The night beckoned a resonating duty beyond the eastern tree line. A stampeding horde of Imperial Knights on work-horses make their way to the town of Nine, home of six young children who are destined to save the world from an unrelenting evil formulating underground. The Imperial Knights are to recruit the six young children, only by their will and nothing more, so a force capable of thwarting the evil beneath could be born. If one child decides not to go, the forces of light would crumble and the evil would reign and consume the world. Unfortunately, a child did say no and decided not to go. This decision doomed the world and death lingered on the souls of the people of Rona. Though hope was not completely lost, a mage from the Kimberly Mountains travelled to the little town and convinced the child, if not to join the other five, to travel alone and seek the help of the Infinite Ring, a band of mighty warriors lost in the depths of time. The Infinite Ring wound train and assist the child in destroying the evil once and for all. The other five would have to be sacrificed on the battlefield, only then could the warriors of the Infinite Ring be summoned. In order for the child to call upon the Infinite Ring, the child must venture into the Underworld of Maerk and defeat the goddess of destruction, Armadilla. Deep within Armadilla's monstrous body, a powerful scepter will be found enabling its wielder to manipulate time. Only this scepter can free the Infinite Ring from the depths of time.
Infinity is an online fantasy action game that places players in a story they must act out. The game takes place two years after the story ends. There will be two sides, the Infinite Ring and the Legion of Undermaerk. Each side have their own proprietary weapon load out and magical abilities. Each side are also given a set of primary and secondary objectives to complete in order to win a battle (round). Completing the Primary objective first will ensure a sides win over the other when the time expires. If the secondary objective is completed as well, then extra points are awarded. The Primary Objective may consist of sub-objectives. This means that completing the Primary objective will open up other "tasks" that are required in order for the Primary objective to be completed. The tasks may vary depending on the map.
Infinity is played from both a first and third person perspective and can be seamlessly switched by pressing the (default) F1 key. The first person perspective is geared towards precise aiming and exploring the environments. Players will find that a First person perspective may help them navigate the terrain much easily and may help them find alternate routes and passages throughout the levels. The third person perspective is geared more towards the combat aspects of the game, allowing for much more control over a character. Infinity can be summed up as an online role playing action game. The same characteristics found in an online role playing game are prevalent in Infinity, except in a action oriented environment. It has PvP (Player-versus-player) gameplay like that found in World of Warcraft or Lineage II, only on a much smaller scale. EXP Acquisition is still in an idea phase and has not been ruled in. EXP Acquisition could be used for players to build stronger characters and reward their play time by making unique weapons available to them. Other features such as the ability to unlock special animation sets such as taunts will be available.
The Scepter is a powerful weapon and randomly spawns over the map. This special weapon, or item rather, enables the wielder to slowdown time. Time affects everyone which means, if the wielder slows down time, then EVERYONE in the game will be slowed. This item allows players to engage in slow motion combat and also opens up other special features such as jumping higher. Once the Scepter is activated it begins to count down (possibly 20-30 seconds) its use. Once used, it will disappear and spawn somewhere in the map after a certain amount of time expires. This time is random and can be anywhere from 5-15 minutes or 3-6 rounds.
Horses play an important role in Infinity as it allows players to change the gameplay a bit. A horse can be considered a vehicle in Infinity as it allows players to traverse the levels much more quickly. Horses are expensive and can only be bought after a player has saved up gold he or she has won or found throughout the map.
Gold is a natural resource and can be used to buy high profile weapons and horses. Gold can be collected either by killing the opposing forces and looting their corpses or by finding it throughout the map. A certain percentage of a fallen players gold will be given to the slayer, this percentage can be heightened if the player completes a Brutal Kill, which means severing a limb. Severing limbs is hard to accomplish as they must be timed and positioned properly before being deployed. An example of gold distribution by severing limbs is:
-Head = 30 percent of fallen players gold.
-Arms = 10 percent for each limb
-Legs = 15 percent for each limb
*If a player has 1000 gold, he will be left with 700 if his head is removed. 900 if his arm is removed and so on and so forth.
This is a light overview of the game and may help give you an idea of what to expect and my ambitions. Currently I'm seeking a 2d and 3d artist to help develop some promotional art and concepts. If you are interested, please PM me or let me know here.
