Imagine iff..

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Jul 2, 2004
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The worst thing that could happen is... Half Life 2 Cancled! IF this going to happen i am going to be dead!
Does this require a thread?

I don't feel like imagining that, why does it need to be discussed?

I would ask why it was cancelled.
wow take your life away because a game is canceled?

you need a girl mate.
or a dog.
this is just a little funny joke lol. HL 2 is NOT GOING TO GET CANCLED. THis is just a question WHAT IF it would.
Gronoken said:
The worst thing that could happen is... Half Life 2 Cancled! IF this going to happen i am going to be dead!

Ok, we know you're...*moves away from Gronoken* :|
You know, "iff" means "if and only if". Are you saying you only want me to imagine that!?
You fiend! How dare you limit my imagination!!!
A lot of you are really starting to annoy me.

There's nothing wrong with the thread or the thread starter but now I feel I have to lock it because certain individuals insist on jumping in threads ASAP and posting crap which spoils it for people that could get use out of this.

Well done...
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