In Relation to HL2 Going "Gold"

Nobody should get onto valve for announcing a date they might not make. It was either that or say 'when it's done'. If they waited until they were sure they could make a release date they would have finished the game but not be able to release it! I think valve did the right thing, but I just hope they make the 30th...
Well if they are late Im suprised they havent annouced it. I mean if they had announced it a bit before it wouldnt be as big a deal as when they just fail to deliver and doesnt say anything.

So either they wont announce it or they are so close to finished that they dont know if they'll make it on the 30th or a week later. I cant think that it will be pushed back for long if it does. Cause then they would know that they wont make it and have no reason not to tell us.

MoJo|Night I think the reason that they werent working on HL2 while spitcodfry was there was beacuse they didnt want him seeing delicate stuff and then spread it on the internet.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
Valve have said the requirement to connect to steam to play sp will only last for the first few weeks after release...

I believe they said that you will NOT have to connect to steam to play sp, only to patch it. This is what I remember. Maybe I'm wrong, if I am can somepost te thread where it's stated that we'll need to be connected to the internet to play a sp game?
Originally posted by rec
I hope to God that your faith in Valve pays off. ;)

I simply find it hard to beleive word hasn't been slipped out yet.
as opposed to word slipping out about hl2 being in production?
Originally posted by N0N1337H41
I believe they said that you will NOT have to connect to steam to play sp, only to patch it. This is what I remember. Maybe I'm wrong, if I am can somepost te thread where it's stated that we'll need to be connected to the internet to play a sp game?

You need an internet connexion to play any game over Steam. Or if you use any Steam Functionality you require an internet connexion.

But Gabe was refering to "Two weeks from now". You can't play Half-Life single player with Steam unless you are connected to the net. They are going to change that once the WON servers are shut down and Steam is required for Half-Life. This may be more than 2 weeks.
Originally posted by Feath
You need an internet connexion to play any game over Steam. Or if you use any Steam Functionality you require an internet connexion.

But Gabe was refering to "Two weeks from now". You can't play Half-Life single player with Steam unless you are connected to the net. They are going to change that once the WON servers are shut down and Steam is required for Half-Life. This may be more than 2 weeks.

But didn't they give a release date about that? I think it was earlier this week, someone posted a link saying the WONID would be shutting down in two weeks?
Originally posted by Goombatommy
But didn't they give a release date about that? I think it was earlier this week, someone posted a link saying the WONID would be shutting down in two weeks?

WON will not be shut down until Steam functions completely as expected. Steam is a bit tempermental at the moment so they won't be shutting it off just yet.
Do u mean that if u download HL2 u'll have to be online to play sp. Becuase I hope u dont mean u need to be online to play sp if u buy it in the stores
Originally posted by baldrik
Do u mean that if u download HL2 u'll have to be online to play sp. Becuase I hope u dont mean u need to be online to play sp if u buy it in the stores

If you buy the retail copy in stores you do not need to be connected to the internet. If you download from Steam, which if you keep your computer and the program on, will continue to download parts of the game even when you're not playing.

IMPORTANT: I cannot believe I just now remembered this, but when I was on the tour, Gabe told me that Steam would begin to send Half-Life 2 the game to individual's hard drives a week before it released via Steam. I'm assuming this is for people that choose in advance to get it from there. A Steam employee also told me that the material sent to your hard drive would he heavily encrypted, in order to prevent anyone from playing any of the game early. And obviously, people would be notified in advance that the material was being sent to their hard drives. I think I'm going to make a post of this, for it does glean information release-wise in a way.
Originally posted by rec
Regardless of figures (burn speeds etc), it doesn't distract from my original point that they can't produce the CD's and ship them globally within the next fortnight unless they've already started doing it. Simply impossible.

And if they've already started doing it, the hundreds, possibly thousands of people world-wide involved with the production and shipping and keeping unrealistically tight-lipped about it all, and Valve would have obviously skipped the "Gold" announcement.
So you know all about this kind of thing, do you? :rolleyes: