in the offical farcry video...


Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
it says '...and ever kind of transport you can imagine' - does this mean i can drive around the jungle in a milk float?
jonnyapps said:
it says '...and ever kind of transport you can imagine' - does this mean i can drive around the jungle in a milk float?
well if you can't im gonna return it and demand my money back.. Thats false advertising that is. I suggest you write a strongly worded letter to your government representative to complain about it ;)
lol.....the sad thing is...those blackhawks are awesome...but u cant drive them!!! not even in MP sad :( they say on the website "not used by jack" lol so thats definetly flase advertising
i wonder if its possible to sue....
first one to get £1,000 from them wins!!!!
Well damn, and here I was getting all hyped up about riding a tricycle down a really big hill in the jungle, with one leg out to the side to trip people as I go by.
Ha! A new age of lawsuits have begun... if a certain franchise throttling game isn't "Better than sex", someone will burn!

Maybe "kind" just refers to types? Aerial, nautical, ground-based? Wait... even then there cheating us if they don't give us submarines and some sort of subterrean tunneler!

I'd like to FC retaining the trailer-only (I believe) third person and including a few more vehicles. A tank would be interesting, as would actually being able to drive the aforementioned helicopter :x