Impressions of Deathmatch?

My god, this game just explodes my mind :D I never get tired of shooting a barrel when someones holding it ^^ Not to mention the barricades and neat explosions and crossbows and ohmygod im ejaculating
ive got no complaints.. got a 4meg connection with blueyonder... and its great fun.
clarky003 said:
ive got no complaints.. got a 4meg connection with blueyonder... and its great fun.
Lucky you.

I've got an NTL 750k, and Latency can be a bit variable. I've had it as low as 45 on some servers and as high as 600 on others (that claim low pings). It doesn't seem as consistant an online experience as UT2004, but I have confidence it will improve, and people with slower connections will find it more playable.
well just played for an hour there, there are a lotta good things about this DM

1. weapons all nicely balanced, perfect rock,paper,scissors style gameplay

2. playable with a 70 ping but hit detection was iffy but that will improve i'm sure

but I can't see it being competitive, I d love to have some excellent 5v5 TDm battles with clans etc but I dont see how the moaning masses will take it.

The gravity gun is fun and yeh it takes reflexes and alertness to pull of cool frags but I can see the moans comin, "Its a no skill weapon", "gravity gun lamer", "lame explosive barrel kill!!" etc comin in the next few weeks once the novelty wears off.

I wish people would play games for what they are but whine whine whine will happen.

Oh and 1 gravity gun as a super weapon wouldn't really work as the best defensive against a gravity gun is another gravity gun hehe
Just played my first match. It looks like it was supposed to have an infinite time/kill limit, 'cause one guy was up in the hundreds. Mebbe not, though; I did get 50 kills after only 20 minutes playing. (and only 25 deaths... not bad, eh? Close to the highest rate on the server.) All weapons but grav guns, 'nades, pistols, and smg's were disaabled, but it was lots of fun just with that. For a couple minutes I was totally pwning people with my grav gun. :cool:

I had a really low ping, like 40 or something like that. My university has a sw33t connection.

I love this game. I can't wait to see what modders do with it.

Oh and 1 gravity gun as a super weapon wouldn't really work as the best defensive against a gravity gun is another gravity gun hehe

True that.
hl2dm = holy

that's about it .. it still feels like the first deathmatch but it's just a whole new universe. Let the extra maps and such come !!
Wow, just had a great time. Much better than I expected it could ever be. The file cabits and shelves flying around is chaos. A couple of lag hic cups here and there, but no worse than any new MP game. Still shocked the physics can work so well online. I agree with the others that its probably more fun with about 10 rather than 20. Hope this plus the SDK really gets things rolling with mods.
GREAT. It's really fun, really fast. The same impression I had when I played HL1DM.

EDIT: Oh yeah - and it is funny how Valve was insisting HL2 won't have MP, and then they actually do throw MP in.. :)
if you have a middle mouse button, set that to your manipulator... I find it much easier than its default.. give it a try.
Thorney said:
well just played for an hour there, there are a lotta good things about this DM

1. weapons all nicely balanced, perfect rock,paper,scissors style gameplay

2. playable with a 70 ping but hit detection was iffy but that will improve i'm sure

but I can't see it being competitive, I d love to have some excellent 5v5 TDm battles with clans etc but I dont see how the moaning masses will take it.

The gravity gun is fun and yeh it takes reflexes and alertness to pull of cool frags but I can see the moans comin, "Its a no skill weapon", "gravity gun lamer", "lame explosive barrel kill!!" etc comin in the next few weeks once the novelty wears off.

I wish people would play games for what they are but whine whine whine will happen.

Oh and 1 gravity gun as a super weapon wouldn't really work as the best defensive against a gravity gun is another gravity gun hehe

yeah, and don't forget to mention that real MP should have at least multiple mods, such as RTF...etc

I hop valve is working on some kind of RTF mod for the MP. :thumbs:
clarky003 said:
if you have a middle mouse button, set that to your manipulator... I find it much easier than its default.. give it a try.

Or even better if you have a logitech MX 500 or 510 set it to your thumb button. Makes switching back and forth really fast.
Installed fine, quicker then I expected. The only game I played ran smoothly and was as HeCtIc as HeLL. A nice chance to CS which is team based and fairly serious. HL2 DM is great fun and CrAzY. Can't wait to see the Source mods!!
Deathmatch mode certainly came out at the right time for me. I'm trying to quit smoking and HL2dm it's certainly keeping my mind occupied enough so I'm not thinking about fags all the time.
Well played it for an hour or so - shitloads of fun!

The Gravity Gun just opens it up so much more - shame theres not as many TDM servers about - I thought that was brilliant! :D

All in all, great job Valve!
its impossible to find a server that isnt laggy or full :(
I managed to find a 100mbit server which was only a little laggy, and it was great fun.

