Indiana Jones 4 pics.!!!!!

Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I really, really, REALLY HOPE this movie is going to be AWESOME!!! I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Old man Harrison looks wonderful. Not so sure about junior.
I wish he didn't have a little sidekick. I bet you Shia LaBeouf will play the exact same character that he plays in all his other movies.
Jesus, Shia LaBeouf must be feeling like the luckiest guy in the world right now, hes been in awesome films lately. Now he gets to star next to one of the indusry's biggest stars. DAMN YOU!!!

First pic he doesnt look too old, 3rd one makes me think he's old when i look at his hand holding the torch, kinda visualising him shaking it uncontrolably.
Oh joy! The kid guy who ruined Transformers (not just him, of course) is Indiana's sidekick? Hooray! This can only be good. Unless of course it is extremely horribly bad indeed.
If Shia ****s this up I will personally shit in his mouth.
Wow Ford looks great for his age but a sidekick? Hmm...
If Shia ****s this up I will personally shit in his mouth.
You just forced me to change the layout of my sig. :laugh: Think I'm going to do a spoiler tag and it opens with all the funny quotes. Well Shia must be doing good in the movie. At the Q&A for Comic-Con Ford and Spielberg said "he was a remarkable young boy with excellent acting abilities". So he must be doing something right. Also Ford plays the same role too for every movie. It's just bad if he has the same expression or can't display emotions that is bad.
Lol at the cobwebs on Indy's hat. He really is showing his age.
I echo the cries of please don't suck.

Oh god, please make it not suck.
Apparently the pics were leaked, kinda.
Does that say Matt on jones juniors leather jacket?? If so i want one!!
Ford looks like a piece of shit for his age. You're all high on fan boy hype.
Nah he looks decent for 65, you're just another person who sees fanboyism everywhere so you can be an anti-fanboy :P
That's a great cast, good to see Karen Allen back on the scene too. I remember watching Raiders 3 times in a row in one sitting by hiding between the cinema seats in between showings in '81. :angel: Guess that's tougher to get away with now though.

This movie cannot fail, the indy films are rock.
Actually,Ray Winstone is playing his sidekick.
Looking at these pictures makes me think "man, Sean Connery is still alive?!" which makes me sad, because I don't want Sean Connery to die....
Looking at these pictures makes me think "man, Sean Connery is still alive?!" which makes me sad, because I don't want Sean Connery to die....

Actually, you're wrong. Sean Connery is dead.

...dead tired of getting bad reception on his phone while he's roaming in the jungle!

Looking at these pictures makes me think "man, Sean Connery is still alive?!" which makes me sad, because I don't want Sean Connery to die....

I ****ing lol'd.

Also, this movie will automatically suck because of Shia LeDouche.

There might be hope with Ford though, he looks like a real badass even at this age.
HARRISON FORD hates the internet, because it means anyone can spread malicious gossip about him. The actor, who plays a computer-security specialist in his latest film FIREWALL, sees a need to censor his words to avoid being misrepresented online. He says, "The worst thing about the internet is that anything and everything is up for grabs. How can that be, when I limit my public conversations to about once every couple of years? "Any kind of rubbish goes on the internet and it can have a f**king life of its own."


You heard em boys... misrepresentation time!
The kid from transformers is in this? Haha well i guess ill give him a shot. He was cool in disturbia
I can't wait!!

I have strong faith in Shia personally. I thought he was awesomely funny in Transformers.

Someone should also put up that great still of him from one of the official videos. It's when Indy is being held by two soldiers.

He still has it.