In the heat of summer.


Jun 11, 2003
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THe biggest wasp I've ever seen (seem like it could tare smaller pieces of flesh from me) just got my attention. And I began wondering, what insects have you encountered? What encounter has been the worst or most exciting? What is the bigget insect you've seen? And the smallest.
I times like these, when the sun vaporises everything insects like the wasp tend to grow in numbers and I tell you, this summer, I've seen some of the biggest wasps ever. Maybe they were queens, but they were big anyway.
Now tell ous about the biggest or smallest, worst or most exciting encouter, or anything else about insects you've seen and/or met.

(sorry for any bad spelling)
As I was going outside to feed my cats a spider and silently made its web accros my doorway, yup, I walked straight into it like a fool and it was horrible, it crawled all over my face its web was in my eyes :laugh:, but it was only a shitty little thingy lol, I thought i was big tho :laugh:
A friend of mine swallowed a wasp.... it stung him in the lip, and since he is allergic to 'em.... it swelled up majorly :(
Have afirend whos been stung by bees a few times. She's allergic...has trouble breathing afterward, face swells up. SHe is actually keeps bees, harvests honey...has for years. Up to 16 hives.

I remember being in this shack upstate. We slept in it and had a fire going in the potbellied stove. In the morning found that the warm had woke up the wasp nest that had been built into the window sill. More than a dozen were walking around real slow and drugged-like. A friend put on her coat and walked outside. SHe grabbed her elbox and pulled and squished. One was inside the sleeve and crawling on her.

I've had roaches in my computer. First computer...had no room in the bedroom, ended up being next to the kitchen. Found half dozen of them living inside. I ended up disconnecting some cables and had to call gateway for the correct mobo instructions. Funny conversation...had some bugs in my computer...literally.

The worst was when I was little. My grandmother lived with us and she was senile. She couldnt live on her own anymore. She had a big console TV next to the bed but didn't work and she wouldn't let my parents get rid of it. She would hide food in her bedroom, afraid of running out...very sad.

Well the TV became a roach nest. By the time my parents realized what was was too late. We had to pull the furniture away from the corner with the TV and pull the TV into the center of the floor. When my dad dropped the pressboard backing off the TV the insides were crawling with them. I couldn't even see most of the tubes. The most disgusting thing I've ever seen. We literally vaaccumed them up.
I got stung in the ear by a hornet when i was 7. I can tell you now that hurt a bee sting.

I found a daddy long legs stuck to the side of the bath when i was having a shower, but it wouldn't wash off or anything. I had to scrape it off. Its like it was glued on or something.

Then there was this spider in my front room. Just a normal spider but it was about 3 inches across. So what i did was left my cat in there and i haven't seen it since.....the spider however has grown by abo....Actually i went back in and my cat had a leg poking out of its mouth. It looked quite funny really.

This isn't insects but still good. My cat keeps bringing me birds and mice. It just leaves them at my feet until i stroke it. Then it walks off and eats them. People keep telling me to give the cat a bell so thats birds can get away. Anyone know why? Really why? What is wrong with cats killing birds? Its not like the birds are gonna care. I mean they're dead.
Ahh tics...

I once got not one, not 2, but 3 tics stuck in my head. :x My parents removed 2 of them, but the 3rd one was too deep and they only pulled half of it out. I had to go to a hospital where a doctor removed it with a surgical needle in about 5 seconds.

Also if you ever go fishing in Russia bring a bucket of DEET because you will never see so many mosquitos in your life. I was bitten about 80 times in just a couple of hours.
My friend got Lyme disease from ticks in New Jersey. I was floored when I saw him that summer. He had palsy, lost feeling in one arm and parts of his leg, and the left side of his face had collapsed without any muscle control--like a stroke victim. It set on him within two weeks of being bitten.

I have no doubt that pestilence will end man if he doesn't do it himself.
Well, cats like to hunt, it's instinct. We have four cats, so I have had my share of killing =P
But they keep the rats away. Sadly, they sometimes catch a lizard or two, or a bird. But it's natures way.

I've had to ticks in my whole life, had them on the my leg.
Nasty little things. Sometimes they wait so long for something to pass by, so they can get some food, that they die from starvation.

Insects are even more successfull then humans, they'r everywhere and they outnumber ous by billions.
If we humans kill each other, insects will be the new rulers of the world.
The roach is the most resiliant and the most adaptable creature emaginable. If nuclear war comes, they will survive.
If you have a roach infestation and you try to kill them with poision, most of them will die, but not all. Those who survive the poison breed, and the next generation of roaches will be immune to the poison.
Now that's what I call adapting and surviving.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger

Also if you ever go fishing in Russia bring a bucket of DEET because you will never see so many mosquitos in your life. I was bitten about 80 times in just a couple of hours.

