In Soviet Russia, particles accelerate YOU!!


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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Anatoli Bugorski was checking a component of the U-70 synchrotron particle accelerator when he accidentally put his head in the beam?s path. It was the fatidic day of July 13, 1978, and as the safety devices failed, Bogorski later told that he saw a flash "brighter than a thousand suns", as protons near the speed of light traveled right through his head. But he did not feel any pain.

The proton beam went through the left side of his head. Soon that side of his face swelled beyond recognition, and in the next days the skin fell, showing the path the particle beam had through his face, brain and cranium.

Bugorski not only survived, but completed his PhD without virtually any damage to his intellectual abilities, except for a marked fatigue, loss of hearing and having the left side of his face paralyzed. He married and has a son. He was interviewed by Wired around ten years ago.

That is absolutely mad, thats like.....

....Whooaaa :thumbs:
That's not quite as significant as the guy with a pole stuck through his head, but a million times more awesome.

Also, you would think he'd have a few tumors after that, it'd be one hell of a dose of radiation.
hmm i always thought those particle beams would be a lot bigger and I always wondered what would happen if i were to jump in front, guess i really would get hurt.
He should have realised never to cross the streams.
That's not quite as significant as the guy with a pole stuck through his head, but a million times more awesome.

Also, you would think he'd have a few tumors after that, it'd be one hell of a dose of radiation.

They are Protons (particles), not radio waves. :laugh:

I'm not suprised he survived, Protons are like, pretty bloody small and all, most of them probably missed his molecules/atoms entirely but then again, aren't nuclear explosions the result of fissile material smashing into each other? (and setting off a chain reaction in the rest of the material causing a big boom...and creating radiation from the energy release...) so all in all, I'de say GG.

For those who don't know, when your touching the keys on your keyboard the atoms aren't actually touching the ones in the key's, its just all that atomic force mallarky repelling each other, when atoms touch things get messy. :O
Also, you would think he'd have a few tumors after that, it'd be one hell of a dose of radiation.
I think the protons would be too small to damage DNA molecules.
They were large enough to bore a hole through his head. Electrons certainly damage DNA molecules: see Ionizing Radiation. I'm guessing protons would do the same, they're just not naturally produced by radioactive decay (unless you count alpha particles).

Edit: Just goes to show I should have read the article in full: "Although the radiation dose was enormous, it was composed of a narrow beam that didn’t disperse much as it traveled inside his head." So there can't have been many cells affected other than the ones that were hit.
Probably the speed they were going at if anything that caused that much damage, but I am no physicist. :laugh:
This kind of thing is just waiting to happen. It's like the big ****-off fan in Alien 3 that the guy falls in to.

They are Protons (particles), not radio waves. :laugh:

So? It's still radiation, being a particle makes no difference. Alpha radiation consists of a Helium nucleus. Beta radiation is an electron.
Alpha particles are by far the most destructive form of radiation and they're much larger than a proton. In fact, an alpha particle consist of 2 protons and 2 neutrons. Protons can be ionizing radiation.
Good lord D:

Im interested in seeing what this looked like.
Is this some sort of joke? I mean really, do we have to keep doing this,"In soviet Russia, the blargh blargh blarghs YOUU!"

It's primitive and in bad taste you guys.
Is this some sort of joke? I mean really, do we have to keep doing this,"In soviet Russia, the blargh blargh blarghs YOUU!"

It's primitive and in bad taste you guys.

But this actually makes sense. The particles accelerated his career! He got his PhD!
Anatoli Bugorski was checking a component of the U-70 synchrotron particle accelerator when he accidentally put his head in the beam's path
Unfortunately for Dr. Bugorski, the On/Off switch was invented after the particle accelerator.

This guy didn't have any business operating farm equipment even, much less a particle accelerator. It sounds like something Will E. Coyote would do.
:laugh: @
"without virtually any damage" and then "except for a marked fatigue, loss of hearing and having the left side of his face paralyzed. "

Oh, not much then.
Are you guys sure this isn't bullshit? From my understand these beams accelerate particles by shooting a huge amount of current at a very high voltage, he would have been dead from electric shock. Not only that when the beam operates no one is allowed any where near it because of the raditation this power causes. Finally I'm pretty sure these beams are enclosed. Until I see some better proof I call BS.
:laugh: @
"without virtually any damage" and then "except for a marked fatigue, loss of hearing and having the left side of his face paralyzed. "

Oh, not much then.

yeah I also chuckled at that part :laugh:
This is definitely supervillain material.
In the United States of America you watch Big Brother.
In Soviet Russia Big Brother watches you!!

Ok, theres never going to be an effective and good time to use that joke. Yes I did think I was pretty damn witty.