"Incoming Source" Media Update


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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The team working on the HL2 modification, Incoming Source, have released their biggest media update yet with a video featuring 4 minutes of in-game footage in 3 different maps that are currently being developed. Also, they have released a few screenshots of their great looking vehicles, weapons and enviroments:[br]

[br]Oh, but that’s not all. The team has released sample audio files of 2 soundtracks, iSource - Heart Plus Window and iSource - Serenity (Serenity is still under development).[br]For more links, information and a progress report of the current status of Incoming Source, please head over to their website here.
Looks very nice

The tracktion on that tank (third pic) looks weird though

The buggy things in the far left picture definately resemble the 'warthog' from Halo too much....
thw whole game resembles halo to much, have you seen the player character?

Very impressive though
that doesnt resemble halo, that IS the worthog from halo.. was that the goal? pretty cool scenes though.
lol here come the halo comments again- i say we just drop it- they say they aren't copying halo- we can just take their word, watch their media, and formulate our own oppinion.

props for them trying so hard though to say they aren't.

[edit]: plus their argument wins for now, i mean look at the stuff made 4 years ago- b4 halo came out... good for them having an idea that resembles something in a game made AFTERWARDS. <3
iconic- said:
lol here come the halo comments again- i say we just drop it- they say they aren't copying halo- we can just take their word, watch their media, and formulate our own oppinion.

props for them trying so hard though to say they aren't.

[edit]: plus their argument wins for now, i mean look at the stuff made 4 years ago- b4 halo came out... good for them having an idea that resembles something in a game made AFTERWARDS. <3
but it still looks like the warthog... and the playermodels looks like the masterchief. I'm not saying its bad. I liked halo very much (dont flame me for saying that :| ) BUT THEY CANT SAY THEY DIDNT COPY HALO !!!

iconic- said:
lol here come the halo comments again- i say we just drop it- they say they aren't copying halo- we can just take their word, watch their media, and formulate our own oppinion.

props for them trying so hard though to say they aren't.

[edit]: plus their argument wins for now, i mean look at the stuff made 4 years ago- b4 halo came out... good for them having an idea that resembles something in a game made AFTERWARDS. <3
Actually, Halo was showed for the first time MORE than 4 years ago, and came out almost 4 years ago, Halo released in November 14, 2001, for the X-Box and it's now October 2005, almost 4 years ago.
The first trailer(I.e. the PC/Mac one, before the X-B vers was even announced) also showed the warthog to great extent, along with the characters and other vehicles, and that trailer was from 2000(Maybe even earlier).
So that last argument fails, sorry mate.
Well yes, this is a copy fron the Warthog from Halo. They can make more than 100 diffrentes design of a army vehicle, why just this? :rolleyes:

Then, if you see the pics again. You can read the words ''devlopment team'' or they mean development team.
Their site is crashed, woot. Looks way too much like Halo for my tastes.
I feel for these mod teams that the source trees look so damn ugly.
Gargantou is right, I remember watching the original trailer in late '98, early '99. Can't tell ya which year but I can tell ya it was in that time. I remember downloading it at school in seventh grade, because it was way too big to download at home. XD The video was mostly video of the warthog.
HALO or not, who cares, it looks great

I couldn't care less if it was ported from Halo.
Let's welcome another different taste on the HL2 engine, that's from more important then all these "academic discussions" about HALO.
I don't care when Halo came out or how long these guys have been working on this mod - THAT IS THE WARTHOG! It's identical!

As for Halo - One of the best FPS's on the PC. Awesome game criminaly over looked by bitter PC gamers miffed at the fact that it defected to X-Box during PC development. It belongs on the PC all day long though. Apart from the fact that a lot of the locations seem to repeat themselves over & over (the library section with the flood felt like you were running around in circles!) this is an awesome game. The combat is some of the best you'll find in a PC game. And as for the multiplayer - Some of the best fun I've had on a multiplayer game.
Does indeed look very nice, i'm not going to dislike it because it looks like Halo, because it does a helluva lot but in a good way, i think it looks better, especially that forest screenie. Very impressed with that work.
The media they show is always great but I dont like the mod because they copy a lot of stuff from Halo, and say thats not treu.

btw: modern weapons, futuristic weapons, aliens, dinosaurs, vehicles, exoplanets, world war,... in one mod. WTF?
I'll check this out as long as the game doesnt play like halo. I tried to play halo all the way through, but i could not do it. You jump like youre on the moon and the gameplay was repetitive.
iconic- said:
lol here come the halo comments again- i say we just drop it- they say they aren't copying halo- we can just take their word, watch their media, and formulate our own oppinion.

props for them trying so hard though to say they aren't.

[edit]: plus their argument wins for now, i mean look at the stuff made 4 years ago- b4 halo came out... good for them having an idea that resembles something in a game made AFTERWARDS. <3
afterwards? lol, the game was openly in the making 5 years ago lol.. the chief was for example drawn as a concept in 1999 (:o - wtf is it with the : o being the blush smilie - that makes 6 ... there you go ) and was soon after published on halo.bungie.org
The reload on the M4 is possibly way off... They didn't open the bolt or use the forward assist. However I didn't watch the whole video to see if they ever emptied the gun because if you don't empty the gun you don't need to open the bolt or push the forward assist, but if you don't empty the gun you would technically have 30+1 rounds in the gun.

