importing models from sketchup


Dec 5, 2004
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hey, quick question. Me and a few friends have been making some pretty complex city models in sketchup, just for fun really, and we want to walk around in them/interract with them in a game environment. can the models be imported into the hammer editor and used there?
If you export as DXF you might be able to import them in, however one thing you need to understand is that Hammer operates in units equivalent to inches rather than Millimetres, centimetres and Metres, and it has certain fixed scales for particular elements (floor to ceiling heights, door heights, etc.) inherent within it.

If you were to design elements for Hammer in sketchup try using the carpentry template as this operates in inches as it's principal unit.
shit, all our stuff is in metric at the moment.

thanks for the info, possibly screen shots coming soon.
SketchUp to Half-life

Good luck+skill to you.

I really hope to see some one successful at this process.
metric isnt really a problem, sketchup makes questionable geometry though

you might consider exporting it into max first