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It's like, culture, guys, y'know? chuh

I could post actual loli if you want me to shut you up.

You'll find it's far more horrifying.

The chibi art I posted is incredibly simplistic, as chibi art is intended to be. Look at their bodies. Just very basic shapes of skin with little detail. Not even fingers or toes.
I could post actual loli if you want me to shut you up.

hehe, I went through a weeaboo phase as an undergrad, I'm disturbingly well schooled.

Man I wish I could cross my eyes, I never get stereograms or magic eyes
I'm a magic eye master but I can't do those stereo whatevers for the life of me.
There is supposedly a small percentage of people who cant do it. You have to get the right distance (try 30-45cm away from your monitor), when you cross you eyes, make sure the 2 pictures make one in the middle, then focus on that, but don't try to focus, let your eyes relax while looking at it as you would look at something normally.

What happens is your eyes uncross, and each eye is looking at each picture. So your left eye looks at the left picture all by itself and same with the right eye.

They work amazingly for me.
I've always been great at magic eyes and making 2 images come together, but the main problem I run into with these I see online is that the images are too damn big (or my monitor is too large). I have to sit like way ****ing back in order to get them to overlap.
I've never once in my entire life been able to do anything related to the Magic Eye thing. I think my mind is broken.
I actually couldn't do the 3-D image thing until Dog said you had to move closer/further away until you found the right distance. Now it's like... "icanhazsexygirl?"

I actually couldn't do the 3-D image thing until Dog said you had to move closer/further away until you found the right distance. Now it's like... "icanhazsexygirl?"

You should see the naked ones of her :eek:
It kinda sucks when you go to touch it it screws up the whole 3D thing and it goes out of focus.

PMing you a few (I've got like 30 of her), I don't wanna spend tons of time uploading tons of pics..

EDIT: Here's one for Vegeta, small pic and something he'd work hard to see.

All that matters to Vegeta though is that she is Asian. Simply by being Asian he will fall instantly in love.
It was in a torrent I downloaded that has tons of stereoscopic images.. Half of it is porn lol, but these ones of this girl are the best ones.

Link or rapidshare will be okay. I desparately need to train my eyes on 3d viewing.

Reminds me of that dancing legs guy that gets posted in /gif/ every five minutes.

I'm the master of magic eye. None of you are better at converging images in parallel or cross-eyed than I am. I can say this with confidence.
I've found a somewhat decent animation, but it'll probably end up on this page/getting flamed for being hackneyed. /shrug


And more, apparently.



Yea but when you get a good image dump page it takes a year and a half to load when you got 50 posts on one page.
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