In Russia Stalker CoP goes GOLD on you!!!


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
While it's likely that the English version of the game will gain gold status very shortly, there's still no official word on when the game release here in the west.

didnt realise it was being released this year.

I havent been following this game except for watching a single "mood" video I dont know anything about this game. More of the same? closer to what the original was supposed to be?
Its on about the same scale as Clear Sky. There are no reused areas this time though, from what I read, this time it has 3-4 much large single areas, and a couple of new enemies that were already available in mods for the first game. They do promise freeplay, but then they have said that before.

I dunno, I really like Stalker. the setting is great and certain aspects of the gameplay are very immersive, but I dont really trust the developer to push it in the direction I personaly want.
More Clear Sky? :| Uh... no thanks.

I throughly enjoyed the original Stalker, its story, its gun play and atmosphere. Clear Sky had none of that. Well maybe it had a decent story, I couldn't bother to finish the game to find out, gave up early on. Plus, it was buggy as hell. Have they ironed out the bugs at all yet?
Yeah, Cleay Sky was awful. I didn't except much when I first heard that they made another game, but now that I hear they have already finished it I am 100% sure it's nothing worth playing. There is no way they could have fixed all the bugs, bugs, glitches, and gameplay problems and there was more of them than actual features in Clear Sky.
From what I heard, most team tembers left the company after Clear Sky.
I like how suddenly they're releasing new games within a year of each other. Can't wait anyway.
"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in Eurasia from 1922 to 1991"


Russian Reversal has always been Soviet Russia. Well, at least it has always been AFTER the collapse. Before, it apparently used to just be Russia.

You don't have to get defensive about it. I'm simply correcting you, as I have been corrected once in the past.
Okay I'm a little anxious about this considering the state of clear sky and we haven't heard that much about this game either

Russian Reversal has always been Soviet Russia. Well, at least it has always been AFTER the collapse. Before, it apparently used to just be Russia.

You don't have to get defensive about it. I'm simply correcting you, as I have been corrected once in the past.

hey dont get all defensive! especially when I'm being as anal as you are
Bunch o whiney naysayers. Clear Sky had less bugs than SoC (it was also fully playable by patch 2) and had a better engine, gameplay and AI, while retaining the atmosphere of the original.

Besides which, the devs have already stated that this new game is closer to what the original STALKER was going to be so stop panicking.
ya kno what i never liked about stalker? the fact that the missions had no auto-retry if you failed. it would just let you continue playing. I can understand it doing this for the optional missions, but during the fight where I'm supposed to defend Freedom and kill all Duty members in the neighboring houses the guy I was helping "Ghost" or something, got killed during the fight. I didn't realize this, saved the game, then wondered why the mission didn't say complete. Turns out Ghost is supposed to report back to the leader of Freedom when we complete the mission and silly me had saved after he'd died. So there went my WHOLE progress through the game..had to start over. Taught me to save in increments lemme tell ya.
lol i had a similar experince two days ago...i don't want to restart game again
I'm just finishing through another (seventh, I think) full replay of SOC, using the Complete 2009 mod. I thought Clear Sky was okay - some of the faction behavior was a little cheesy, but the game was still very atmospheric. I think a replay of Clear Sky will be completed about the time this comes out?

Snorks - my favorite critter. Tough enough to mess you up if you miss a shot, but stoning them mid air with a good blast from the shotgun is immense fun.
Thoroughly played the buggy first, and happily ignored the second/prequel. The third looks like more of the same, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just trekking around and finding artifacts was great.
I don't know why, but I couldn't be arsed to finish Clear Sky (probably because I maxed out the details and had to endure really long loading times). I should probably make another attempt before CoP releases. It had really great graphics.
I heard a lot of complaints about Clear Sky, but was it all that bad? What's the mod scene for it like? Anything like a Clear Sky version of OL?
The mechanics in Clear Sky are more polished than SoC, but the atmosphere is a bit less, eh, 'faux-authentic'? I'm not sure how to describe it. If you liked SoC, you'll probably like Clear Sky. You do have the option of purchasing long treks through the zone (as opposed to walking across entire maps), which is nice.
Mostly it was poor hang war mechanics and lack of monsters. Everything else sounded good.
Apparently Call of Pripyat is out in some places (Russian localization). Fan reception is very positive, saying that it's more like SoC, way better than CS, and "STALKER IS BACK!"

I'm hyped.
Any Russians in the house? post screenshots NAOW.
aaaand one more


Water and anomalies go well together.
Has anyone heard any more on an English release? I heard the original deal fell through because of some pretty bad sales, but that a new company had stepped in recently?
The game is getting better and better and so is my knowledge of Russian.
so sleep mode ...vehicles and co-op? if so, sold

I really enjoyed the original Stalker. Remember my "Stalker Stories"?

Anyways, I never got Clear Sky & heard about the newest game, but never gave it much thought past that. Still, my daughter loved watching me play Stalker & if it's co-op, then I just might have to get it.

Stalker Coop would be awesome.

It's fun but the google english thingy is making my head spin,I hope we get buy off Steam again like CS.
I'm working on fixing the English translation. Anyone'd like to help?
Wasn't this the game that isn't even playable on a GTX 295 quad SLI?