That's just my little complaint.

Also, the second SMG the character uses is probably an FN 2000 but it could use a bit more detail work if it is although I suppose I haven't held one.
I figured someone would post facts by now?


July '99- Halo trailer first shown.
August 25, 2000- Incoming announced finally.
November 15, 2001 - Halo 1 released.

Halo was obviously announced before Incoming announced, and Halo released after incoming was announced.

The trailer shown before Incoming announced included the PC portion, open levels, the older armor for Master Chief as well as a warthog, ghost, and banshee.

We openly admit that we based the Gladiator ENTIRELY on the warthog, on purpose. It was in Incoming 5 years ago, FULL credit to bungie. Our gladiator also comes in a sand shade, as well as titanium grey (dark grey).

All of our other material is origional concept.
downgrade said:
The reload on the M4 is possibly way off... They didn't open the bolt or use the forward assist. However I didn't watch the whole video to see if they ever emptied the gun because if you don't empty the gun you don't need to open the bolt or push the forward assist, but if you don't empty the gun you would technically have 30+1 rounds in the gun.
Your attention to detail is fu**ing staggering!!
Betelgeuze said:
The media they show is always great but I dont like the mod because they copy a lot of stuff from Halo, and say thats not treu.

I'm not going to base my feelings toward a game on the people behind it. Unless of course they get money from me purchasing the game....then is the only time when I will consider the maker. But seriously, it's a free mod. It looks amazing. The mapper is uber talented and the vehicles look nice. Who cares if some stuff looks like Halo. Halo was a fun game in my opinion.

Oh, and, hello to everyone. I've been coming here for a while but just now decided to register and step from the shadows hehe. :cheers:
yo, I actually worked, breifly, for the incoming team back in 2001 or 2002, i cant remember which. It was being developed for hl2, obviously, and I offered my services as a modeler. They wanted me to model an enemy character model and told me to model directly from a reference image they sent me. the image was a sketch made by bungie, the developers of halo. It was, however, an early sketch of those tall guys that shoot at u, dunno what they were called, it looked simiar to te halo models, but with slight differences, and they never actually used my model. just stating some facts here. do with em what you will. if i can fidn my old .ms3d file Ill post a pic.
Since then, luckily both our model and concepts have changed.
ah! i want to see the video but i get an error saying website may be down due to maintenance... or something like that
Gargantou said:
Actually, Halo was showed for the first time MORE than 4 years ago, and came out almost 4 years ago, Halo released in November 14, 2001, for the X-Box and it's now October 2005, almost 4 years ago.
The first trailer(I.e. the PC/Mac one, before the X-B vers was even announced) also showed the warthog to great extent, along with the characters and other vehicles, and that trailer was from 2000(Maybe even earlier).
So that last argument fails, sorry mate.

there we go someone beat me to it. Yeah I think it was from the late 90's I remember seeing the trailer for halo on a demo disc for I think pcgamer. They showed the vehicles, master chief and the aliens (forget their name). So yeah..... lol they copied halo come on no, beating around the bush. Of course they have to say they didn't so bungie/ microsoft doesn't go and give them a little not so friendly e-mail/phone call. In that case I hope to see a melee attack option for the ranged weaponary and an option to bind grenade throwing to a key. :imu: :farmer:
Praz said:
I figured someone would post facts by now?


July '99- Halo trailer first shown.
August 25, 2000- Incoming announced finally.
November 15, 2001 - Halo 1 released.

Halo was obviously announced before Incoming announced, and Halo released after incoming was announced.

The trailer shown before Incoming announced included the PC portion, open levels, the older armor for Master Chief as well as a warthog, ghost, and banshee.

We openly admit that we based the Gladiator ENTIRELY on the warthog, on purpose. It was in Incoming 5 years ago, FULL credit to bungie. Our gladiator also comes in a sand shade, as well as titanium grey (dark grey).

All of our other material is origional concept.

Neoknight, please read the thread before posting.
oh my mistake.. well in any case the mod looks great so far so don't get me wrong am looking forward to it.
I can't believe I just read three pages of bullshit about Halo. Are you guys kidding me? The bottom line is, this mod looks about a thousand times better any other mod I've seen for quite some time. Those maps are possibly the prettiest I have seen developed by someone outside of Valve. (In my opinion)

I do not see how this mod is not getting more love when most of the other modifications that are releasing media updates largely consist of blocky, horribly textured islands or square buildings.

I say: Halo wasn't a bad game, this is merely Halo-inspired, and the textures, animation, and maps all look top notch. I'll follow this one.
Eternity said:
I can't believe I just read three pages of bullshit about Halo. Are you guys kidding me? The bottom line is, this mod looks about a thousand times better any other mod I've seen for quite some time. Those maps are possibly the prettiest I have seen developed by someone outside of Valve. (In my opinion)

I do not see how this mod is not getting more love when most of the other modifications that are releasing media updates largely consist of blocky, horribly textured islands or square buildings.

I say: Halo wasn't a bad game, this is merely Halo-inspired, and the textures, animation, and maps all look top notch. I'll follow this one.

Exactly- this can be considered something else in its own right. We already have Halo ported, why would anyone possible do it again?