If you fish in the nothern parts of Sweden, bring the DEET ;)
Originally posted by RoyalEF
Have afirend whos been stung by bees a few times. She's allergic...has trouble breathing afterward, face swells up. SHe is actually keeps bees, harvests honey...has for years. Up to 16 hives.

I remember being in this shack upstate. We slept in it and had a fire going in the potbellied stove. In the morning found that the warm had woke up the wasp nest that had been built into the window sill. More than a dozen were walking around real slow and drugged-like. A friend put on her coat and walked outside. SHe grabbed her elbox and pulled and squished. One was inside the sleeve and crawling on her.

I've had roaches in my computer. First computer...had no room in the bedroom, ended up being next to the kitchen. Found half dozen of them living inside. I ended up disconnecting some cables and had to call gateway for the correct mobo instructions. Funny conversation...had some bugs in my computer...literally.

The worst was when I was little. My grandmother lived with us and she was senile. She couldnt live on her own anymore. She had a big console TV next to the bed but didn't work and she wouldn't let my parents get rid of it. She would hide food in her bedroom, afraid of running out...very sad.

Well the TV became a roach nest. By the time my parents realized what was was too late. We had to pull the furniture away from the corner with the TV and pull the TV into the center of the floor. When my dad dropped the pressboard backing off the TV the insides were crawling with them. I couldn't even see most of the tubes. The most disgusting thing I've ever seen. We literally vaaccumed them up.

I hope you burned or crushed them good, because otherwise, they still live.

Have you ever heard the sound they make? It's like in all the movies :p
Ant's sound the same.
Oh, I must tell you of the biggest ant nest ever in history. I was out for blueberry hunting (I use my shutgun, they'r fast you know) and I suddenly saw, like a interstate highway, but with ants. And my eyes went up and I couldn't believe what I saw, it was such a huge ant nest! I would guess it was about between 1½ or 2 meters high. And ant nests are twice as long under the ground as they are over. That ant nest must have had millions, maybe billions of ants in it. I should mention that the population of Sweden (where I live) is 9 millions, so those ants were probably more then the population of my country. Now that's something to have in mind.
Originally posted by A.A
Well, cats like to hunt, it's instinct. We have four cats, so I have had my share of killing =P
But they keep the rats away. Sadly, they sometimes catch a lizard or two, or a bird. But it's natures way.

I've had to ticks in my whole life, had them on the my leg.
Nasty little things. Sometimes they wait so long for something to pass by, so they can get some food, that they die from starvation.

Insects are even more successfull then humans, they'r everywhere and they outnumber ous by billions.
If we humans kill each other, insects will be the new rulers of the world.
The roach is the most resiliant and the most adaptable creature emaginable. If nuclear war comes, they will survive.
If you have a roach infestation and you try to kill them with poision, most of them will die, but not all. Those who survive the poison breed, and the next generation of roaches will be immune to the poison.
Now that's what I call adapting and surviving.

Dont you mean when Nuclear war happens?!

Only joking :)

My cat killed a rat a while ago. Il tell you it was an awesome fight. I didn't see it but i could hear it. The rat itself was about the same size as my cat, maybe a bit bigger, and thats pretty uncommon where i live. My cat had a big scratch on its head but the rate was in pieces, literally. It just tore it apart.

More people own cats than dogs in England yet, a lot of people are very vocally "anti-cat" and they love going on about how dogs are mans best friend. To be honest i thought woman was mans best friend but anyway.

On the way home from college today i saw a caterpillar crawling along the sidepath of the canal that goes near my house. It was only small but it looked quite cool. It was one of those yellow and black stripy ones.

Just thought this was funny so il place it here instead ofa new topic.
Its when you get a bee or Wasp thats that big, It acctualy casts a shadow on the floor or wall. Next thing that happens is i tend to run ways like a Gazzele on steriods in the opposite direction throwing my kids behind me.;)

Heres a cat i found giveing Covering fire to me and BoB..
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Dont you mean when Nuclear war happens?!

Only joking :)

My cat killed a rat a while ago. Il tell you it was an awesome fight. I didn't see it but i could hear it. The rat itself was about the same size as my cat, maybe a bit bigger, and thats pretty uncommon where i live. My cat had a big scratch on its head but the rate was in pieces, literally. It just tore it apart.

More people own cats than dogs in England yet, a lot of people are very vocally "anti-cat" and they love going on about how dogs are mans best friend. To be honest i thought woman was mans best friend but anyway.

On the way home from college today i saw a caterpillar crawling along the sidepath of the canal that goes near my house. It was only small but it looked quite cool. It was one of those yellow and black stripy ones.


I agree, women are the mans best friend ;)

Larvas (wrong spelling?) and caterpillars can have some really cool colour, and some are even hairy. I saw a larva that was about..well, 15 centimeters long. It was so..ugly and disgusting.
Snails are cool to =P
Ever seen any of those long black ones? I've seen just such a snail, but these ones where bright orange. Looked really odd.