In case anyone thought that I was dead (and cared)


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nope, still alive. Also made it through the whole officer training deal, somehow.

Gonna ship out to Officer Basic Course for a few months and off to the DMZ here I go :D

If you want to know details: 25th ("Drakes") Inf. Division, Artillery Regiment, Forward Observer @ FEBA-A (Forward Edge of Battle Area)

Training sucked balls. Too damned hot, too damned cold, too rainy, too snowy, not enough water, etc. etc. Nearly failed pathfinding because a centipede the size of my fist fell on my face and I screamed like a little girl, alerting every hostile in a 5-kilometer radius of my position. Walked 100km with 30kg pack for around 23 hours or so, which was the most painful experience of my life. Collapsed immediately afterwards which was embarrassing.

I did manage to excel at one thing though: marksmanship. Best in the regiment. Sniped human-sized targets 550m away with just iron sights with my K2. Instructors loved me for that.

Crippling clinical depression and lack of self-worth worked itself out, with the help of antidepressants. Yes I still like ponies. My waifu is a pony and I have a dagger, a rifle, and an infinite scorn in my heart for everyone that doesn't (I may be mentally unstable).

It's kinda sad that you gentlemen aren't around anymore. I'm not even sure if half-life 3 would revive this place to its former glory.

Anyway, pictures:


Yours truly, talking about racial purity and the need for living space for the pure Korean race.


Looking at something to the left


Far right. The guy in the middle is a marine and therefore a hardcore piece of

I know they're pretty crappy quality pics, should have got a DSLR or something. I don't have photos of training since no outside contact/electronics/etc.
Numberrrrrrrrs. Glad you're ok and at least somewhat happy! Great pictures. Keep that fat **** KJU in line. Check back in more often ya'hear?
It's kinda sad that you gentlemen aren't around anymore. I'm not even sure if half-life 3 would revive this place to its former glory..

It's a shame, yeah. But it isn't like a lot of the old members aren't around, most of them just can't be bothered to post anymore.

Anyway, best of luck in your future endeavors!
Thanks guys, I suppose I'll be around... whenever (not gaming much anymore due to physical constraints -- gave my cousin my game IDs) :P
The glorious return visit of Numbers! Always happy to see when the old crew checks in.
I did manage to excel at one thing though: marksmanship. Best in the regiment. Sniped human-sized targets 550m away with just iron sights with my K2.

Shit, brother. Major Political figures better watch their backs. Also, congrats.
You seriously gotta do it from 50m further out just to rain on my parade?

Good job man. See you on the line.

Edit- Did you get to play with the K11 at all?
Hey numbers, good to see you checking in. I'm still mostly around!

You should post more about your experiences if you have time. I like reading about them, anyway.
Great to hear from you again numbers, looks like you've done wonderfully well at something which takes really hard graft. Makes me really happy to see you've achieved all that, thanks for sharing & the pics!

Be interested to know more from the firearms side too, I work in ballistics analysis these days. Anything there which fires 7,62 or is it just 5,56?
Yay! People are actually here! :D

In response to a few questions: No, I've never even seen the K11. I hear that Special Warfare Command has all of the guns produced up to date. (Around 300?) They said that they'll be arming every squad with 1 K11, which should be done at the end of the 30th century or so.

All infantry personal firearms are 5.56. We've M60s and other GPMGs chambered in 7.62, but I don't think anyone other than Special Warfare Command has 7.62 rifles. I think they're actually giving telescopic sights for 5.56 weapons for the designated marksman role.
I shot 20 rounds with the M1911 (I think I'm in love with that pistol) in .45, but the doctrine of the Korean army is "WHY YOU WANT SMALL GUN WHEN WE ALREADY GIVE YOU BIG GUN" so, I'll probably never see it again.

