adaptation for night vision. The tapetum is a thick reflective membrane, 15 cells wide, directly beneath the retina. It collects and re-emits light back to the retina a second time, giving the rods a second chance to absorb the image information, thus maximizing the little light available to them. As this light is reflected off the tapetum, the animal's eyes appear to glow.

Perhaps in the future--we're going to have eye upgrades available to us for a cost.

But they could do things like enhance our vision, our color range, our night vision, etc. It's like a video game and you choose a path. You can't have everything. But, theoretically you could have two different eyes. Might be difficult for your brain. So, I'm thinking maybe some of these would leave our vision blurry for a while as the brain figures it out. Like a newborn human.
It is true that the images formed on your retina are upside-down. It is also true that most people have two eyes, and therefore two retinas. Why, then, don't you see two distinct images? For the same reason that you don't see everything upside-down. One of our most remarkable tools - the brain - is hard at work for us at this task.

Processing visual information is a complex task - it takes up a relatively large portion of the brain compared to other senses. This is because your brain performs several tasks to make images 'easier' to see. One, of course, is combining the two images, which is helped by the corpus callosum, the tiny part of your brain which joins the two big hemispheres. The other part is handled in the optic part of your brain itself, and part of its job is to make images right-side-up. It does this because your brain is so USED to seeing things upside-down that it eventually adjusts to it. After all, it's a lot easier to flip the image over than it is to try and coordinate your hands and legs with an upside-down world! As a result, though, it is believed that for the first few days, babies see everything upside-down. This is because they have not become used to vision.

Your brain CAN be retrained though. In one psychological study, participants were asked to wear inverting lenses - lenses that invert the image BEFORE they get to your eye, so that when your eye inverts it, it's right-side-up. At first, everything appeared upside-down to the participants. But, after a few days, people began to report that everything appeared right-side-up! As a second part of the study, the people were asked to take the glasses off. Because they were now used to the lenses, their NORMAL vision appeared upside-down!! Within a day, though, their vision returned to normal. The reason you don't see everything upside-down, then, is simply because it's easier to think about right-side-up!

Answered by: Michael Brady, Computer Engineering Undergrad., NCSU, Raleigh

God awesome.

And now, two pictures.

EDIT: also, a good read here comparing vision in some animals. For example -

Birds can see ultraviolet, we think it might glow and is iridescent. They have four, not three, dimensional colour vision
Bird colour vision differs from that of humans in two main ways. First, birds can see ultraviolet light. It appears that UV vision is a general property of diurnal birds, having been found in over 40 species using a combination of microspectrophotometry, electrophysiology, behavioural methods, and gene sequencing. So, are birds like bees? Bees, like humans, have three receptor types, although unlike humans they are sensitive to ultraviolet light, with loss of sensitivity at the red end of the spectrum.
It is mammals, including humans, that have poor colour vision! Whilst UV reception increases the range of wavelengths over which birds can see, increased dimensionality produces a qualitative change in the nature of colour perception that probably cannot be translated into human experience. Bird colours are not simply refinements of the hues that humans, or bees, see, these are hues unknown to any trichromat.


A free cookie for someone who posts pics of a color nobody has seen before.

Those infrared pics were sweet so I googled some more...






The thing with all of these infrared pictures, well, like for us what is just ordinary looking fruit may emit an iridescent glow or appear very bright to the creatures that can see infrared.

Like for example how we see marine tropical reef fish under special aquarium lights. It makes their colors extremely bright and even glow under an actinic light bulb (similar to a black light, but a little higher on the spectrum)

But our eyes are limited. We won't see what they see under any light or circumstance.

Take the iridescent peacock feather:


While it looks pretty brilliant to us, it probably looks GOD DAMN AWESOME to their eyes. Great for attracting a mate.

And another thing, creatures that are incredibly camouflaged may have a spot or patch on them that is in a different color range. (we often see things like this on birds). This will ensure that they stay camouflaged yet can still be found by members of the same species (since they all have eyes that can perceive them). This is especially useful for mating so they can spot each other, despite being camouflaged.
I'm not sure, I'll quote someone that seems believable.
According to , dogs do not see in black and white, they have colour vision similar to red/green colour blind people. They only possess two of the three types of core (colour sensing cells in the retina). [Humans see in red green and blue] Dogs only have blue and yellow and the yellow core detects yellow and red. When the yellow gets stimulated it signals either yellow or red, the yellow when mixed with signals from the blue receptors will detect green. Therefore dogs can not detect the difference between red and green.

I couldn't find any scientific proof or background for this though.
ask a scientist said:
As far as I know (I used to study color vision in fish) dogs can see color. But apparently
color is not nearly as important to them as it is to us. It may be that for
terrestrial carnivores, its more important to have good acuity (the ability to detect
detail) than to see color. But for herbivores it may be more important to be able
to see color (e.g., for telling if a fruit is ripe).
P.S. this same holds true for cats, too.
Ethan Allen

More information than you can handle:
A review of the vision of canines

I'll just post the part about color perception.
A number of studies have been done to investigate the color vision of dogs, and the results have been conflicting. However, more recent, better controlled studies indicate that dogs do possess and use color vision, but not to the same degree that humans do. The photoreceptor used for color vision is the cone, and there are cones present in the canine retina. However, they are present in low numbers, comprising less than 10% of the total photoreceptor population in the central area of the retina, as opposed to the human retina which consists of nearly 100% cones in the fovea. Two distinct type of cones appear to be present in the canine retina. One type is maximally sensitive to light in the wavelength that appears violet to people, and the other type is maximally sensitive to light in the wavelength that appears yellow-green to people. Thus, it appears that the visual spectrum of color in dogs is divided into two hues; one in the violet and blue-violet range, probably appearing as blue, and the other in the greenish-yellow, yellow, and red range, which is probably seen as yellow. Light that appears blue-green to people probably appears as white or shades of gray to dogs. Dogs are unable to differentiate colors that appear as green, yellow-green, orange or red to people, and are unable to differentiate greenish-blue from gray. This is similar to people who are red-green color blind. However, one study indicates that dogs are better able to differentiate between subtle shades of gray than people, which would be advantageous in increasing visual discrimination in low light conditions, where insufficient light is available to stimulate cones.

And a couple of pictures for the image dump:

Surprise kitteh!

Slowest hammock fail ever. Lazy like a summer afternoon.
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