Incorperating MYSQL



Hi, does anyone know if its possible/how to incorperate mysql into a hl2 mod? Im wanting a mod to record stats to the mysql like TSRP.
I'm not too sure if it's possible, cause then you'd have to set the persons PC up as a mysql server, and I don't think they'd like that under their nose :p

If you meant, you want stats relayed to a global mysql server where everybody else can view everybody elses stats, then i'd say to ask RomeoJGuy. He got it going with Antlion Troopers Deuce, i'm sure he'd be willing to help you.
I hate mySQL. It's hard enough to get it working with PHP, let alone C++ or a game for that matter =/
It would be better to use sqllite or a csv or tsv type of file, expecting a server host to host a secondary server technology would probably shy people away from wanting to play your mod.

Where as sqllite, csv, and tsv are very widely accepted db file formats, and can easily be coded and queried. - homepage for sqllite - writing programs to use sqllite

csv - comma seperated value's - (character code 44)
simply put, it is in this format

tsv - tab seperated values (character code 9)
this format
value1	value2	value3	value4
value1	value2	value3	value4
value1	value2	value3	value4
value1	value2	value3	value4
value1	value2	value3	value4

Any one of those formats are easily displayable vis a web or application interface. The sqllite would be the preferred storage method in this situation though, as it is a more robust and dynamic file set.

Good luck, and hope this helped.