****in' hell... :|

Que 60's B picture creepy music....

Still doesn't top AL's room full of burnt matchsticks.
Clearly the government is dousing your house with chemtrails and/or scalar waves.
Yep, in good old England. Not heard any other sightings of such a thing.

And no I'm not making it up, it scared the shit out of me when it happened. Still kinda freaks me out now :/

It was awesome. Even though it was scary. Just never experienced anything like that before.

If you think thats bizzarre, I generally wake up to my lamp and/or fan turned on/off.

I am not known for sleep walking/touching.

There is also this time where I am ready to go to bed, and my computer decides to turn itself on (It was not on hibernation), I turned it off by the mains for a week after that incident.
If you think thats bizzarre, I generally wake up to my lamp and/or fan turned on/off.

I am not known for sleep walking/touching.

There is also this time where I am ready to go to bed, and my computer decides to turn itself on (It was not on hibernation), I turned it off by the mains for a week after that incident.

They are trying to communicate!
Tin foil hats for all!
It is very apparent that the government have pinpointed your position with the new triangulator device, which is based on the scalar electromagnetic interferometry weapons technology.

I advise you to go to your village green and wait by the phone box for further news, substituting all of your regular clothes with tin-foil garments.

If you have any wireless computer adaptors, I strongly suggest deactivating them, preferably via force.

Good luck soldier.
One time a few candles on my fireplace were lit, but everyone in the house said they didn't light them o_O
Shit sorry, I promise not to point my laser satellite at you again
sorry, that was my bad, I had to perform a falcon punch on a moron after they asked me and excessively stupid question. when I performed it we achieved lift off and we just so happen to have landed near you. very sorry.
kamikazi you try way too hard :P.

the force you experienced was obviously our loving father FSM touching you with his noodly appendage.
you should write a book about your experiences.

and start a cult. it's the thing to do.
Some of you people need sectioning. Seriously.

You just got nuked foo'

Seriously though, maybe it was a ghost, when they're around most of that stuff happens...minus noise and breathlessness (maybe shock?)
It was me, I was test flying a mk10 viper for the new season of BSG.