Impossible things, and things that just shouldn't be...



Hey all. I just thought it would be cool to have a thread on things in the game that should be impossible, or are in another way just not right.

Okay, for starters, the strider that appears in the tunnel after the big battle in the plaza. Where did he come from? You can look left when you come down into the tunnel, and there is only rubble. Head down the tunnel a little way, and he's behind you!

And how about this? How on earth does Gordon walk on floating barrels? I'm talking about the whole elctrified water room where you have to make a bridge with barrles to get across. But how can anyone walk across, much less stand on, a floating barrel?

Anyone else seen things that just shouldn't be?

Dan O
The strider blasts through the rubble, which is where it comes from.
The barrels weren't floating because the water was too shallow.
Mechagodzilla said:
The strider blasts through the rubble, which is where it comes from.

Nope, I just checked it out. The strider simply appears out of nowhere, I saw it with my own two eyes. There is a bit of an explosion when it happens, but go where he came from and there is no passageway even for a human.

Check it out yourself, map d3_city17_12b

Mechagodzilla said:
The barrels weren't floating because the water was too shallow.

No, I don't think you're right on that one either. The barrles have plenty of bounce when you drop them in. Besides, they only sink a few inches.

Dan O.
Well, let's see :

I can grab a flat object (with E) and walk-jump high into the air, fly over buildings and get stuck outside the map.

I can take several bullets to the head and restore myself to perfect health in a second.

I can't climb over a fence or climb onto a ledge, but I can jump even higher by tossing a grenade at my feet.

If you hold an object (with E) before and while you put on your HEV suit, your gloved hands will appear as though you are inspecting them, and the object is still floating in the air.

You can run or sprint equally quickly backwards and forwards and sideways. You can run back and forth on the thinnest of ledges, and an inch-long window sill will clip and stop you in your tracks as you are running along a wall.

Your glasses never need cleaning. It's like Indiana Jones with his hat.
If you pick up a floating barrel (E) and dive then just stop, rather than it pulling you up, you start to sink.
The strider doesnt just appear, it smashes through the broken highway...
-On the coast, objects thrown into the sea don't bop up and down, or move at all.
-On the coast, you can hear waves crashing into the shore, yet the water is completely still.
-The clouds don't move.
-When you pick something up with the big crane, you can see two shadows overlapping each other.
-The SMG can launch grenades but has no launcher!
-The crowbar leaves bullet marks on objects instead of.... crowbar marks!
-The fire looks unreal when viewed from above.
-Some NPCs don't have fingers, instead they just have a block for a hand with the fingers painted on.
-The crossbow on the HUD doesn't match the crossbow in-game (someone posted a thread about this a while ago).
-The airboat has two crosshairs when you get the gun for it.
Oh, that's right. This is a game...not real life. Everyone shut up. If you have a problem with the source engine, go fix it yourself.
you can fall of a ten story building and still walk the PIMP walk
I think it's strange how you can throw wooden crates into a fire and they don't burn, but you do!

Dan O.
sfc_hoot said:
-The SMG can launch grenades but has no launcher!
-Some NPCs don't have fingers, instead they just have a block for a hand with the fingers painted on.
1. Are you sure?
2. Which?
Kirkburn said:
1. Are you sure?
2. Which?
1. As far as I can tell, yes. The MP-7 has no grenade launcher. Back in HL1, the Mp5 had a visible launcher (same with the M4 in the Blue Shift HD Pack).
2. Actually, they only have the index finger and the thumb. The rest of the hand is a block. Anyway, they are: Col. Cubbage, Citizens, Combine Soldiers, Combine Elite, Metrocops. Now that's real HL1-type stuff. :/ I was expecting a little more detail, seeing as other characters such as Alyx, Kleiner, Barney etc have fully moddelled hands.
Samon said:
The strider doesnt just appear, it smashes through the broken highway...

You are definately correct on this. The strider DOES NOT "just appear".

One thing I noticed that I think is a bug.. In sandtraps.. I ran through the main huge sand area.. actually ran and turned on the thumper, then ran past it and down to the area where you battle that big guy and get the pheropods. Well as soon as I got the pheropods, the antilions from the previous area caught up with me and started attacking me! Even though I was holding and throwing the pheropods, I guess they were aggressive to me from before that, so it didn't make a difference. That has to be a bug.
NJspeed said:
You are definately correct on this. The strider DOES NOT "just appear".
I haven't seen this to check it, but I'm pretty sure you're technically both right. You hear the sound of the Strider's singularity weapon, there is a lot of smoke and it comes marching out of there. But technically, you probably trigger all this and the Strider just appears there. In technical terms, it does just appear: but it's supposed to be part of an illusion wherein the strider has blasted it's way into the tunnel.
Belboz99 said:
I think it's strange how you can throw wooden crates into a fire and they don't burn, but you do!
They do break apart eventually. Sometimes. Maybe.
Or maybe it blasted in through the roof?
Anywho, I can't think of why anyone would stay there to check. :p

Also, Valve's modified MP7 does have a secondary barrel that a grenade could be fired from. The only real problem is that the grenades are too wide for it.
But I just assume the grenades were made larger as a gameplay decision, to improve thier visibility when fired and when they're lying on the ground.
sfc_hoot said:
-On the coast, you can hear waves crashing into the shore, yet the water is completely still.
-The clouds don't move.
-When you pick something up with the big crane, you can see two shadows overlapping each other.
-The fire looks unreal when viewed from above.

