Incoming Source Vehicle Demo


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Only a few days after a large media release Incoming Source has released a short demonstration video of a drivable vehicle in-game. The point of the video is to show the lack of delay driving a vehicle with two people with a high ping. You can download the video from their site here.[br]

I'll be more impressed when they show a video with more people/vehicles.
Still, it shows they're actually doing some good work :D
Looks very nice, especially since I've been playing Empires for the last couple of days. Now, that mod rocks, and at least we can play it, but the lag gets unbearable in vehicles sometimes. But I'm sure that's because of the larger serverloads and whatnot. Still, it's a nice little presentation, can't wait to get to try it out.
An Empires lag free update will be coming out this weekend. It just needed to be optimized.
um thats one person in the vehicle right? or is it 2?
good video...but try playing with 10+ people(even with good ping). Empires all over again
- How can we tell it's two people?
- Where is the indication of the pings? (show scoreboard, maybe?)
- Only 2 people; what are the projected team sizes and vehicle limits?
To be honest, I've yet to see a single combat image from IS. Still, they've got a lot of groundwork done.


-Angry Lawyer
-Crispy- said:
- How can we tell it's two people?
- Where is the indication of the pings? (show scoreboard, maybe?)
- Only 2 people; what are the projected team sizes and vehicle limits?
Do you really think they would lie :| What benefit would they gain from that?
Although I trust Incoming: Source to deliver the goods (as I know that Nokia's a top-notch coder), I've known a number of mods that have faked results to try and get publicity.

-Angry Lawyer
SimonomiS said:
I'll be more impressed when they show a video with more people/vehicles.

Ditto! ill stick with empires right now. :cool:
vegeta897 said:
Do you really think they would lie :| What benefit would they gain from that?
No, personally I don't think they would lie, but at the same time this video proves nothing. It shows what it's like to drive (or be driven?) by someone in-game, but there's nothing to say it won't lagify when there's more than one vehicle being used on the server.

Plus, there's no proven information about what ping each player has, nor is there mention of whether this is a dedicated server or not, nor is there mention of the players connection type. So, for me, this video doesn't allay any fears I might have about vehicles being hellova laggy in I:S multiplayer.
Hmm. I have no view on whether or not the video actually proves anything, but I will say this: it looks naaaasty :D
All lying would do is make yourself look horrible when the mod actually comes out.

Like I said... What benefits are there to lying?
I'm not gonna be a braggart and mention the mod I'm working on in I:S's thread, but we routinely test our multipassanger vehicle system with players in the US and Europe, with pings in the 150+ range for the US people (i.e.: ME included) and the lag is no different then when outside vehicles. This is consistent with 4 people per vehicle, or 2 vehicles filled racing around. We've also run multiple vehicles simultaniously without issue.

Anyway, the reason I say all this is that with a competent coder, I see no reason why they wouldn't be able to achieve this.
vegeta897 said:
All lying would do is make yourself look horrible when the mod actually comes out.

Like I said... What benefits are there to lying?

I fully believe that Incoming: Source have managed to get it done.

HOWEVER - there are a lot of reasons why some mod teams (no names mentioned) fake certain shots. Sometimes, it's to bait extra members onto the team (especially coders). Other times, it's to attract a larger audience with media that hasn't been finished, but will be done eventually.

-Angry Lawyer
You're going to have to live up to that now :)
Not very impressive imo, this test doesnt really prove anything at all because the test itself isnt in an actual scenerio you will be seeing it. By that I mean, this mods maps are pretty big (correct me if I am wrong) and I would assume you would need at least 20 people but probably more like 32 at least to make it fun because of the maps being as big as they are. Run this same test with another 5 or 6 vehicles and another 20 or so players running around shooting etc and still not lag then that would be something to brag about, but 2 people doesnt show anything, you could both be on 56k and probably use some really crappy vehicle code and still see the same results, but once you add more people thats where you put the strain on. Props to them if it works as good as they say, I just find the video to be lacking in proof of concept though thats all.
Are you serious about the faking thing? Sounds like the whole "is it in game or a pre-rendered FMV" thing with Killzone and other games announced for an upcoming console.
well yeah - if they fake things as well, they can build interest and a fan-base making it look more successful...Especially if a ton of people download it.