In a hundred years


Oct 10, 2003
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Where do you think the human race will be in 100 years?
Will we have colonized Mars and Luna? Will there be a cure for cancer? Will we have gone beyong our own solar system with manned spacecraft? Will there still be nations, or will all of Earth be united? Will we still live as we do today, or will it be drasticly different?

What do YOU think?
At the rate we are going now...I hope the world ends in a 100 years.
we will have amazing video games. all the other stuff...ehhh dont really care
Well, gasoline will be all used up. So that means that we will have to turn to those gay little electric cars. Those things make me sick. Oh wait, I forgot about antimatter! That has like as much energy as a thermonuclear bomb in the size of a hearing aid battery. I want my car to run on that stuff. ;) As for the politics, I believe we will have found some sort of alien life that will make the world unite. Hmm...I see this as being exactly like StarCraft. Criminals will be sent to other planets, and we will have spaceships that can exceed warp speed.
So earth might become populated by Russians who then command great battleships? Will we also build the exact same stuff as the people who could have had no contact with us at all. Conveniently, we will also be able to make use of the crystals and gas that isnt native to our solar system.
The cure for cancer will be invented in less than 20 years. I'm going to be one of the inventors.
Farrowlesparrow said:
So earth might become populated by Russians who then command great battleships? Will we also build the exact same stuff as the people who could have had no contact with us at all. Conveniently, we will also be able to make use of the crystals and gas that isnt native to our solar system.
Sounds about right to me.
Loshadka said:
The cure for cancer will be invented in less than 20 years. I'm going to be one of the inventors.

LOL very nice sig!! Will u be using that as one of the ingredients??
I will genetically modify myself to be some sort of super human. Then we will be colonizing other worlds.
Or you might genetically modify yourself to be a dirty-minded infant?
A hundred years? A cross between Minority Report and Alien. Okay, I'll post something properly when I'm not about to drive, overnight, up to Scotland.
*Shines flash light on face*

*High pitched voice*: In the year 2000....

Mankind will come to ponder it's existance in the galactic council, and will take the first steps traveling at the speed of light. Cancer will be cured and smoking will be found to be good for your health. The questions of Michael Jackson's orignal skin tone will still be unknown..
Conan O'Brian Rulez.
OT: I dont think well be that much farther ahead except technology-wise. In the 50s and 60s everybody thought wed have flying cars and everything by the year 200. Hardly. In a hundred years I think we'll have things like planes that go into space and biological computers. Hydrogen fuel cell cars. Nothing too extravegent like colonies on Mars or the Moon. Just basic evolutions in products and technology.
Mars and other planets will be colonized. Earth will be left behind as all the rich smarter people leave and go to the stars.
The rich people will decide that they want to take earth and make it into a pleasure planet and they allie them selves with aliens and they attac earth.
The people of earth build a time transporter and bring me to the future. I build some photonic cannons and shoot the rich peoples battle fleet. I help the people of earth capture the rich people's planets and then I kill all the aliens. The people of earth then give me all the good looking girls that are 18 to 28 years old and will continue to do so untill I die. ( I marry every girl that they give me.) :)

I retire and live out the rest of my life. :)
The Terminator said:
Conan O'Brian Rulez.
OT: I dont think well be that much farther ahead except technology-wise. In the 50s and 60s everybody thought wed have flying cars and everything by the year 200. Hardly. In a hundred years I think we'll have things like planes that go into space and biological computers. Hydrogen fuel cell cars. Nothing too extravegent like colonies on Mars or the Moon. Just basic evolutions in products and technology.

Thing is how can we possibly know? Yeah int he 60's they thought we would be in flying cars, but they couldnt possibly imagine in their wildest dreams the power that is now sitting on the desktop of everyone who uses a computer hooked up to the net.

Technology is advancing so fast its unbelievable, not only that, but as it advances, it helps its self advance even more.

