In the event of... Closure.

hi! I am a new member of this forum.I joined here today and I wish this site live forever.
Greetings; although this is a weird thread to make your first post in. Most people since I've signed on go straight to the G-man theories.
Looking in the gaming forum and see Filefront going, it got me thinking. In the event that closes, what are your plans?

I didn't plan coming to this place, I have no plan upon its closure, aside from a shrug.
additional nonchalant comment regarding the fact that I don't care if shuts down

I leik this thred
I would shoot up a high school I never attended.
I have a feeling we'd just move to another place, if not all together at least a good portion.

TBH, it's not the site I'm attached to, it's the users. So we've got Steam/MSN/etc to keep in touch.
I'd get married and have kids with a nice house, 2 car garage, a dog and a white picket fence
Probably... although...I think I'd ri-

I'm lying I wouldn't go out. I'd kill myself.
I guess my porn stash would get a few gigs larger.

What else am I going to do all day?
Cry inside and then try to follow where everyone will congregate elsewhere.
If ever did die, I'd be able to fully concentrate on my account on the Escapist.
Halflifesource will never die, Andy Hodges for life!


Eh, I'd be pretty bummed out. Despite my somewhat low number of posts considering my join date, I feel a connection to this community and am quite fond of just about all of you.
i would host this website from within my sorrow.

i have wireless internet
1) Beat up Munro.

2) Find another forum to troll.

3) Recover from being beaten up by Munro.
I'd probably continue reading the Something Awful forums and mostly hang out in the TV, Music and Laissez's Faire subforums
My life would go on.... without you guys. ;-; Honestly, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I would on the other hand, think about the few of you who I actually talk to once in a while. Not you, Eejit.
I'd miss the site. I feel a real connection to you guys and this sink hole I've wasted four years of my life in. A new forum would probably be set up to replace it. Actually, 4 forums probably would be. But I'd get my brother to set up a really pretty one and ye could all join that one and I'd finally be an admin!
i'd cry even more than when i broke up with my (ex)GF.

for **** sakes, i've been longer with than my (ex)!
Looking in the gaming forum and see Filefront going, it got me thinking. In the event that closes, what are your plans?

This really is the only forums I frequently visit, and can never see this place going anytime soon.

Well we just move to another server
Hm, i always took it for granted that it will always be here till the day that i die. Im too attached to this place, even tho i have decreased my posting in recent months. It has been with me for most if not all my teenage years, so it definitely has a part of it. If it went away, there would be this awkward hole left in my life...its just weird. Hl2 is always open whenever im on a computer, i would feel handicapped without it. is an idea, and ideas are bulletproof!

Only through the power of of our lord and savior Satan can we keep this site going.
I'd get really bored (moreso than I usually am). I might also become more productive, although that's questionable. I don't even post much but this place is seriously addictive.