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She's not a zombie she's just retarded bro, that's after i hit her bro thats why she's bleadin
Personally, I think she's meh.

I like the girl who plays Luna Lovegood much better. Forgot her name though.


Luna is by far the hottest of that whole goddamn series.

EDIT: Yeeee ^
skinny + face like a boy = Meh, krynn. Dresses and floral backgrounds do not make a girl pretty.
Her chin is a little too manly for me.
"Average" women are the hottest. Yeah I said it. "Average" women are .****ing. hot.
Forget that cliche hot chick, yeah she's okay, if you like TYPICAL BORING SHIT, WOO WOO, PERFECT HAIR, WOO PERFECT TITS, WOO PERFECT TAN, WOO BLAH BLAH.
-Like too much goddamn frosting. No thanks bitch.
Those chicks that are normal, or so called "average" are truly the ****ing hot ones.
False dichotomy. Chick can be a lot hotter than average without being the typical boring shit cliche woman.
She is a pretty smart girl too, getting straight As in GCSE and in A Levels. Pretty impressive even for a person who has no important connections with the entertainment industry.
She's basically just like her character in HP in real life.
I like the girl who plays Luna Lovegood much better. Forgot her name though.

Emma Watson is okay. Too skinny imo.

But ugh, Luna. If you like that type of girl just go to a Catholic campus or Catholic church. All them girls look like that, big soulless eyes. That distant blank stare and nonchalant expression that assures you their is no humanity left inside of them.

Just look at that. She don't care about you, she just wants to serve Jesus.

False dichotomy. Chick can be a lot hotter than average without being the typical boring shit cliche woman.

Well sure, like Mrs. O'Hara for example.

They are all fugly TBH. If anything I don't like any of them because they all have that "little school girl" look which I find repulsive.
Emma Watson is okay. Too skinny imo.

But ugh, Luna. If you like that type of girl just go to a Catholic campus or Catholic church. All them girls look like that, big soulless eyes. That distant blank stare and nonchalant expression that assures you their is no humanity left inside of them.

Just look at that. She don't care about you, she just wants to serve Jesus.

Well sure, like Mrs. O'Hara for example.


Well, actually I kinda like the Catholic schoolgirl type of look that she has, but more importantly, the aloof I-do-not-belong-in-this-dimension look.

Ok, that might not be one of her better pictures, I suppose, but still.

I can't explain it. I just like that look.
arent all those girls too young for you all 30's something?
arent all those girls too young for you all 30's something?

I think Emma Watson is actually older than me.

Luna lovegood (or the actress thereof) is the same age.
I came here to say that, yes, Emma Watson is hot. Not really m type, but I'd forever get to live in a Hermione Granger fantasy.
Wow, a huge stupid debate that doesn't belong here, and I'm not involved at all.
Sorry but Emma Watson just looks like the stupid prepubescent girl she was in the first movie to me, therefore I cannot find her attractive no matter how old she gets.

Enjoy your paedophilia by proxy, noobs.
I don't understand what the appeal is for Emma Watson. She just looks like a plain jane next door girl.

Which is completely fine... she looks like a person you'd want to be in a relationship with.

But super hot? I don't see it.
That's pretty much what i've been saying for a few years now. Or whenever she became "so attractive".
flamingdts is the only one who said she is hot. Thats certainly not the term I would use. Her beauty is more significant than the trivial "I'd f*ck her" kind of hot everyone goes on about these days. Her attractiveness comes from more than her appearance though. Shes also a really good person. Shes attractive in the same way that Felicia Day or Jenna Fisher are.
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