Then again, in the next 10 years, we could suddenly stagnate and not go anywhere.
Maybe not yet, but at the rate that technology is advancing, spoons for all are not so far away as you might think.
Farrowlesparrow said:
So earth might become populated by Russians who then command great battleships? Will we also build the exact same stuff as the people who could have had no contact with us at all. Conveniently, we will also be able to make use of the crystals and gas that isnt native to our solar system.
Dare you to tell that to a Trekkie and watch it squirm trying to explain the reasons why :)
I read somewhere that the 19th century was the century of science, the 20th the century of technology, and the 21st will be the century of spiritualism (finally, eh?).
Hey Quo mag from here made an dossier about that.I´ll mk a transcript of the basic ideas in it-

- V-sex will be available at reasonable costs and conventional sex is banned(the guy that wrote it dreams of scr***** Drew Barrymore on a sim)
-Marriage is a 5-year long contract and people aren't bothered if it doesn't works out but you can remake it if it does (always knowing that in 5 years you can ditch your wife)
-Clothes are made of transgenic materials lk corn tissues or lactean derivated.
-Blondes and redheads are over since it's necessary that both progenitors are blond so that the gene remains.
-There are nearly no private transports except for NoSpoke(some sort of eletric bycicle)
-Global warming has flooded New York, London, Holand...
-Food is either 5-minute-lk or transgenic and I mean lk pork chops with insaturated fats, seaweed with more protein than meat...
-Turism is over since you can buy a V-suit that practically takes you to any location of the world by buying that sim on the Web
-There's an colony on the Moon but it's lk «very very rich people only»
-Teleportation is being tested
-The Army uses an plastic-lk armor around their faces
-Books can be changed- some sort of LCD paper to which you can download new things to read from the Net
-There are no more office buildings since everyone works at home
-The first artificial being is born- a mouse- from articial being I mean that MEN has chosen every gene in it's DNA.
-there are «genetic cards» for everyone in the 1st world countries- that's the cure for cancer since these cards hold your DNA and from that doctors can tell you personalized diets and phisycal workout.
-UN is discussing the social exclusion of «the non-improved» which are people that weren't genetically removed genes lk cancer or Alzheimer or haven't got an genetical improvement of the IQ-good today 100\good then 200
-2008- definitive death of Rock'and'Roll
2013-Natural food forbidden in a few countries
2015-3 billion users of the WEB
2031-1 on 10 sexual experiences isn't Virtual
2100-Death of last human - beggining of post_humanity
The Terminator said:
Conan O'Brian Rulez.
OT: I dont think well be that much farther ahead except technology-wise. In the 50s and 60s everybody thought wed have flying cars and everything by the year 200. Hardly. In a hundred years I think we'll have things like planes that go into space and biological computers. Hydrogen fuel cell cars. Nothing too extravegent like colonies on Mars or the Moon. Just basic evolutions in products and technology.

I have to agree with FLS, because you're not considering the economic factor of it. We COULD have built flying cars, etc. with the technology we have, but pretty soon we realized it would be too expensive and bascially useless, so we didn't even bother. Same will happen with colonies on Mars/Moon, unless we find a way to make a profit off of them. Which we might of course, with mining/tourism for example.

So my predictions for the next 100 years:

1. Space tourism. People aready pay $20,000,000 just to go to the space station. Imagine how much they'll pay to go to the Moon or Mars.
2. Robotics. This is pretty obvious. There will definatelly be an increased use of robots in all aspects of life, especially in the military. Forget fighter plane pilots, it will be all drones.
3. Medical advances. We will find cures for AIDS/cancer/etc but they will be so expensive only the richest people could afford them and we would have to import them from Canada.
And there's always the wild cards.
Ex- Many people predicted that be the 1930's horses*** would bo so much in NY and London that it would reach 2nd floor windows but someone made the automobile and all that becamme rubbish.
thenerdguy said:
Mars and other planets will be colonized. Earth will be left behind as all the rich smarter people leave and go to the stars.
The rich people will decide that they want to take earth and make it into a pleasure planet and they allie them selves with aliens and they attac earth.
The people of earth build a time transporter and bring me to the future. I build some photonic cannons and shoot the rich peoples battle fleet. I help the people of earth capture the rich people's planets and then I kill all the aliens. The people of earth then give me all the good looking girls that are 18 to 28 years old and will continue to do so untill I die. ( I marry every girl that they give me.) :)

I retire and live out the rest of my life. :)

Yeah, that just about sums it all up.
thenerdguy said:
Mars and other planets will be colonized. Earth will be left behind as all the rich smarter people leave and go to the stars.
The rich people will decide that they want to take earth and make it into a pleasure planet and they allie them selves with aliens and they attac earth.
The people of earth build a time transporter and bring me to the future. I build some photonic cannons and shoot the rich peoples battle fleet. I help the people of earth capture the rich people's planets and then I kill all the aliens. The people of earth then give me all the good looking girls that are 18 to 28 years old and will continue to do so untill I die. ( I marry every girl that they give me.) :)

