Incoming Source - Future Goodies


Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
We are back.... again??
Yes. We are nearing release, just need to add the rest of our content, mostly alien weapons and vehicles, and then add and touch up some code aspects and then do a butt load of testing.

I myself, personally enjoy reading comments posted about our media updates across the web, and one comment that I personally see a lot is the comment about the use of M4A1's and MP5's and the such featured in Incoming. It's usually a question of "why?".

I posted this thread in the official Incoming Source forums just the other day:
Incoming Source is looking for some talented individuals to help us finish our first public release. We are currently seeking these positions:

1. Programmer -
Experience in working with the Source SDK. If you have worked with the Half-Life 1 code SDK that is also a great addition. Will be working along side our other programmer with a SVN server for allowing the sharing of files.
2. 2D Artist / Skinner -
Experienced in using programs such as Adobe Photoshop, or other powerful digital illustrators. Will be working on both weapon and vehicle texture files.
3. Sound Artist -
Experience in creating a variety of types of sounds, including: ambience, guns, vehicles, as well as audio for game trailers and other public relations updates.

Question: Why the use of 'old' (100 year old) weapons?
Answer: The idea behind Incoming is about a civilization falling apart, about resources being limited to none. This allows us to use these weapons (due to the 'lack of resources'). But the main reason is to add variety. To give the players options. If a player wants to use M4a1's, Mp5's, or other modern firearms, he can.

What if players want to use custom designed, futuristic weaponry? That's available to them as well. We made two 'sets' of weapons. Lets say there’s the FN-2000. There is an FNC-30 as well. They have the same stats, fire rates, fire modes, accuracy. Just a different model, animations, and sounds.

But wait, no. It doesn't stop there. After the first release of Incoming Source to the public, ohhh, that is just the beginning. We plan on creating new content that will go in "Content Packages". These will also include bug fixes and patch things up. What type of content you ask?
Well... the 'plan' is to add more weapons, new maps, new game modes, new vehicles, and even entirely new features.

To give you an idea of what we mean in visual form, feast your eyes upon two of these 100% custom designed, human SMG's, the MX-TN52, and the FNC-22M. Also included is one of the new, 100% custom designed human assault rifles, the FMR-9 and a new human pistol, the RSM-9. which will be added in a later release as well as three alien weapon models, the Cell Pistol as well as the Plasma Shotgun and Cell Rifle.):

Concept Art by our lovely team member, BlindShooter:

Here is a preview of one of thecraftsmans new maps, inm_depth:

Also, here are some animation videos of custom animations for the Carrier Marine that we plan on adding into the game to give it a more custom feel:

Also, thanks to Dimension Studios ( ), who has created a map for Incoming Source, vt_shadow. It takes place in a desert outpost located on Orion. The map has also been released for Counter-Strike: Source. Check their website for images of the CS:S version. Incoming Source Images below:
I'm just wondering why you haven't got a full final team if you're so close to release.
The game is an homage to Halo, which is probably why.

praz said:
We plan on creating new content that will go in "Content Packages". These will also include bug fixes and patch things up.

A.K.A. Updates? ;)
Why not just rename it halo:source.. there's a difference between homage and ripoff
Why are the map prefixes 'vt_'?
Cool I never had an X-Box or Halo anyways! :E
CrazyHarij said:
Why not just rename it halo:source.. there's a difference between homage and ripoff

I think they used to be a Halo mod, but Bungie fired them a C&D, so they became a "homeage".

Looking pretty good, I never was a fan of Halo, however.
From what I understand, the mod was never intended to be "Halo: Source". At one point I'm pretty sure there were gonna be dinosaurs in it, which I don't remember from any Halo games. I remember they used to be a lot more "Halo-like" but they were getting a lot of criticism for it so they've kind of been going in their own direction. But even if it was Halo: Source, I wouldn't complain. I get to play Halo on my comp for free! :)

I'm also curious why the map prefix is 'vt_'. What does that mean? Is it a gametype abbreviation, like 'de_' and 'cs_'?
it used to be inm... but ever since our game mode was changed to the name Vital.. they are now vt_ for ViTal.
i don't understand why game companies refuse to allow people to use their concepts in third party mods. bungie isn't planning to make a half life 2 mod, so why won't they allow someone else to do it?
Why pay for Halo PC when you can get the exact same thing for free? That's why.
DrunkPanda said:
i don't understand why game companies refuse to allow people to use their concepts in third party mods. bungie isn't planning to make a half life 2 mod, so why won't they allow someone else to do it?

Or better yet, why don't people just be original and create their own IP...
SixThree said:
Why pay for Halo PC when you can get the exact same thing for free? That's why.
but it's not halo for pc. it's a halo themed half life 2 mod. and if you haven't bought halo in the few years since it's been released, why would you buy it know?
DrunkPanda said:
but it's not halo for pc. it's a halo themed half life 2 mod

Some people will settle for imitation rather than spend the dough for the real thing.

DrunkPanda said:
and if you haven't bought halo in the few years since it's been released, why would you buy it know?

Halo 3 + Halo movie + hype machine will boost sales of ALL Halo merchandise.