In game Video

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I just saw the e3 2004 video but it was through a shakey camera and everything was way to dark, are there any videos that come right from the game itself?

If not then where can i get the best quality footage of the show.
I think you would have seen the gamespy version. there are atleast 2 other versions from gamespot n ign. i think the gamespot version is the best. however afaik its being hosted anywhere else. so u need ocmplete membership to see it.
k ill try out the one from Fileplanet, thanks.

will the footage be any different when its released in bink?
posthl63 said:
k ill try out the one from Fileplanet, thanks.

will the footage be any different when its released in bink?
A lot different, its high res at 1024X768
bink footage for E3 2003 was very high quality, 1024*768. It wasfar better than the cam videos. unfortunately they did not release all the parts of the e3 2003 vid as bink videos.
posthl63 said:
k ill try out the one from Fileplanet, thanks.

will the footage be any different when its released in bink?
A lot different, bink is high res at 1024X768

Edit: For some reason I posted this twice, sorry about that.
egon said:
bink footage for E3 2003 was very high quality, 1024*768. It wasfar better than the cam videos. unfortunately they did not release all the parts of the e3 2003 vid as bink videos.

Yes they did. They released the last 3 parts with Condition Zero, and in recent weeks they put up all the 1024x768 versions at

Edit: Unless you're including the purely techdemo parts
posthl63 said:
Haha sweet. No more waiting in line for me!

Thanks shuzer
Those on the Steam site are not the latest videos, they are from last year.
Edit: Unless you're including the purely techdemo parts

thats what i meant, the physics demo near the water pool, the fun with the security camera etc etc. basically the source demo parts.

Those on the Steam site are not the latest videos, they are from last year.

nobody said they were anything else.
Those on the Steam site are not the latest videos, they are from last year.

eh yeah, got a little overexcited there or something so didn't notice the 2003 part.

back to fileplanet i go