Incoming Source - vt_strike - re-announced


Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Well, that was quick, eh?
We are back already with a new media update. This time we are showing off the new version of vt_strike.
You may notice a few different things, such as props, and these are due to Skybex, our awesome new prop modeler.

We have quite a few new members to the team while on that subject, such as:
pyro5hit9rind: I still haven't figured out if this member is a machine or a human. He has UVW'ed probably over 10 models, and has modeled some of our Altair Alien weapons as well, such as the Plasma Shotgun.
Cloud: A new artist who has so far created two altair models, including the Altair Cell Rifle and the Cell Pistol. Currently working on the Altair Walker (Mech).
Tycho: I believe this new member is a machine as well, as he already has created every single w_model for the human guns and is moving on over to the Altair w_models. He is also helping us skin the remaining Altair v_models.
nirrad: nirrad has begun his work by starting the skin on the Plasma Shotgun which you will see shortly.
Jester: One of our new modelers, he has begun working on Human guns that will be added after the first release. You'll get to see it soon.

We are also welcoming back some old, but familiar faces:
Jeo, who will be mapping vt_cera_factory.
Duztey:, who has already made one of the new human weapons (an SMG) which will be included in a future release, as well as the Cell Pistol.

Now, onto the goodies. Here are some new images of vt_strike:

And I'm going out on a whim here doing this. A video walk through of the map. There isn't much combat, almost none, as its with bots (expect videos of combat with real people shortly, in an updated build). It also has alot of work-in-progress material, such as:
-The Altair weapon not fully skinned. The skin is roughly 20% done, if even.
-No skin (at all) on the Altair alien vehicle.
-and a few other things, so keep that in mind. We are still working on the Altair skins for weapons as well as firing effects and vehicle skins. I thought they were cool enough, in the state that they are in, to show off. They DON'T resemble what they will in the final product. But for now, enjoy. Call it a sorry for the last trailer I released, here's your big map, enjoy!

Is that TychoCelchuuu you mentioned doing the models?
Nice models, can't wait to see the skinned versions.

Just out of curiosity, will there be in-game music?