Just wait until the ATI levels are released... :D

sfc_hoot said:
As far as I can tell, yes. The MP-7 has no grenade launcher. Back in HL1, the Mp5 had a visible launcher (same with the M4 in the Blue Shift HD Pack).

Maybe it's on the right side of the gun. :O
EDIT: Or you could follow Mechagodzilla's logic, he's good at stuff like that.
I hope this thread isn't a serious complaint about unrealism in the game...

Anyway, I always love how in videogames you can heal yourself by picking up or eating things (in this game, using the panels). Think different wars would be if you could actually do that?

I also crack up everytime I imagine the videogame character in an FPS walking around with 7 guns. I always imagine funny things like Gordon towing a big wheelbarrow around with him full of guns and ammo.
Yeah, but that strider was in a cubbyhole. It was waiting for you.

If Gordon can get ambushed by a 30 ft strider than i don't know what's going on in this world...
sfc_hoot said:
-The airboat has two crosshairs when you get the gun for it.

One is fixed & indicates where the nose of the boat is pointing, the other is for targeting.
My List:
Energy Weapons
Gravity Gun

Oh, I'm sorry.....did I miss the point of the thread? =o)
sfc_hoot said:
1. As far as I can tell, yes. The MP-7 has no grenade launcher. Back in HL1, the Mp5 had a visible launcher (same with the M4 in the Blue Shift HD Pack).

It was the same weapon in HL1 and BS. Mp5.
for the strider.. in case you did not saw it.. the flying ships are transporting them from place to place.
in opposing force dont use the mp5, this is the M16 (or M4.. i dont know much about guns) and if you install the HD from BS, the mp5 is the M16 if i remember correctly.
The_Monkey said:
It was the same weapon in HL1 and BS. Mp5.
No it wasn't. It was the M4 with the High Definition Pack. It was changed because having a MP5 with a grenade launcher apparently doesn't make sense.
kupoartist said:
No it wasn't. It was the M4 with the High Definition Pack. It was changed because having a MP5 with a grenade launcher apparently doesn't make sense.
It's not that it doesn't make sense, but the real-life MP5 doesn't have any standard variants with a grenade launcher like the one you see in HL.
The HL1 ones are custom-produced, presumably special editions for Black Mesa and the HECU marines.
You can see the same fictional custom MP5 being used by Shwartzenegger in the movie "End of Days."

The HD pack probably changed it because the M4 is a much more commonly used in the military, and is more likely to be equipped with a GL.
Of course, they screwed that up too because only very uncommon variants of the M4 use the 9mm pistol rounds like in HL1, they have straight clips.

So either way, the automatic weapons in HL are all fictional variants of real-life guns.
heh heh... the only thing i dont like are the magic grenade launching smg and the magic double shot from the shotgun... valve has wierd, nonsensical weapon design choices. but i still love 'em.
I always thought the shotgun's 2nd fire was more of a two shot burst.

The strider is in the tunnel behind a collapsed portion of the ceiling and it blasts its way through. go to that part and noclip to check it out for yourself.

It did really bug me with the shadows that cast over other shadows and how they always were casted from the same direction no matter where you were.

The flamable barrels seemed a bit light to be full of gas. I found it odd how I could just pick them up and carry them around like nothing.
This is the end of the strider discussion: When you emerge from the door into the tunnel where he appears, there is a wall a short distance down the tunnel to your left. The strider BREAKS THROUGH that wall and proceeds to attack you. There is ANOTHER wall a short distance behind the strider, which can look similar to the first if you don't actually see the strider bust through. The trigger for the strider to break through is the player moving down the tunnel to the right a bit. If you actually watch the Strider appear, not just turn after you start getting fired at, you'll see him break through the wall.
NJspeed said:
One thing I noticed that I think is a bug.. In sandtraps.. I ran through the main huge sand area.. actually ran and turned on the thumper, then ran past it and down to the area where you battle that big guy and get the pheropods. Well as soon as I got the pheropods, the antilions from the previous area caught up with me and started attacking me! Even though I was holding and throwing the pheropods, I guess they were aggressive to me from before that, so it didn't make a difference. That has to be a bug.

