Incredible websites!

hardly incredible, but whatever floats your boat.

edit. ohh it has sound ...... still not that great, kinda anoying)
My bad, didn't know.. He asked so I provided.. Won't happen again !
Just had a look at Samorast.. wtf? lol, that was one of the strangest "games?" I've played... I was really miffed that it was so short though, it was really good - strangely :)

Don't suppose there's any more like that about the net.. by that I mean I'd look but I'm not exactly sure what I'd be searching for :)
Originally posted by Fenric1138
Just had a look at Samorast.. wtf? lol, that was one of the strangest "games?" I've played... I was really miffed that it was so short though, it was really good - strangely :)

Don't suppose there's any more like that about the net.. by that I mean I'd look but I'm not exactly sure what I'd be searching for :)

Yeah its quite nice, like the way they've used closeups of woodland to create an entire organic planet... odd though.
As for more like that? Pfft, I don't know mate. is pretty odd but crap!
Originally posted by Tchoky
Yeah its quite nice, like the way they've used closeups of woodland to create an entire organic planet... odd though.
As for more like that? Pfft, I don't know mate. is pretty odd but crap!

It reminded me of something from long ago, these weird but entertaining and original games that dissapear quickly then turn up years later in a commercial form on some console (and without the magic)

I wasn't surprised to find European names on the credits either, the original and strange stuff almost always comes from Europe

Did find a few links, i think to it and about it on google, but its all in another language and im not even sure if its the same thing, depends on what the word means heh
Zombo is so bad... I stared at it for like 5 minutes and then started laughgin hysterically
It kinda brainwashes you... has some prett ygood stuff but you have to sort through the crap, which theres lots of.