In show advertisements becoming more and more annoying.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Have you all noticed, at least here in the states, the little channel logos at the bottom right of the screen? These have been there for a while, and I have never minded them much, but now they are starting to incorporate little mini advertisements for other shows in the schedule for the station. This too, is also fine to a degree, but have you noticed they are becoming ever increasingly larger? Some of them are now taking up a whole 1/4th of the screen, and have their own additional sounds which does nothing but detract from the current show you are watching, and aggrivate the viewer. Or at least, aggrivate me. In the next 3 years, i'm expecting these to be a few minutes long for each one, as well as sometimes taking up half the screen(hell, they're already at 1/4th all the way across)

Advertising methods are becoming more and more annoying, and I just don't know how much longer I can put up with it! I hate this crap.
thats what i love about the BBC, it has NO advertisements. :D
but sadly all the rest do. i used to love watching 24 on BBC cos there was no interruptions, but now the show has moved too "skyone" the adverts are the only thing spoiling watching the great show :(
Took a digital image of one of these so called gigantic in show adverts.

Look at this thing! Huge. Its 1/3rd, and not too much from being 1/2 the entire screen with image blocking pixels. And for what... what? You watch these shows, you're watching the damn station advertisements inbetween them too! Pretty soon, we're going to have continual advertisements all throughout a show, advertising everything from new tires, to fast food.
Thus why American tv is crap now.
It's like 5 minutes of show, 10 minutes of commercials.
Or 5 minutes of show(with ads), and THEN the commercials.
Also, what's up with the labelling of 'fresh' with TV shows now anyways? Are they food? Do they oxodize or rot away somehow? Or does everything else just stink like shit and they don't? lol. Bad advertising strategy.
Yeesh, and I thought the occasional silent text bar down the bottom of the screen was annoying...
heh heh, the fewer people watch TV the more intrusive and annoying ads must be placed to turn a profit. However the more annoying and intrusive the ads the more people will be turned away from TV.

Its a positive feed-back loop and the crappy network execs don't even know its happening.
The Mullinator said:
heh heh, the fewer people watch TV the more intrusive and annoying ads must be placed to turn a profit. However the more annoying and intrusive the ads the more people will be turned away from TV.

Its a positive feed-back loop and the crappy network execs don't even know its happening.

So true. We should ban advertisements.

Lets start right here with

Ya hear that mods? :hmph:
Raziaar said:
So true. We should ban advertisements.

Lets start right here with

Ya hear that mods? :hmph:
That could be argued except the community right now seems to be growing. ;)
The Mullinator said:
That could be argued except the community right now seems to be growing. ;)

They ruined the quality of the forums! The ads made everybody angry in politics discussions, etc. It was the ads!
Sky+ that shyt. Ads come on, pause it. Go take a piss or whatever, fwd the ads and carry on watching.

But yeah, ads suck. The kids ads make me sick.