This isn't a bug. If you cheat to get the Pheropods, before you kill the Ant Lion Queen, they do not work on the first set of Ant Lions. This is most likely because they are atually two different npc's, the friendly stupid ones, or the hostile not as stupid ones. This makes sense because it makes the coding of the Ant Lions many times easier, than trying to change their alliance depending on your weapons. And also, prevens cheaters from having the easiest trip through sand traps ever.
gordon can carry tons of weapons and ammo and not slow down
Gordon can zoom his eyesight without wearing googles or anything else... unless the glasses he's wearing has zooming capabilities.
Mechagodzilla said:
Also, Valve's modified MP7 does have a secondary barrel that a grenade could be fired from. The only real problem is that the grenades are too wide for it.
But I just assume the grenades were made larger as a gameplay decision, to improve thier visibility when fired and when they're lying on the ground.
Oh, right, I've been wondering what the tiny second barrel was for. I agree with you, it's way too small to be a grenade launcher (it's the same size as the other barrel, for that matter), yet seeing an Mp-7 armed with an m203 would be wierd (just like the Mp5, before the HD pack).
A True Canadian said:
Just wait until the ATI levels are released...
I've been hearing a lot about these ATI levels recently. Hope my 9600XT can handle them. :x
Celteh said:
One is fixed & indicates where the nose of the boat is pointing, the other is for targeting.
Then how come the buggy doesn't have two crosshairs?
sfc_hoot said:
Then how come the buggy doesn't have two crosshairs?
Prolly because of the fact that you start witht the gauss gun. Maybe the two crosshairs had to be added in order to have both or something.
not only does the mp7 fire nades from a magical invisible grenade launcher, it fires them wrong. The grenades for the mp7 in the game are shaped like large bullets, this is normal..relatively. What isn't is the fact that the nades spin and wobble through the air. What was the point of making them shaped like bullets if they are just going to spin through the air instead of going in a straight or kinda straight line?

also, aside from the fact that spas 12s don't really have some sort of crazy double blast feature, when you DO double blast, you get gipped 2 pellets.
Sid Burn said:
Gordon can zoom his eyesight without wearing googles or anything else... unless the glasses he's wearing has zooming capabilities.

The Zoom function is part of the new MarkV Hazard Suit.

One thing I noticed is that when you get lifted by the crane while in the buggy at the start of Highway17 level, you can see the buggy's shadow but not the magnet's or cable's shadow. Thats just part of the crappy use of lighting in HL2.

Also some shadows are on the wrong side of objects according to where the light source is. EG: the Vortigaunt in the building just before going out to the buggy, just before entering the Highway17 level. Look at the Vortigaunt, his shadow, and the light source above him. The shadow is on the wrong side of him.
rpgprog said:
This isn't a bug. If you cheat to get the Pheropods, before you kill the Ant Lion Queen, they do not work on the first set of Ant Lions. This is most likely because they are atually two different npc's, the friendly stupid ones, or the hostile not as stupid ones. This makes sense because it makes the coding of the Ant Lions many times easier, than trying to change their alliance depending on your weapons. And also, prevens cheaters from having the easiest trip through sand traps ever.

My friend there was no cheating. I never said I cheated. I said I ran through the first area.. Some antilions popped up but I threw on the generator for the big thumper and just kept moving.. I thought I left them way behind but I guess they caught up. Even though I had plenty of time to kill the Queen....

I got to the Queen, whooped her a55, the vortigaunt came out and extracted the Pheropods, I picked them up, then the first group of antilions showed up and attacked me. They were the ones I ran by in the area prior to the Queen. I find it hard to believe they made 2 different antlions.. can anyone whose played with the SDK tell us? It HAS to be a bug. Why else would they attack me when I'm holding the pheropods? It's a mistake in the programming somewhere. If they made 2 NPCs, that just means the bug is allowing the aggressive ones to catch up to you after you get the bug bait.

And BTW Sandtraps is already so easy, theres no need to use cheats. If your a good jumper you can pass the first half the map in under a minute. Then once you get to the big open area you just run to the building with the generator, throw it on, then run towards the thumper and past it.. the antlions usually stay way on the other side.. not follow you.. I've used this method several times and never had this issue. I honestly think I can get from the beginning of Sandtraps to the Rebel Camp in under 5 minutes, without cheats.
Guard, you kill an Antlion Guard, the closest thing to an Antlion Queen is the Antlion King and he was cut.

I never noticed the MP7 grenade thing, nor the Shotgun double blast thing, and I don't really care ;)

BTW, The Gravity Gun is unrealistic :D .
It isn't called a bug. A bug is a coding mistake. The mistake is not in the coding, it's in the mapping. Ergo it's not a bug.

Bug is that it has texturing problems with older video driver. Bug is that it crashes with another video driver.