Incoming Source Media Update - 02/08/06


Aug 3, 2005
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Welcome back,
Incoming Source is back with its next big update, which, in our opinion, is just as good as the last one... if not better.

We are welcoming new members to the team. We are starting off with programmers. Not one, but three new programmers are now part of the Incoming Source development team. Everyone welcome aboard: Tanoku], Archy, and amckern. These new programmers will be helping us speed things up in order to get the public release out as fast as we can. Also welcome aboard Headake, who will be one of our new mappers that is starting work heavily on inm_outpost. More of his map can be seen on the forums for registered users only in our new Exclusive Media Forum. (a development image can be found on the forum for registered users). We would also like to welcome aboard CrazyGoat who will be skinning our dinosaurs as well as the rest of our vehicles. We also finally have gotten a model rigger, Kiipo, who was very much needed and is very welcomed. Dinosaurs and vehicles will be seen ingame shortly. We'd also love to welcome aboard our beloved tree artist who has been working his ass off on getting trees done for our maps, which can be seen in this weekly update as well. Cryomerk is a god at organics :) We are also welcoming TranceParadox who will be our Lead Concept Artist. You can see some of his work in our media update. He will also give a hand in the mapping department a s well. Welcome aboard guys, we are glad to have you.

Also, if you happened to miss it. We made the official announcement of scrapping all Halo-related material:


Before we begin iSource Development would like to officially announce it's IRC channel. Located on in #incoming-source . We would like to see some new faces and get to know our fans better as well as have the fans meet the developers behind Incoming Source as well as other dedicated fans already inside the channel. If you have any questions or would just like to speak to the team including me or even get quite a few sneak peaks to media not yet 'officially' released because Praz has butter fingers with the mouse, come right in!

Channel: #incoming-source
Direct Link:

Incoming Source is also currently hiring in select positions!
Do you want to see Incoming Source released soon? If you have these talents then join the development team so we can bring you the game even quicker!


Spots availible (we are open to all areas, so don't hesitate to apply):
1. Animator-
We are currently hiring a animator who is able to help our Lead Animator, Mix_Tape finish up the weapons as well as other player animations.

2. Weapon Modeler-
We are currently hiring positions for weapon modelers. We have 6 weapons left until all of our weapons are finished. It is required that you can UV unwrap your own weapons. Their won't be much reference as it is for the Altair (alien) weapons.

3. Weapon Skinner-
We have spots open for weapon skinners. Their won't be much reference as it is for the Altair (alien) weapons. They have a set color palette which will help.

4. Prop Modeler-
We are in need of a prop modeler that is able to do both nature AND city props (trees, bridges, rocks, anything). It is required that you can UV unwrap your own models.

5. Mapper-
We are currently looking for two mappers to join Incoming Source. We are getting closer and closer to release and we are hoping to make the map count even higher. If you are talented with both displacements and brush work then please contact iSource Development about a hiring opportunity.

6. Audio Developer-
Currently seeking an audio developer to focus on the audio aspect of our game which will include ambience sounds for levels, dinosaur sounds, as well as other various sounds to help aid us to completion
:: Contact Methods :
Email: [email protected]
AIM: Praz1187
MSN: [email protected]
ICQ: 54157633
IRC: #incoming-source (

Time for the fun part... the media!
First off, due to our announcement last week, we are starting off with the player model re-designs. We would really appreciate constructive criticism as well:

Next is the ingame section. We have been working on new builds of the game, fixing nasty bugs, adding more content and so forth. Here are some images from a more recent build showing off the new map, inm_dawn.

Next we are going to go right ahead and show off the finished Altair Warrior model which will be ingame very shortly:

We will continue by showing all of the human weapons as they are finished completly:
[ Steyr-M40 / CV-10 / Spas 12 / MP5 / MX4 / M4a1 / XR8c / FN-2000 / FNC-30 / Sako TRG-22 / Hand Grenade ]

Here is an update in our Tree Development process thanks to our amazing new Lead Prop Artist, Cryomerk:

Next we are moving on to the updated version of inm_krubera which is of course being created by JeanPaul:

Next is another map, one that has been shown before many monts ago. inm_oasis. Jenn0_bing has taken the map and re-did every single bit of it making it into quite an amazing and beautiful map. See for yourselves:

Now, you couldn't think a virus could stop the mighty thecraftsman. Hell no it can't. He's back with two maps, a much updated version of inm_strike (still not 100% complete as he is still adding tree models which are being done by cryomerk as well as other props and soon Bloom Lighting):

Next from thecraftsman is the official unveiling of his brand new map, inm_dawn. Dawn takes place on Earth in a much forgotten and very poor place on earth. Focused mainly in a valley which features a flowing river as well as long forgotten structures still standing. Very much isolated, but ready for combat. Partially based on Praz's summer home:

Our newest and very talented mapper, Headake, has started on his first Incoming Source map, inm_outpost. It is an amazing map to say the least. I have recently playtested it with him and there are some amazing features in this map. Here are a few screens (to be replaced with newer ones soon):

Here is a collection of development images through out the life of Incoming Source. It also gives you an inside glimpse of quite a few things as well. Enjoy!

