In lack of another forum :/


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
I don't know much about this except there seems to be a noob invasion of, spamming with threads and such.. Apparently they are from HLRadio..

Why I'm posting this is to tell these HLradio-people that have done this: This is one of the most immature things that I have ever seen on the Internet.. I hope you understand you benefit nothing from this except a bad reputation.

To the people: Don't do the same to them, please.. We don't want to sink to their filthy level.

Agreed! Wow, you caused 10 minute havok!!! It would be serious if u guys Hacked the site, but u caused 10 minute spam
This is a wee bit off the deep end...I have half a mind to go do something fun/useful until this passes. :D
We're just tidying up guys, I'll unlock the forums once everything is a bit cleaner :)
We should ask the spammers to click the google ads on the main page of this site. So can make some money. :D
What goes around comes around- Andy says? Well Andy if you read this, you will probably have something happen to you too. Not saying we are going to do it, but its going to happen sometime.

We should really consider ourselves lucky. At first, I thought that the forums had somehow appeared in the weekend web on SomethingAwful, which would really bring some spam, but then I saw that it was HalfLifeRadio. I was actually relieved.
Anyways, back to being 'on topic,' if you can even call it that at this point, what's the deal with these HLRadio guys? Do they have any mods or admins that frown upon this type of stuff, or are they just nomad gypsies?
Hahaha dumb f*cks. Let them drown in their pathetic community.

To HLRadio members:
LMAO .. They even wrote a freaking song about being banned from here .. :D
Well, it started off as funny, but then got out of hand. :-\
The sooner this is over the better. Everyone was doin that just to try and get a shout out anyways.
What happened in the first place to cause them to do that?
TheSoupNazi said:
We should really consider ourselves lucky. At first, I thought that the forums had somehow appeared in the weekend web on SomethingAwful, which would really bring some spam, but then I saw that it was HalfLifeRadio. I was actually relieved.
Anyways, back to being 'on topic,' if you can even call it that at this point, what's the deal with these HLRadio guys? Do they have any mods or admins that frown upon this type of stuff, or are they just nomad gypsies?

Timmay, their PR man (ha ha) is lurking on the forum right now... I got his AIM screen name from his profile and asked him what the deal is. He insists their staff didn't encourage this and won't tell the spammers to stop either. Very classy.
lol just listen to there patheticness lol the guy laughs funny to.....
Hehe...thats actually a good idea. Lets submit them to the Weekend Web. :D
Wow they smell of bullshit, jesus christ. "I got banned for not even posting...." WTF little hard for them to do that....They need to stfu.
pvtryan: that's awsome!

We should ask the spammers to click the google ads on the main page of this site. So can make some money.
Did one of the mods really ban one of them for saying Half-Life Radio is good? Surely that guy's lying right...why would you do that.
This may sound a little strict, but tonight has really disappointed me.
Yes, we've had disagreements with them before, but I never thought they'd have the immaturity to pull of this. The most extreme unprofessionalism. They do not deserve to go to E3.

On to the strict part. If I find any HalfLife2.Net member starting flame wars or instigating ANY sort of trouble with that group of websites then I'm afraid you might as well just stay there. We won't have people like that being members of our community; although to be honest - you lot are great people and I don't think I can imagine you all doing that, but just to be sure.

The rest of the forums are now open.
i really dont understand. i that a load of threds are locked but what did they say in this spam?
and why did they do it? what have we got to do with hlradio? was is because HL2 didnt come out in september or what?
Nope...I've never seen anything of the sort. And I'm on here enough to notice. :D
theres no point on even registering on there forum just to be babies like them...
Soundwave said:
Did one of the mods really ban one of them for saying Half-Life Radio is good? Surely that guy's lying right...why would you do that.
The exact sequence of events was that there was a thread created about HalfLife Radio. The next thing I remember was there was someone in there called saggintits who I banned as the name isn't appropriate and he spammed.

The next thing I remember was there was three threads - fair enough. The next thing I know there's shit loads of spam saying... well you all saw it.
if we go over there itll only make things worse, wtf is the point of lowering our selves to their pathetic level. if we ignor them itll just go away.

I'm listening to their songs about this site... Here's a nice quote!
"'re not exactly the greatest site on the net!"
I'd say we just completely ignore them like the lowlife's they are, just remove their spamposts and nothing more. Most of their 10 year olds then realize that it isn't funny anymore when you don't respond. Let them sink away in their pile of shit.
Calm it down a bit. I understand you're angry but there's better ways to express things.
What i think is hilarious is that they hate this site yet they seem to read it a lot.

and that they openly post things like "we pwned them" and they dont get banned for being retards trying to start something.

If only they had been smuthered at birth...... :upstare:
Dougy said:
If only they had been smuthered at birth...... :upstare:
lmao omg... and yeah, the best way to get back at them is to do absolutely nothing. 1, do you really wanna be so immature as to 'get back at someone' over the INTERNET of all things...2, it certainly does reflect poorly on if our members go over there and try to cause problems. and 3, when antagonizers(them) don't get a response from us... they're left with nothing, the purpose is to get a response so they can continue all this. why let them?
This is possibly the most immature squabble ive ever seen, offline or not. It's like gradeschool politics. Some people need to grow up.

please dont allow some spam to start a feud between two popular half-life media fronts. Like your kindgergarden teacher said.. we all breathe the same air, we all walk the same earth. We are all fans of Half-Life so feuds of this sort really disappoint me, being a part of the half-life community for so long made me think that great people are in charge mostly. Although i'm not a huge fan of half-life radio and some of the things they say. I respect and take into account that everyone has opinions. Please dont act like 5 year olds people, it doesn't have to be that way.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
This is possibly the most immature squabble ive ever seen, offline or not. It's like gradeschool politics. Some people need to grow up.

please dont allow some spam to start a feud between two popular half-life media fronts. Like your kindgergarden teacher said.. we all breathe the same air, we all walk the same earth. We are all fans of Half-Life so feuds of this sort really disappoint me, being a part of the half-life community for so long made me think that great people are in charge mostly. Although i'm not a huge fan of half-life radio and some of the things they say. I respect and take into account that everyone has opinions. Please dont act like 5 year olds people, it doesn't have to be that way.
I don't see how you can accuse us of being immature. We haven't and will not retalliate.
Holy crap, my mind has just exploded from all of the complex dialog and sophisticated conversations in that forum. Those guys must be scientist gamers or something... jesus! Nah, but seriously, did anyone else get that "10 year old hangout" vibe? I think the average age of their posters seems to be < 12. Mind you I only read the thread that was in the first post here, but it's probably that way throughout their entire forums.

I used to listen to HLRadio back in the CS days, it was pretty cool. I never would have thought their admins/network would have ever been so retarded and disappointing though.

Also, I didn't even notice that anything has changed at all here at I havn't noticed any spam or locked threads, what did I miss? I mean sure since they seem to be celebrating their "win" I should have noticed something. Was it in any particular thread or while I was asleep for 4 hours?