Info about the experiment.

Wtf are you talking about faster than light travel has nothing to do with going backwards in time, FTL speeds would yield completely opposite results, that is no time passes at all/going "into the future".

Mate, like Gordon Freeman I am a Theoretical physicist. But don't take my word for it look it up []. The theory is based on Einsteins special theory of relativity. For no time to pass at all you would have to travel at exactly the speed of light. The faster you go the slower time seems for the person who is moving relative to a stationary observer. [look up the twin paradox]

This continues until you hit the speed of light where time would be slowed to a stop. If you could then travel faster than the speed of light (theoretically impossible for an object with mass) then you have a time symmetry where the person appears to be travelling backwards in time relative to a stationary observer. This is due to relativity of simultaneity.

The impossibility of faster than light travel for an object with mass, can be overcome if an object moves from A to B faster than light traveling from A to B. Now this is possible with a portal at A and B and a large distance between them, or a very fast entry and exit from the portal. So the object can appear too travel faster than the speed of light, when in fact it has just passed through two portals.

You can learn more here []

So it is possible in half life 3 to travel back in time.
Mate, like Gordon Freeman I am a Theoretical physicist. But don't take my word for it look it up []. The theory is based on Einsteins special theory of relativity. For no time to pass at all you would have to travel at exactly the speed of light. The faster you go the slower time seems for the person who is moving relative to a stationary observer. [look up the twin paradox]

This continues until you hit the speed of light where time would be slowed to a stop. If you could then travel faster than the speed of light (theoretically impossible for an object with mass) then you have a time symmetry where the person appears to be travelling backwards in time relative to a stationary observer. This is due to relativity of simultaneity.

The impossibility of faster than light travel for an object with mass, can be overcome if an object moves from A to B faster than light traveling from A to B. Now this is possible with a portal at A and B and a large distance between them, or a very fast entry and exit from the portal. So the object can appear too travel faster than the speed of light, when in fact it has just passed through two portals.

You can learn more here []

So it is possible in half life 3 to travel back in time.

Thank you for the Wikipedia links, but they are not really necessary, not only because Wikipedia hardly qualifies as an authority on general relativity but because the links you posted only help prove my point. I will grant you that twin paradox is a perfectly valid example of the effects of time manipulation, but it is really irrelevant to anything we are talking about since it specifically deals with the slowing of time and possibly the sensation of traveling forward through it, which i already stated is plausible. I am not sure to what degree your expertise on "theoretical physics" is but there are some blatant holes in your theory. For starters not only is it theoretically impossible to travel faster than light, but it is also impossible to travel at the speed. Read some more Einstein Wikipedia pages and you will see that the scientific community all but unanimously agrees that any object with mass can never travel at the speed of light, so even if traveling faster than light did reverse time it is not even close to possible. But for the sake of argument i'll pretend like ftl travel is possible. So here we have a hypotheitcal situation in which a human can move faster than light, he reaches the moment of light speed and time stops?? Where are you getting this from, light speed is not the definitive incriminate time, and there is no evidence to support that speed of light time stops, many scientists believe that time approaches stopping in a black hole, approaches, that means that even in a enviornment in which light itself is not fast ti escape time still moves forward, that would mean that if time can ever stand still you have to be traveling far beyond the speed of light, and who knows how much faster to reach the time symmetry you were talking about. And that brings me to my last point, there is no supporting evidence whatsoever to suggest that reaching the point where you could move faster than an eclipse of time and acceleration (equivalence principle) which you are suggesting happens when an object begins to move ftl, causes backwards movement in time. That theory is not even based logic let alone scientific evidence.
Oh and one more thing the portal scenario is interesting to consider, but by entering and exiting a wormhole before light can reach point b, you are not moving ftl you are merely taking a shortcut through time space while conserving whatever momentum you have when you enter the worm hole a point a. I may not be a "theoretical physicist" but i am a college professor of astronomy, specifically based in relativity, and i never accept Wikipedia as a source on my kids papers. (sorry for any grammatical errors its late, i don't care enough to proof read)
Then buy a book if you don't trust Wikipedia, or do more research. I know it is theoretically impossible to travel at that speed I never said it wasn't.

