Increase avatar size


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Would it be possible to increase the avatar size?

30 kb would be nice.

You can hardly do anything in 19.5 kb.

It might be possible. Obviously that's an admin decision though.
How much webspace do you have anyway?

with 15000 users (most of which don't have avatar's or have still one's) and a 30 kb size that would only take around 450mb. And if you look at the member list only about 5 people have avatar's per page.

You should have plenty of space.
It's not a massive HDD and the forum database weighs in at nearly a GB.
My guess is that increasing it to 30 kb would only increase the size of the database about 75 mb.

What do you mean by massive? A gig is hardly anything these days. :)

btw, could you get munro's attention? :P
Hazar Dakiri said:
My guess is that increasing it to 30 kb would only increase the size of the database about 75 mb.

What do you mean by massive? A gig is hardly anything these days. :)

btw, could you get munro's attention? :P
I don't think he'd be happy about me waking him up at 3am :p

He reads this forum every morning so he'll see it later on.
Oh, hehehe

bah what's 3am to an admin?

btw, where is everyone?
Please tell me I'm not the only one who want's it.:P
I would like it, although I don't think hard-drive space is a problem, its bandwidth. :(

Unless I find a new avatar I like better than my current one though I don't think I could find any use with it. Although it would still be good to see more interesting avatars comming from everyone else.
ya Chris_D maybe if you could get admin to allow 64 X 64 i like that size for avatars?
All you could do, is have more animations in the avatars, since having bigger pictures is not really that big of an improvement.

But as soos as HL2 comes out or goes gold, this forum will explode with news, so keep some saftly space.
I don't particularly think it's space that's the issue.
I like these forums, they are clean. I don't want some elaborate avatar show. We are here to read other posts/learn about HL2, not to watch a movie in an avatar.

If you can't express yourself in with the space this site gives you, you've got some problems.
blahblahblah Actually your right but i love Avatars Like i love Chris_D avatar i think its cool!!!

Also your avatar is funny. :naughty:

I took My avatar from Gabes At Hl2 Fallout and resized it im :naughty:
blahblahblah said:
I like these forums, they are clean. I don't want some elaborate avatar show. We are here to read other posts/learn about HL2, not to watch a movie in an avatar.

If you can't express yourself in with the space this site gives you, you've got some problems.

30 kb is hardly a movie. :P

I also like the 'clean' and uncluttered apperance. I'd just like a little more space for more colors, frames, etc.

Well now lets wait till sometime tommorow when we get a reply from Admin. :cheers:
uhh no, I a way against this. We come here to post not to scroll through pages of useless pictures that spamm up the boards.
Bigger avatars pixel-wise: No.

Bigger avatars memory wise: Yup, cos then I might actually be able to use the Friggy movie as mine...
Unnecessary, in my opinion. Maybe allow remote linking so people can host it on their own webspace if they want bigger sizes.

I strongly oppose bigger avatars in a pixel sense. It's fine as it is: clean and uncluttered.
blahblahblah said:
I like these forums, they are clean. I don't want some elaborate avatar show. We are here to read other posts/learn about HL2, not to watch a movie in an avatar.

If you can't express yourself in with the space this site gives you, you've got some problems.

originally i wanted larger avatar sizes too.. but eh.. i got used to it.. besides it might start lagging the forums :|
I'll say 30kb would be nice :) but I wouldn't need it personally.

take into account not everyone would use up all 30kb so it wouldn't be such a shot to the webspace.
:dozey: Don't really care, but hey upgrades are always nice.
blahblahblah said:
I like these forums, they are clean. I don't want some elaborate avatar show. We are here to read other posts/learn about HL2, not to watch a movie in an avatar.

If you can't express yourself in with the space this site gives you, you've got some problems.


It always starts like this, ask for bigger avatars then pictures in your sigs... and before you know it we're in a CS forum with 400x200 pics of DBZ everywhere! ;)
but goku's deltoids are so very sexy...

there is truth in blah's words, though, people will always want more and this isn't an avatar gallery, its a hl2 forum. However, I think 30kb is a reasonable demand, doesn't hurt the 56kers by much more and if a lot of folks want the extra 10 kb then why not give it.
It would be nice, but it MIGHT slow down the forums when opening threads if you're on a slower connection though :(
Brian Damage said:
Bigger avatars pixel-wise: No.

Bigger avatars memory wise: Yup, cos then I might actually be able to use the Friggy movie as mine...

Exactly. :)
I think that the size is perfect now, all you can do is little loop movies. I really hate animated avatars anyway, they somehow annoy me, :burp:

I would however enjoy greater avatar sizes to something like 60x60, check www.nucleardreams, 50x50 doesn't makes clear that my avatar depicts Mr.Pink.
I like the small avatar size, pixelwise. Having a bigger max-KB size would be abit better since you could make longer/higher quality animated avatars.
The 50x50 limit is ok with me, but I agree that the max size should be increased to 30kb.
I wouldn't mind a slightly larger dimension avatar, but I do NOT want to download 20+ X 30kB images per page.

Please NO filesize increase.
Just do it and don't announce it.. nobody will notice so only a few will actually change their avatar ;)
20kb is plenty imo, increasing it to 30kb would make the pages load even slower for the few 56k/isdn people still out there or people that download whilst reading the forums or people that read them whilst connected over a mobile .. not to mention add to the amount of bandwith the forums use by quite a bit.

Remote linking = bad cos you just end up with a load of red crosses where people aint linked em properly or their webspace has gone down/changed.

imo anyway
I'd prefer avatar size be increased pixel-wise, as I don't mind being able to depict the user behind the post, but I do mind having to wait 30 seconds for a damn animation to load.
I like it the way it is. Increasing the size will only slow the forum down, and mess up my brain when I look through the threads. The animated avatars make crackling sounds in my headphones as well (integrated powa)

Keep it the way it is now. Clean and small. A beautiful forum :)