Increasing enemy damage?


Apr 25, 2005
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Is there a way to increase the damage Combine Soldiers do? Ideally, is there a way to adjust the damage their gunshots do against Ant-Lions upwards? I'm replaying Nova Prospekt and I find it irritating that the Ant-Lions pwn the Combine Soldiers so easily.

Thanks for any help.
I'm not exactly sure, but check in some of the Half Life files. There will be a bit that says something about Combine soldiers. Or maybe the name of the machine gun....can't remember it's name. The one they use anyway.

Just double the damage value.
It's not just the damage that the Combine soldiers do, but antlions are designed so that they do tons of extra damage when they fight the soldiers. Notice that against zombies,etc, antlions are far weaker. Even if the Combine do more damage, they will still go down in one hit unless you reduce the damage the antlions do.

(I like the balance myself...)
The AntLion ownage is hard-coded in.

		//FIXME: Until the interaction is setup, kill combine soldiers in one hit -- jdw
		if ( FClassnameIs( pHurt, "npc_combine_s" ) )
			CTakeDamageInfo	dmgInfo( this, this, pHurt->m_iHealth+25, DMG_SLASH );
			CalculateMeleeDamageForce( &dmgInfo, vecForceDir, pHurt->GetAbsOrigin() );
			pHurt->TakeDamage( dmgInfo );
I've got no problem with the Ant-Lions killing the Combine in one hit, I'd just like the troops to be able to return the favour; does anyone know where the things I'd need to change could be found?