Quote "Read some more Einstein Wikipedia pages and you will see that the scientific community all but unanimously agrees that any object with mass can never travel at the speed of light, so even if traveling faster than light did reverse time it is not even close to possible. But for the sake of argument I'll pretend like ftl travel is possible."

I also stated that faster than speed of light travel is impossible, did you even read my post?

Quote " and who knows how much faster to reach the time symmetry you were talking about."

OK, this makes no sense at all, the time symmetry is defined at the speed of light (as a chair is defined to be a thing you sit on with 4 legs).

Also I agree Wikipedia is not a definitive source I just gave you them links because I cant be arsed finding other sites to prove my point. As for them Wiki links I sent you they are very good. As for the rest of your post id does not make much sense. It must be very late.

Quote "Oh and one more thing the portal scenario is interesting to consider, but by entering and exiting a wormhole before light can reach point b, you are not moving ftl you are merely taking a shortcut through time space while conserving whatever momentum you have when you enter the worm hole a point a"

Yes I know I said this in my post! That's the reason why portals can theoretically be used for time travel in the past. As travelling faster than light is impossible, and portals are like a loop hole which can be used.

Quote " I may not be a "theoretical physicist" but i am a college professor of astronomy"

You are either not telling the truth or you need to brush up on your physics.
You scanners and manhacks need to chill the f*ck out.

Ah , the good ol' days of scanhacks an manners. Also I very much doubt valve will have us go back in time , if they did that i would gradualy eat all the parts of a motorcycle and never play a Half life game ever again.
Personally, I think, judging by the amount of power it must take to run a portal, that Dr. Kleiner could generate the 1.21 gigawatts necessary to send Gordon back in time.

Meaning, it's a video game and almost anything can happen as long as it has a good explanation.

But, I don't think it will happen, mostly due to the fact that the Delorean probably no longer exists in the Half-Life universe.
We know that we'll be going to the borealis for episode 3 but by the time we get to half-life 3 we might be fighting a completely different enemy. I think when and if Half-Life 3 is with us we'll be fighting something new, the episodic releases are dealing with the combine storyline. Not that HL3 wouldn't carry on from the combine era but I think Valve would wanna make it abit different.
well though it is highly unlikely that epi3 will return back to black mesa, i was just thinking, since it was destroyed by the nuke, with the underground parts possibly still intact, everything would still be littered with nuclear fallout. Now correct if i'm wrong please because i am no scientist, i am but a i mere 19yr old bum, but the real definition of half life was originated with radioactive decay and its natural decay over time. The rest is over my head. but it would kinda play on the title to return to the radioactive starting point of the game. though i imagine most of half life's players will be unaware that half life is more than just a game title.... i dunno just an idea.
oh and by the way i kinda enjoyed that argument i felt as if i was getting smarter just by reading it. whether or not their was any factuality behind it. lol
They named it "Half-Life" because they wanted it to sound like it involved more than just mindlessly killing stuff and that it would require some problem solving abilities and would contain some scientific themes. They also considered "Half-Dead," but thought it was too cheesy.
Sorry but i don't think this thread makes a lot of sense. If borealis is similar to black mesa, and we go to borealis, why teh hell would we also go to black mesa in the same game for? This is clearly fake as i dont see valve making the outline of EP 3 being, start in Europe, go to antartica, then go to New Mexico... Could gordon be THAT upsest with seeing portals?

Oh and to the post above mine, half life is also a scientific term for the time required for radiation to decay.... This was another reason they chose half life over half dead.
I think what will happen is there may be some kind of flashback thing where you have to do certain parts of Half Life 1 or go up to a certain part "in your mind" as it were to find something significant in Black Mesa which would completely wipe out the combine, I would like them to redo parts of HL1 for that purpose.
I think what will happen is there may be some kind of flashback thing where you have to do certain parts of Half Life 1 or go up to a certain part "in your mind" as it were to find something significant in Black Mesa which would completely wipe out the combine, I would like them to redo parts of HL1 for that purpose.

thats not going to happen, valve doesnt do twisty shit like that....