Imagine this


Dec 24, 2004
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You get your arms and legs chopped off but tourniquets ensure you don't bleed, you get your eyelids snipped off, and honey poured over your entire groin. Then, you get dropped off in an antill under the desert sun, so that you die getting your pee-hole devoured and going blind because of sunlight.

Post your sadistic tortures.
Another Britney Spears movie.
New and exciting ways of torture!
"Please, no, not more five minutes, no, no, NOOOOOOO!!!"
(Hit me baby one more time plays)
*Guy's head explodes*
Pesmerga said:

Penis hole.

Nuff said.
You won this thread. EEEEK.

Maybe. Amputatation of both legs and arms, eyeballs removed, ears chopped off, nose snipped, all skin peeled off, voicebox removed, tongue taken out, teeth gone, sinuses removed, one lung removed, one kidney removed, top portion of head removed exposing the brain, one of those bugs that eat their way through the body, and sprinkled with acid - just enough to prevent death.

And a few broken bones here and there.
Oh! Forgot the most vital part. Reproductive organ: Burned off.
Tied around a pole with nails sticking out.

You are rested upon your knees, facing outwards. Your hands and feet are bound in rope on the other side of the pole.

Periodically, a man comes out and kicks you repeatedly in the ribs, breaking one or two upon each visit.

One by one, tooth picks are shoved up your fingernails until they are forced off.

Your tongue is taken out with a box cutter and your teeth are knocked in with a hammer.

A small metal rod with the diameter of a normal pen is forced into your urethra, widening the hole while the tip is spread open by tiny metal hooks.

Eventually the rod is removed and a test tube takes its place.

With a hammer or fist, the torturer shatters the glass within the penis.

The scrotum is cut down the center, exposing the testicles.

The testicles are then removed from the sac and placed into a bowl where they are ground and mashed.

The remains are baked into a delicious pie.

Your feet are lopped off with a hatchet.

You are untied and the pie is placed in front of you.

At this point, you are starving. You hobble over, eat the testicle pie, and degrade yourself even further. Sadly you cannot savor the rich cherry taste of the pie because your tongue is gone. Chewing is also a hardship, as biting into the pie hurts your still-bleeding gums.

Your penis should be a numb and withered mess. You contemplate eating it. Eventually, you do.

The room's temperature is cranked up and you are left in an unbearably hot and humid environment.

You lick the sweat off of yourself in a desparate attempt to hydrate yourself. The next thing you try is the urine coming out of your mangled lower regions.

As you lay there on the floor, verging on death, the insects and vermin begin making an early meal out of you. You are too powerless to fight.

Throughout this entire process, there is a TV in the room detailing the police search for you.

Sadly, you die during the live CNN report of the raid on the warehouse you're stored in. Wouldn't matter though, as it was all staged.
Depends on the situation, and culture of the one being tortured in question.

For instance, someone with strong convictions you may not be able to completely break with torture. You may get them to the animal state eventually but at the very end it doesn't get what you want (if you're trying to learn something, or make them suffer longer)

Torture of others important to them within sight is a big one.

An important issue is to keep the subject feeling that they WILL live through it. If eventually throughout torture they feel that "oh, they're going to torture me for ___ time and then kill me" they lose caring about it and just wait for the end. With no end in sight, they are mentally tortured on top of it.
mental turture to?

imagine you and ur gf being held hostage then the guy tells you to **** on on gfs face
she has to eat it or you have to shoot your gf in face and then the kidnapper puts glas
sheds in your eye. MUAHAHAHAHAHHA
Lemonking said:
mental turture to?

imagine you and ur gf being held hostage then the guy tells you to **** on on gfs face
she has to eat it or you have to shoot your gf in face and then the kidnapper puts glas
sheds in your eye. MUAHAHAHAHAHHA
Some people do that for fun.
Mexican Burn (Where they tie a rope around your neck and drag you from horseback/car), From East Coast To West Coast, DAM!
Scaphism, also known as the boats, is an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death. The name comes from the Greek word skaphe, meaning "scooped out".

The naked victim would be firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowboats (or in some variations a hollowed out tree trunk), the head, hands, and feet protruding from this improvised container.

The victim was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages. He would then be left to float on a stagnant pond (or alternately, simply exposed to the sun somewhere). The diarrhoea accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within the defenseless victim's exposed (and increasingly gangrenous) flesh. Death, when it eventually occurred, probably was due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock.

In other recorded versions, the insects did not eat the victim; biting and stinging insects such as wasps, which were attracted by honey on the body, acted as the torture.

Death by scaphism is painful, humiliating, and protracted. Historical records suggest that one Mithridates, sentenced to die in this manner for a perceived insult to the king, survived for 17 days before expiring.
wow, hmmm, how about being forced to go down a water slide naked, but instead of water, its lemon juice flowing through it and the slide is dotted with razor blades.
A banna shoved up your anus. A metal small spike stuffed up your pee pee hole.
Pierce their eyelids and then tug on them but dont pull them off.
Cut off their thumb and cut half off each finger on each hand.
tie the torunquiet or whatever to stop bleeding on the hand.
lay them on a bed of nail, and make every one involved walk on him.
Lay him on a solar pannel, and heat it up,burning his back like HELL :flame: !
Almost done, get nails and give him peircing all over! And I mean alll ovvveeer.
Last but not least roll him over with a steam flattner things, then mow him wutg teh lawnmower!
I visited a torture museum somewhere a few years ago. The two things I remember most distinctly were that (scaphism) and the image of a man who was impaled on a spike through his anus. Up the poop chute and out the mouth.
Electrical stimulation of every single pain-sensing nerve in your entire body.
And all that while being forced to watch Goatse throught 3D glasses glued to your face.
Beerdude26 said:
And all that while being forced to watch Goatse throught 3D glasses glued to your face.
I've been pranked with goatse so many times it doesn't even bug me anymore, it just makes me laugh when it comes up. Which is sickening and sad.

Same for all of them. LEMON - PARTY (uncensored) is the only one really that still sicks me out.
LEMON - PARTY (uncensored) is the only one really that still sicks me out.
LINK! Lol jk I've heard about it but never seen it
Radiation. Enough to make the guy die in 3 months.
15357 said:
What? Is there something wrong with my post?
No, but you're right below the DPRK so it was a jab that you're one of the more likely people on this board to actually ever experience in their life, should something happen.

RakuraiTenjin said:
No, but you're right below the DPRK so it was a jab that you're one of the more likely people on this board to actually ever experience in their life, should something happen.


nah, the North won't invade even if we stop the "Sunshine policy" which would only happen if the citizens get enough sense to stop voting for the Democratic Labor Party and the like.

And too bad the military regimes of the 1970s are gone. Park Chung Hee was the best leader this country has known. Except the torture of suspected spies.
glass bottle,
shoved in ass and shattered.
then its time for a poo, oh yeah.