improved grammar in online chat?

ray_MAN said:
It was funny when I talked to all my firends on AIM, and I was the only one using proper English.

Same. It gets on my nerves.
Same as always, i've been typing since I was 6 so it's as good as it's ever going to get. Search my earliest posts if you don't believe me (if they haven't all been deleted).
Me am tieping much,better!1!!!11!

(I'm amazed nobody's made that joke yet....)
Bad^Hat said:
In chat I still don't use proper punctuation/grammar/capitilisation, but on forums I'm a nazi about my own spelling and stuff, often use the thinger on Firefox to check things :)

I do the same thing, its a handy tool.
I believe that I have had only a varying degree of improvement. Taking a look at my previous posts it looks like I write better sometimes and write worse other times.

I've always tried to keep my posts written in the same manner I would talk. Subconciously people give you a lot more credibility when you don't sound dumb online. :D
I'm overcome with shame every time I make a grammatical, spelling, or usage error. It's not even funny.
I think i write better, but i did sort of before i came to the forum on msn anyway. And one of my friends, constantly types things rediculously shortened, like 'ryt' instead of right and so forth, sometimes i really have to keep her in check. She's very clever though. :D
ktimekiller said:
ok, i was looking at some of TDE's old paintings(i love it man!) and i realized, how stupid i typed back then, im realizing im typing better, not meaning faster, but with better spelling and grammar. who else thinks that you've improved over time?

Old paintings? DarkElf did a painting of the chatroom?
My spelling and grammar are good :). I've always been good at english anyway.
ray_MAN said:
I usually did it to make an impression on people when I first joined, but it kind of stuck. It was funny when I talked to all my firends on AIM, and I was the only one using proper English.

theyre all like: HELO HOW R U?!??!??!
'im fine, thanks'

I used to speak like a prat, kind've over the top. I contracted every single word, then someone commented on it because they had a headache and so couldn't read it properly. I humoured them and started to type properly. Then I became clan leader and started to type normally, needing to "set an example". Resigned a few months back. I kept with the proper English, not bothering so much though. But recently, I thought, you're 15 FGS!!!1!1 Go do something with it, its not going to last forever! So recently, with all my friends, Ive sunk to their level n am talkin more lyk this.
There, thats my life story :P
And here's some examples of my |\/|4!) 5|<!11z0rz!:
Lol0rz, thats me pwnd

That was a while back now... brings back memories :o
I don't know why it's so hard for some Americans (and some British) to spell and type things correctly in English. I'm from Finland and I think I'm doing good at that. Though I hate it when people write with capital letters and periods on IRC.
Heh, if anything, mine's got worse :P

But I hate it when people shorten words.. n nd up tlkn lyk dis... they sound retarded. Only a few of my friends use the internet, and all of them do that.

Though I have found myself wanting to write 'u' instead of 'you', and so on when making notes in class and such..
SHIPPI said:
Though I have found myself wanting to write 'u' instead of 'you', and so on when making notes in class and such..

I get that occasionally. It pisses me off and I end up crossing it out an re-writeing it lol :bounce:
I tend to write Finnish on the internet like it's spoken. Because Finnish is written like it is spoken. English I write as it should be because I'm not from English speaking countries and not used to shortening stuff.
Atomi said:
I tend to write Finnish on the internet like it's spoken. Because Finnish is written like it is spoken. English I write as it should be because I'm not from a English speaking country and not used to shortening stuff.

edit: sorry for the double

Its quite funny really, your English is probably better than mine.

Wish I could speak Finnish.... or any other languages for that matter.

Most I can handle is simple French.... Really really simple French.

The UK's education system sucks for languages.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Wish I could speak Finnish.... or any other languages for that matter.

It's funny when foreign people learn and speak Finnish. One week we had a substitute in English. She had come from the USA to Finland 16 years ago and still had a little accent. Then there's this British guy, Keith Armstrong who is a coach for a Finnish football team. He's been here many years and has this funny accent too. Many foreigners find the letter Ä and Ö hard. Ä is pronounced like 'ae' and ö is 'oe'.

Example: 'jäätelö', means ice cream.
I've always been rather good with my spelling and grammar. At the very least, I think so. I don't care what you guys think. One thing I've gotten rather lazy about though, has been the usage of smiley faces and the dreaded lol. Heh.
Well, as the core message is understandable then I guess it's ok..... (I once wrote ur instead of "your" in my Social Study Test ;()
That reminded me of a task sheet I got for an assignment. And it said to not speak an 8 year old. Although that wasn't the exact words, I think it got the message across :thumbs:
gloglebag lol

btw ima tipe liek a moron frm now on k lol?
Erestheux said:
gloglebag lol

btw ima tipe liek a moron frm now on k lol?

NIOES NOTz T3h gL0gl3b46 l0l0ol0olo0olp0-oooouy99

I will kill you if you type like that... :thumbs:

Can't let people succumb to AOL.

I think the reason your grammar impoves is because you eventually realize that typing, like speaking, must be used right or you just look like a damn fool. I also know that most of the time my statements make almost no sense because I have the vocab of a young autistic boy.
Wait, I never said if mine was improved or not, yes, it has. Dramatically.

EDIT: Shens, you and your Imu army win this round...

Strangely though i've gotten worse speaking it.. =o
I realized in 10th grade that using u and r for you and are is stupid. that's why I dont use them anymore.
Dalamari said:
I think the reason your grammar impoves is because you eventually realize that typing, like speaking, must be used right or you just look like a damn fool. I also know that most of the time my statements make almost no sense because I have the vocab of a young autistic boy.
As opposed to an old autistic woman?