There is so much potential here for the best fps multiplayer ever. If they sort out all the lag anyway. I'd love to see more TDM servers, and CTF added at some point.

With the use of the gravity gun, tactical play could become a big thing, once better players start to emerge. At the moment its all new, and players are just running around without a clue killing everything and launching barrels and radiators around.

So hopefully first all the lag gets sorted out and we see some good dedicated servers up + we'll see alot of new maps coming out in within the next month. Then we'll have a damn good mp game. w00t!
Hmm, I've had no trouble with lag so far after playing on 5 or 6 servers at random. The only problem I'm having is finding a server that's not full! :p

In-game pretty much every time my ping has been 40-60ish, perfectly playable and a great laugh :D
I played for about 15 mins at lunch today and gameplay was great. I was pinging 25 when I connected so no lag and the physics stuf is great. I like the crossbow. I didn't play long enough to find the magnum but I bet that is a good wep, too.
Bodacious said:
I played for about 15 mins at lunch today and gameplay was great. I was pinging 25 when I connected so no lag and the physics stuf is great. I like the crossbow. I didn't play long enough to find the magnum but I bet that is a good wep, too.

It's the AWP of HL2DM. A well placed shot is an instakill.
I think magnum should only be 1 shot if its a headshot, dropping from 1 chest shot is quite annoying.
deathmatch gets boring quickly. we need team fortress 2!!!
Dang, why must all of the good stuff come out while I'm at the office working? GRRRRR!!!!

Oh well, I still have tonight!!

Fragya later!!
I like it. The gravity gun is the best online weapon ever. Its a laggy as hell but so much fun. I would like to see levels that are designed especially for g-gun gameplay.
My impression.

Very addictive and worthy of my time.
I just hope this lag isn't here forever.
6 years for this???

Every server I hit was pretty laggy esp. when people were playing catch with that silly gravity gun... that thing needs to go and the crowbar and or wrench and or knife needs to make an appearance.

Just my 2 cents...
orsinijj said:
Every server I hit was pretty laggy esp. when people were playing catch with that silly gravity gun... that thing needs to go and the crowbar and or wrench and or knife needs to make an appearance.

Just my 2 cents...
No, it was 6 years for the singleplayer.

As far as my impressions, the manipulator makes this game. I'm afraid the novelty will wear off rather quickly, so keep the mods coming! (Not to say I don't like it - it's incredibly addicting!)
Hl2dm is silky smooth for me, All you have to do is join a decent server with no more than 10 people on it. If you do that it should be perfectly smooth!
****ing shit omfg i just typed a whole ****ing message and it got ****ed cuz of my ****ing cast hitting random ****ing keys and undo/redo dont ****in work **** shit!11!!!

basically --> its fun now but novelty will wear off, there isnt much substance too it like a game like CS or DoD or even NS (don't get me wrong, I played for 6 hours today, fun as hell). Valve chose CS:S to launch with and it was a good move. I know awt least 4 people in my HS that bought silver (for CS/DoD) and havnet touched HL2 single player yet. There are many others like them out there. CS is a great game (i like DoD better) and valve made a smart decision to launch with it. It makes this "surprise" even sweeter.

Hopefully mods will come out off of this with new game mods like combine vs. rebel CONTROLLED (not random respawn/crap) with rounds. Wow i just thought of a good mode (would work best on city 17 maps)...combine and rebels spawn at one end of the map. One death rounds. mmm...that would bring the urban warfare that made city 17 hl2 parts great into the mix.

Basicaly, HL2:DM is nothing without what people are going to make it to be. Some maps will be made and they will be fun for a few weeks but there is a reason why games like CS and other FPS with much more intricate details than Deathmatch have suceeded --> there is just more there. I don't really know how to quantify it.
I'm so used to counterstrike that the weapons seem weak and take too long to kill the opponent..

Other than that, I love it.
Suxors... Plain And Simple

My impression of this POS valve tries to pawn off on its loyal followers...

1. LAGGY... did they play test it at all??? if more than one person is using a grav gun, it slows to a crawl...

2. Poor weapon balance... the stupid grav gun can propel a chair and kill someone who fires 45 shots into the torso of the thrower with the smg?

3. MAPS - Six years and these two sorry made over from the game maps is all you could come up with??? Come on guys...
orsinijj said:
My impression of this POS valve tries to pawn off on its loyal followers...

1. LAGGY... did they play test it at all??? if more than one person is using a grav gun, it slows to a crawl...

2. Poor weapon balance... the stupid grav gun can propel a chair and kill someone who fires 45 shots into the torso of the thrower with the smg?

3. MAPS - Six years and these two sorry made over from the game maps is all you could come up with??? Come on guys...
they started making in november i think, cos they heard people wanted it :D,


people will be making custom maps , so get over it :p :D

i find the game is really good, lots of fun tbh