I retire and live out the rest of my life. :)
In the future, piligamy will be a disease more dangerous than cancer :burp:
In a 100 years I will still be waiting for Duke Nukem Forever
definitive death of Rock'and'Roll
Rock'n'Roll will never die! That aside, Quo's prediction seems pretty accurate. Then again, I'm not sure the last human being will die by 2100. Seems a bit early to me.
Another thing: Everybody thinks that the cities of the future will look very different, and maybe that will ring true for inner-city business districts, but think about it. Most of London's buildings were built 50 or more years ago, and I live in a house (a whole district of such houses, all identical) that was built before WW1. Buildings aren't going to change that much (eg in Minority Report the first potential murder takes place in a suburban house), only new ones maight be built in commercial disticts.
Oh, and we can expect to see more sh@t like the Millenium Dome and the whole of Milton Keynes.
The Terminator said:
Conan O'Brian Rulez.
OT: I dont think well be that much farther ahead except technology-wise. In the 50s and 60s everybody thought wed have flying cars and everything by the year 200. Hardly. In a hundred years I think we'll have things like planes that go into space and biological computers. Hydrogen fuel cell cars. Nothing too extravegent like colonies on Mars or the Moon. Just basic evolutions in products and technology.

they built flying cars back in the 50s and 60s........ it just wasnt practical. It still isnt.....and probobly wont be for a very long time.

in the future...more apects of daily life will be controlled by computers.......

you will no longer drive your will simply tell it a destination. you will get medical exams in your house. more people will work from home through the internet. the internet of the future will make the current one look like the first telephones......unlimited amounts of data will be transferred instantaniously.

hard currency will cease to exist eventaully....all transactions will be electronic.

hopefully when the oil runs out ........ third world countries will be able to develop.....

in the future....privacy will not exist.
I think you have to look at how things have changed in the past to see how things will change in the future. In 1900 cars were luxuries, now they outnumber people. Flying cars have the problem of non-existant legal air-ways for them. Flying cars are also much bigger than regular cars right now and fly only two.

I think cars will be drving themselves in the future. I think a one & two seater commuter vehicle will show up that is so cheap and safe, people buy one or two of them instead of buying a second car. Car engines will get much much smaller and the shape of cars will be ruled by design and function, not by engine & transmission. When the cars drives itself there is no need for seats to only face forward! The family car could become like a small living room with swivel chairs.

Law enforcement will/must become technically savvy. Imagine having fingerprint and DNA results instantaneously at the site of a crime. I think parents will use embedded RF transmitters in their kids clothes, watches, toys, possibly even embedding something if it were as simple as an injection. Imagine locating your kids toys in the house or outside. It will be done to pets first, so they can never be lost. Over time people will accept that they grow up with it. Parents will always have the right to locate a dependent, but you can't ask where someone is unless you are in law enforcement. License plates will be RF encoded so tickets can be issued by the parking meter, the traffic light, the highway itself. Toll booths will not exist since tolls will be paid at 65 miles per hour.

In 1900 Farmers were giving way to laborers as our economy became more industrial-based. Now we see laborers giving way to service. More and more manual work is done by machines. Now, more and more thinking will be done by machines. I see our economy becoming entertainment/service driven. What will the simple laborer of today do when simple physical jobs are a smaller percentage of the job market?? Education must fill the gap with a different type of worker. Virtual schools could have children attending class at home, but parents like getting rid of their kids for several hours. And socialization is crucial so classes will remain a physical place to go. However you would only have one e-book which would become every textbook you ever need from kindergarden through doctoral college.

The net possesses so much information which we normally would pay for. Why buy a cookbook when 30,000 recipes are sitting on the internet. Why by a book about someone when the net is overflowing with content about them. In the future, books and CDs may not exist as they do today. What if an artist didn't release CDs, but only individual songs to prevent copying of songs before they are released to radio. On-demand radio may replace regular radio provide an individualized mix of music.

Colonies on Moon or I don't think so. Maybe scientific exploration lab, but not civilian colonies. I think we would look to other parts of the Earth first. We don't have colonization of tough parts of the Earth(Antartica, Deserts, Himalayas), why try to go someplace where there is no water and we can't breathe. I think we may see people interested in areas of the world where there was parts of Africa, China, Russia. When these countries become rich first-world nations, Tourism will be a major element of their economies. People will want to move there. When most of the world lives in first world nations and not in poverty, immigration controls and concerns will begin to dissolve and people will start moving between nations more.

I think nations will still be very separate. That hasn't changed much in 2000 years. Only in economics are countries willing to unite for the long run. How the EU affects Europe in the next 20-30 years will be an indicator of if further unification can occur.
Hell...I don't think the human race will make it to 100 years...