The night beckoned a resonating duty beyond the eastern tree line. A stampeding horde of Imperial Knights on work-horses make their way to the town of Nine, home of six young children who are destined to save the world from an unrelenting evil formulating underground. The Imperial Knights are to recruit the six young children, only by their will and nothing more, so a force capable of thwarting the evil beneath could be born. If one child decides not to go, the forces of light would crumble and the evil would reign and consume the world. Unfortunately, a child did say no and decided not to go. This decision doomed the world and death lingered on the souls of the people of Rona. Though hope was not completely lost, a mage from the Kimberly Mountains travelled to the little town and convinced the child, if not to join the other five, to travel alone and seek the help of the Infinite Ring, a band of mighty warriors lost in the depths of time. The Infinite Ring wound train and assist the child in destroying the evil once and for all. The other five would have to be sacrificed on the battlefield, only then could the warriors of the Infinite Ring be summoned. In order for the child to call upon the Infinite Ring, the child must venture into the Underworld of Maerk and defeat the goddess of destruction, Armadilla. Deep within Armadilla's monstrous body, a powerful scepter will be found enabling its wielder to manipulate time. Only this scepter can free the Infinite Ring from the depths of time.
Infinity is an online fantasy action game that places players in a story they must act out. The game takes place two years after the story ends. There will be two sides, the Infinite Ring and the Legion of Undermaerk. Each side have their own proprietary weapon load out and magical abilities. Each side are also given a set of primary and secondary objectives to complete in order to win a battle (round). Completing the Primary objective first will ensure a sides win over the other when the time expires. If the secondary objective is completed as well, then extra points are awarded. The Primary Objective may consist of sub-objectives. This means that completing the Primary objective will open up other "tasks" that are required in order for the Primary objective to be completed. The tasks may vary depending on the map.
Infinity is played from both a first and third person perspective and can be seamlessly switched by pressing the (default) F1 key. The first person perspective is geared towards precise aiming and exploring the environments. Players will find that a First person perspective may help them navigate the terrain much easily and may help them find alternate routes and passages throughout the levels. The third person perspective is geared more towards the combat aspects of the game, allowing for much more control over a character. Infinity can be summed up as an online role playing action game. The same characteristics found in an online role playing game are prevalent in Infinity, except in a action oriented environment. It has PvP (Player-versus-player) gameplay like that found in World of Warcraft or Lineage II, only on a much smaller scale. EXP Acquisition is still in an idea phase and has not been ruled in. EXP Acquisition could be used for players to build stronger characters and reward their play time by making unique weapons available to them. Other features such as the ability to unlock special animation sets such as taunts will be available.
The Scepter is a powerful weapon and randomly spawns over the map. This special weapon, or item rather, enables the wielder to slowdown time. Time affects everyone which means, if the wielder slows down time, then EVERYONE in the game will be slowed. This item allows players to engage in slow motion combat and also opens up other special features such as jumping higher. Once the Scepter is activated it begins to count down (possibly 20-30 seconds) its use. Once used, it will disappear and spawn somewhere in the map after a certain amount of time expires. This time is random and can be anywhere from 5-15 minutes or 3-6 rounds.
Horses play an important role in Infinity as it allows players to change the gameplay a bit. A horse can be considered a vehicle in Infinity as it allows players to traverse the levels much more quickly. Horses are expensive and can only be bought after a player has saved up gold he or she has won or found throughout the map.
Gold is a natural resource and can be used to buy high profile weapons and horses. Gold can be collected either by killing the opposing forces and looting their corpses or by finding it throughout the map. A certain percentage of a fallen players gold will be given to the slayer, this percentage can be heightened if the player completes a Brutal Kill, which means severing a limb. Severing limbs is hard to accomplish as they must be timed and positioned properly before being deployed. An example of gold distribution by severing limbs is:
-Head = 30 percent of fallen players gold.
-Arms = 10 percent for each limb
-Legs = 15 percent for each limb
*If a player has 1000 gold, he will be left with 700 if his head is removed. 900 if his arm is removed and so on and so forth.
This is a light overview of the game and may help give you an idea of what to expect and my ambitions. Currently I'm seeking a 2d and 3d artist to help develop some promotional art and concepts. If you are interested, please PM me or let me know here.