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Trimming or no trimming, women are not supposed to have those. Men naturally do, but not women.
she's a soldier man she don't have time to trim shit lol.

Even untrimmed a woman shouldn't have a happy trail to her bellybutton.

Ask Vegeta, Japanese women never trim and [strike]I've never seen[/strike] he's told me that they never have happy trails.

Trimming or no trimming, women are not supposed to have those. Men naturally do, but not women.

Indeed. Could you imagine lifting up a girl's shirt and seeing ugly, curly black hair running from her belly button down below her belt? I'd D: so hard that I think I'd vomit. Then I'd be all running screaming and vomiting in the other direction and stuff.

Alright I've never seen the waistline of a hardcore Mediterranean chick but I still stand by my claims.
Indeed. Could you imagine lifting up a girl's shirt and seeing ugly, curly black hair running from her belly button down below her belt? I'd D: so hard that I think I'd vomit. Then I'd be all running screaming and vomiting in the other direction and stuff.

You should vomit on her happy-trail so she'd have to trim it off.


Trimming or no trimming, women are not supposed to have those. Men naturally do, but not women.

I don't know, but 'happy trail' I'm assuming is having ANY hair in a line towards the belly button, right? Not just dark/colored hair?

Just about every girl I've ever been with, they have had at least a slight bit of 'peach fuzz' under their belly button.

Have I just been with the she-bears?
Dude, you're talking to vegeta... about women. Hes not going to know where women are, or are not naturally supposed to have hair. I mean come on, he thinks that all women have octopuses in their vaginas.
Saw a woman with curly pube-like chest hair, and a shirt that reveals it revealingly. You guys just aren't man enough for her. Or woman enough.
I don't know, but 'happy trail' I'm assuming is having ANY hair in a line towards the belly button, right? Not just dark/colored hair?

Just about every girl I've ever been with, they have had at least a slight bit of 'peach fuzz' under their belly button.

Have I just been with the she-bears?

Well, if that counts as a happy trail then all women have full beards as well.
Hey, hey Vegeta, also, their eyes and head will be proportionate to their body. Try not to get too scared bro

Why is this conversation about women growing hair by their genitals even happening? Its obvious that women grow pubic hair, but most of them shave it for the same reason they shave their legs, and arm pits. It is unattractive. I would prefer no hair at all, but it happens, and it is still a vagina. So stop whining.

* Horizontal - Characterized by upper surface of pubic hair terminating in a horizontal line with no hair extending to the abdomen.
* Sagittal - Resembles the first but with the addition of a narrow vertical band of hair extending from the pubic hair towards the navel, often slang called a 'Snail Trail' or 'Happy Trail'. (See Photograph)
* Acuminate - Characterized by a tapered, inverted 'V' pattern extending upward from the pubic hair. Upper limit may end below the navel, at the navel, above the navel or near the chest. (Example shown in accompanying photograph.)[2]
* Disperse (or quadrangular) - Hair is distributed broadly over the abdomen without forming a discrete geometric pattern.[3]

Richard Zickler performed a 1997 study (see citation below) of the above patterns and their occurrence in males and females, paying particular attention to the development of hair during puberty. In Zickler's study the horizontal pattern was most common in females with an incidence of about 80 percent. This pattern occurred in 6% of males, including 55% of 13-15 year olds and 28% of 16 and 17 year olds. The sagittal pattern was found in 44% of males under 16,67% of males aged 16–17, 20% of males over 17, and 17% of females. The acuminate pattern occurred in about 55 percent of males and occasionally in females. The disperse pattern occurred in about 19 percent of the males studied.

The paragraph makes no mention of whether the hair on the women was coarse and black like it was in that fan art. We established that women often have a line of "peach fuzz."
The paragraph makes no mention of whether the hair on the women was coarse and black like it was in that fan art. We established that women often have a line of "peach fuzz."

In response to rising levels of androgens (mainly testosterone) during and after puberty, the skin of the abdomen begins to produce coarser, longer and more pigmented hair (terminal hair). This process affects primarily men. Initially hair grows in a vertical line from the pubic area up to the navel and from the thorax down to the navel. Slang terms for this line of hair include "happy line", "happy trail", or "treasure trail".

Fine, I'll resign my position. Still farking gross and inexplicable to include it in your fan art.
> fanart about interspecies sex
> complaints centered on woman's odd pubes
> no mention of Turian tri-pronged penis
There's a lot of talk about happy trails going on but I'm not SEEING any happy trails.

Secret ... truck?

My buddy had a secret truck. That's what he called it because the rest of his family didn't even know he had it. He bought it for like $100 one day, never registered it, hid it in a field somewhere, and one day when it got towed, he just let it go, man.
Also as a preemptive defense, yes I know her face is deformed.
The amount of drunk assholes that'll walk into that door and thus ruin it would be plenty.

Not to mention the doorknob right infront of the net is pretty lame.
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