Most of my experience with the whole training thing revolves around excruciating pain and excruciating boredom. I think the most exciting stuff happened totally by accident, such as my 40mm grenade launcher failing horribly and dropping the live round 15 meters front of the firing trench. It didn't explode or anything, but my instructor grabbed and threw me down, nearly breaking my rib haha. Then we waited an hour for the EOD team to show up.

CS gas training. My god. Tear gas is so ****ing horrible. We were doing PTs with gas masks in an unventilated gas chamber while they burned CS. Then we took the masks off, and in 40 seconds everyone was trying to bash through the door. We stayed their for 5 minutes until they finally let us out. I think I have PTSD from that ordeal (not really, but I learned to love my gas mask, all the same).

Infantry general assualt was absolutely horrible. I was squad leader for the breakthrough squad, and the job consisted of:
Lying on my back holding up barbed wire as mud and blood (I cut myself like an idiot holding up that thing) dripped on my face, rest of my squad crawling to the other side.
Screaming at people no longer interested in pushing their bodies further to take that trench.
Screaming at people to please keep their heads down, because "KIA = finally I get to sleep" means that a lot of people are going to 'accidentally' stand upright.
Screaming GAS GAS GAS when the observing instructor throws a yellow smoke grenade.
Running uphill in a gas mask because by this time **** it.
Throwing training grenades at people in the trenches.
Blasting people in said trenches with fully automatic (blank) fire.
Laughing like a maniac as we finally take the enemy machine gun position or whatever in Hill 823.
Finally resting when deemed KIA by enemy fire.
Kinda sounds really cool when you write it down but this was what turned me against infantry. That and the need to carry EVERYTHING you ever owned everywhere.

Infantry general defense was pretty easy. Just shoot at multiple communists trying to take your hill. Call for artillery. Call for final defensive fire. Call for artillery on own position. Hide in a ditch until instructor tells you to come out.

After 8 weeks in the summer, I had named my rifle Katyusha and loved it until the bitch misfired (bolt mashed the bullet against the chamber and bent it), so she was shipped away to be melted like the misfiring whore that she was. I still got the highest score, but I missed 1 100m target because of that. Kinda made me sad. Also learned not to call your weapon by her name in front of other people because you're probably crazy by that time and shouldn't show it. :P Passed personal firearms instructor qualification with flying colors.

Huh, I fired/exploded so many things the past two years: K2, K3 SAW, K201 GL, .45 1911, 60mm Mortar, TNT, etc...

I also found out that training hard actually mitigates depression. You have no time to dwell on how life is miserable because you're hurting all over and too tired. Also, found out that I have mild OCPD. Meh, I still function pretty OK, so I guess I can be trusted with lethal force.

I just hope they don't make me sit behind a desk for 28 months just because I can speak English better than most.
I hate CS Gas too but it really helped clean out the sinuses in retrospect.
Most useful skill I think I learned in basic was the ability to sleep while marching. Weird shit. Still don't know how that works.

Did the same thing on the grenade range. Being tackled by a 240lbs man who's pissed at your stupidity is pretty awesome.

Sorry to hear about your rifle =( At least the casing didn't end up in your collar.
I vaguely...very vaguely...remember you. But I'm glad to see you havent died from disease, war, murder, fire, poison, car accident, plane crash, aids (see: disease), internal bleeding, hemroids, impaled by 100 forks, fell down an elevator shaft, or you know, just kinda didnt live anymore.
I'm never going into the military. But I have a choice in the matter (as things in the US are atm).
Glad to hear you got over those issues with depression you posted about last time. Sounds like you didn't have much to worry about regarding your military career. The centipede story made me lol though.
lies, you are a robot created by the korean military to infiltrate the U.S.
No, no, no. You're thinking of the OTHER Korea.
Not the one that we've solemnly sworn to protect so that they can continue cranking out as many flatscreen TVs and Galaxy S smartphones as possible?
Welcome back! We started the party early. The food and drink and hookers are all gone.

Try not to start any wars, and remember that the pointy end goes into the other person. :)