Imperial Glory demo


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
There's a demo for Imperial Glory, Pyro's Total War in the Napoleonic era. I'm to busy playing Silent Hunter III, but you guys can get it here.
Wow I actually really enjoyed this. The battery will move!
Meh - couldn't get it to work. Loaded up the title screen, click on a battle - then CTD.

I remember the good ol' days when I just put things into the drive and they worked. Now I have to tweak the bejesus out of everything I buy and do little workarounds and read forums to play anything.
It is o.k but after playing the total war series of the Napoleonic Wars, it's hard to find anything else
Eidos they made Deus Ex as well right? That was a major biatch to get working too, for me at least.

There have been a few games that I just could not ever get working. I think one of the Privateers qualified for that. There have been others but I cannot now remember what they were.
Wow, I dunno about you guys, but I'm loving this more than Rome: TW. I've only played the first mission though and got owned.

It's cool just charging the enemy when their numbers are low after you've shot the hell out of them.
I prefer the TW series, it just feels more epic and more intuitive (I think thats the word)
/me says 'Nothing ever bloody works!' and smashes computer room.