We are also going back to do some nostalgia. We are visiting the origional Incoming which now dates back almost 6 years. Originally created for the Half-Life one engine, but then later ported to use the Source engine. Here are some ancient images:


iSource - Descending Flights.mp3

See you next time.
iSource Development.
How does Incoming Source Play?
There are two teams: The Carriers and The Altair.
The Carriers are the human race that uses ballistic-based weapons. They are the marines of our game using explosives, automatic rifles, pistols, submachine guns, the sort.
The Altair is the ‘advanced’ aspect of Incoming Source. Their weapons are cell-based and plasma-based.

There are two game modes for the initial release.
Team Deathmatch (Round Based)
Main Game mode (CTF / Siege / Vital)

Our game is based on points. You then use these points to select and pick out your weapons and equipment. You can earn both positive points and lose points (negative points). To earn points, you can do tasks such as killing enemies, completing objectives, healing teammates, staying alive and so forth. These will then be added to a counter placed on your HUD. You can also lose points by killing teammates, committing suicide, and other various tasks.

When the game first starts, you are given the option to select which team you want to play as. After that you are prompted with a weapon selection screen where you can use your earned points to pick out weapons. You are allowed two primary weapons along with a sidearm (pistol) as well as a grenade.

Your max weapon load out would look like such:
1. Primary
2. Primary
3. Secondary (Pistol only)
4. Grenade
5. Other item

Vehicles are of course a big aspect of our game. Vehicles will be located near each teams base. Each team can drive each others vehicles. (Vehicles can be turned off by the server creator).

For the Team Deathmatch mode the only objective is to wipe out the other team. You can use vehicles, go on foot, snipe from a distance, any which way you choose is available to you.

Vital Game mode: Each team has the same objective and can do it at the same time (more information later).

Throughout the environments there are Dinosaurs. For the first release we will only have the Trex, the Raptor will be added in later.

The Trex is AI-based. Players cannot be the dinosaurs. They will roam around the maps and go about their day as you are on their home world, not the other way around. If you shoot them or attack them, they will come after you and they will not be nice about it. Otherwise, you might catch them fighting each other, roaming around and doing an occasional roar or a growl or chasing a vehicle to kill the riders. Their actions depend on may things and they can be killed and you will get plenty of points for that.
](Dinosaurs can be turned off by the Server Creator)
again as always sounds awesome - one of the few mods that seems to take a giant leap everytime we see it
and no Halo :D

looking great
wow the alien model looks awesome cant wait to play as him my only crit about the media update is the human guys still kinda look like master chief.
Very nice. My only gripe is that the maps all look similar.
i see you took my private message to heart praz...about the two tribes idea.
Looks impressive (especially the destructable environments). I'm guessing that Dawn and Krubera don't have vehicles on them as they seem a bit small ey :)
without reading that whole thread (it is too much), i can say that i love you and i want a baby from you....^^

great mod anyway
All looks great, I see you're making progress.
Awesome ingame content, I'm looking forward to this mod.

Keep up the good work!
Wow, looks awesome. My only question is: why doesn't the gun point at the crosshair?
I actually really like the redone concept for the armour. It has the feel of 80's/90's robotic suits in computer games, like Turrican, and at the same time, doesn't really copy any specific one.

I still think he needs REALLY BIG GUNS though. :p I can picture it holding the FN2000 and the FNC thing, but the other guns would look a little dwarfed against a set of armour.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, the new armour is really cool, but if anything the "modern" weapons look even more out of place.

I reckon you could easily keep the modern theme, but make them larger (aka chunkier) to suit the bloody great armoured guys lugging them around...
Add loads of attachments, like laser sights, and flamethrowers! D:

-Angry Lawyer
There's one awesome thing I noticed:


That pic. For some reason, it strikes me as abolutely gorgeous. Even though it's 5 years old, and built on a far older engine, it seems really pretty to me. I guess it's just all the cool colors... I dunno. Whatever it is, it's cool.