Importing Sounds


Nov 21, 2004
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I'm using faceposer to make a conversation as part of my mod.

I've got it pretty much figure out, except that I don't know how to set it up so that characters can say new dialogue as part of a scene. I can open the wav and make them say it, but I need to somehow get it onto the list that you select from when choosing a wav for them to say.

I think this just involves importing sounds into the GCF.

Can anyone help me?
Clarification: I'm essentially just trying to get a sound enumerated in the list of sayable sounds. I have it referenced in a game_sounds.tsxt file but I dont know how it all works.

Has anyone got a choreo file working on HL2?
Taken from the wiki tutorials:

Create a new channel, name it appropriately, and select the actor you wish to add the channel to.
Type the name of the .WAV file you wish to use in the "Sound:" text box. if the file is in a subdirectory of your /sounds directory, give the path to the file, such as dialog/dialog.wav if the file is in /sounds/dialog/dialog.wav. Hit OK, and your .WAV file will appear on the timeline.
Reposition your .WAV on the timeline as normal, and continue with the rest of the guide.

Hope it helps.