Imaginary Friends?

Did you have an imaginary friend?

  • Yes and I am Male

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • No and I am Male

    Votes: 55 76.4%
  • Yes and I am Female

    Votes: 2 2.8%
  • No and I am Female

    Votes: 3 4.2%

  • Total voters


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
I was at a wedding on the weekend and the Best Man had the pleasure of making us aware of the fact that the groom had an imaginary friend when he was younger named "Jacques"

I never realized it before, but for a guy to have an imaginary friend is a little strange, and very very funny :D

Anyone here have any imaginary friends when you were younger? My sister did, but I didn't.
Yes, one called Gobachev, one called Yeltsin and the other called Horatio Nelson.

They just wouldn't stop arguing and they even blew up half of my house at one point with a gunpowder keg.

I now take medication and wear a straight jacket.
Always have always will, after all I can't speak from the mind of only one individual.
Nope :|

Shame, woulda liked one....or maybe not :O
I have alot of them. they're called
Not so much an imaginary friend, but me and my friends used to play games where you had to use your imagination a lot. Like enemies would be played by one guy, but they'd be described briefly, and our imagination would fill in. It was basically like energetic D&D, but when we were 5 and hadn't heard of it.
I think in conversation sometimes. "This is shit..." "Yep. Total shit"
No. I played with dinosaur toys. I didn't need friends.
imaginary friends are the equivalent/result of a frontal lobotomy.
Yep, and his name was Joe Bobby-O. Scared the shit out of my aunt one night when I was talking to him. Good times.
i didnt have imaginary friends, but i played with alot of clothes hangers and i would pretend they were spacehsips and i would run around the house all day. looking for good hangers then pretending i was in space lol.
I didn't have any, I used to try to imagine friends but it never worked all that well so I gave up and stuck to real ones.
Friend came over every 2nd week day, awesome when I was 1-4 years old, still the same persons friend today :)
I don't think so. But I do talk to myself almost constantly when no one is there to hear, and have for a while. One of these days I ought to carry a recorder sensitive enough to pick it up and listen to it later.
Not so much an imaginary friend, but me and my friends used to play games where you had to use your imagination a lot. Like enemies would be played by one guy, but they'd be described briefly, and our imagination would fill in. It was basically like energetic D&D, but when we were 5 and hadn't heard of it.

I didn't have imaginary friends, but this was my equivelant.

Mind you, I did go to a "Special School" at one point. ;o
I had am imaginary friend. At 5 she was a baby, by the time I was 11 she was 30 and had kids of her own so I didn't do any more than write to her. Now, on the day of my 17th birthday (:D), she has gone to live in .. god I can't remember what I decided.

My imaginary friend was a big part of my life. I invented alot of cool things that should be invented in real life, such as the pushchair that changes temperature to react with the temperature of your baby and keep hem comfortable parked in the corner of a room .. during your lessons
No imaginary friend, but I did, and still do, talk to myself when alone sometimes :O
No imaginary friend(s), but I talk to my self and inanimate objects.
Maybe I should have rephrased the question to allow present imaginary friends :|
I had an imaginary friend called Ghost hencewhy he wasn't actually imaginary, just invisible.

We'd go on quests through my massive garden, killing goblins, riding dinosaurs and climbing trees.
My imagination was (and is) complete crap. I'd actually try to make an imaginary friend when I was young (3-6), but then I'd think "F*ck.. This is stupid.. There is no one here.." (yes I started swearing when I was 5 (kindergarten)

Then I'd go play Lego.
I made my Mom think I had an imaginary friend that I only saw in the bathtub. She still is disturbed by that one!

Ok, so I'm the 4th female on the poll. Who's the other 3?