Info on the whole storyline



Hi there guys, im new to the game, and was just interested in asking a few questions to clear some matters up.

Could someone point me in the direction of a place where i can learn about the storyline of game, as i didnt get the first half life, im a bit lost in what the whole game is about.

Secondly could someone tell me who the man is who keeps on appearing in certain locations then justs walks off. hes in a suit and carries a briefcase.

Cheers guys for your answers
Half-Life 1

Half-Life 1 takes place at a research facility called the Black Mesa Research Facility. It is a top-secret government facility that concentrates on teleportation. Anyway, you (Gordon Freeman), caused a resonance cascade by pushing a crystal into an Antimass Spectrometer that was overcharged by the scientists. This caused a dimentional rift to open up, and creatures from another universe (Xen) poured in. Eventually, the US military was sent to Black Mesa to clean things up (by killing the aliens and the science team). So you have one hell of a fight. Until a fellow scientist opens up a portal and sends you to the alien homeworld, Xen. Here, you have to kill the creature that is controlling the portals, Nihilanth. Once you kill him, you are hired by the G-Man - and 10 years later HL2 takes place...

The "bad guys" in HL2

Combine: They're a mixture of all the races they've conquered throughout the Universe. Earth is their latest target. When the Combine conquers a race, they'll work to assimilate it, and it's planet's resources. Conquered races are usually enhanced with Combine Technology.

Overwatch: Soldiers, Prisonguards, Elites. They're humans enhanced with Combine technology. E.g. mechanical parts. The transformation takes place at Nova Prospekt.

Civil Protection: The Metrocops. They are humans that willingly join the Combine. They don't get mechanical implants.

Stalkers: Weak humans are turned into Stalkers. They're the slaves we see in the Citadel. The transformation takes place at Nova Prospekt.

Synths: They're another race that the Combine has previously conquered. They were self-replicating robot-like creatures. There are many species of Synth, including Striders, Gunships, Dropships, Shield Scanners, Mortar Synths and Crab Synths. Just like the Overwatch, the Synths are also enhanced with Combine tech, through forceful-evolution though, not implants.

Real Combine: The original Combine race now heavily depends on the very technology they created, and have thus become fat and grublike, since they have the technology do everything for them. That explains the appearance of the Combine Advisor. Anyway, despite the devolution of the physical body, the mind of the Combine has greatly evolved over the time (and probably still is evolving).


The guy with the briefcase is G-Man. There are one too many theories on him. Look around the forums, and you'll find some good ones. Right now, the best theory is that G-Man represents a galactic government that is fighting against the Combine. Go around these forums to find some other probably less interesting theories.

Basic storyline of HL2

10 years after the BMRF incident, you have to fight against the Combine, which have now invaded and conquered Earth. During your mission, you destroy Nova Prospekt, a Combine facility. This event the humans take as a sign to begin a rebellion. You take part in this rebellion as well, until you're eventually sent to the Citadel, where you fight Dr. Breen (the leader of Earth). After you destroy his portal, everything goes into slow motion - and the G-man speeks to you... leaving plenty of space for HL3.

None of this stuff is very in-depth. If you want more info, just ask.
How do we know Nova Prospekt was destroyed? And how did it happen? I mean, the last time we see Nova Prospekt it seems to be unharmed, and then Gordon and Alyx just teleport back to Kleiner's lab. Did the teleport cause some kind of overheating reaction and the whole prison just blew off?
Seppo said:
How do we know Nova Prospekt was destroyed? And how did it happen? I mean, the last time we see Nova Prospekt it seems to be unharmed, and then Gordon and Alyx just teleport back to Kleiner's lab. Did the teleport cause some kind of overheating reaction and the whole prison just blew off?

Yes. As you can see when your teleporting out, everything around you is collapsing, and quite frankly, the portal is generally quite large and because it takes such a time to charge up, it would jsut release a ton of crap, and, it goes on to wipe out most of the prison.

This is why Kliener mentions the "Reprocussion".
Well, there isn't much to tell about the storyline, since Valve doesn't tell any story but leaves it open for you to imagine it, lame Matrix Reloaded style...
Slater said:
Well, there isn't much to tell about the storyline, since Valve doesn't tell any story but leaves it open for you to imagine it, lame Matrix Reloaded style...

Nope the answers are there, in the game. Its not open that much to your imagination, its just open enough for you to use your eyes and ears to take in whats happening.
The "bad guys" in HL2

"Combine: They're a mixture of all the races they've conquered throughout the Universe. Earth is their latest target. When the Combine conquers a race, they'll work to assimilate it, and it's planet's resources. Conquered races are usually enhanced with Combine Technology.

Overwatch: Soldiers, Prisonguards, Elites. They're humans enhanced with Combine technology. E.g. mechanical parts. The transformation takes place at Nova Prospekt.

Civil Protection: The Metrocops. They are humans that willingly join the Combine. They don't get mechanical implants.

Stalkers: Weak humans are turned into Stalkers. They're the slaves we see in the Citadel. The transformation takes place at Nova Prospekt.

Synths: They're another race that the Combine has previously conquered. They were self-replicating robot-like creatures. There are many species of Synth, including Striders, Gunships, Dropships, Shield Scanners, Mortar Synths and Crab Synths. Just like the Overwatch, the Synths are also enhanced with Combine tech, through forceful-evolution though, not implants.

Real Combine: The original Combine race now heavily depends on the very technology they created, and have thus become fat and grublike, since they have the technology do everything for them. That explains the appearance of the Combine Advisor. Anyway, despite the devolution of the physical body, the mind of the Combine has greatly evolved over the time (and probably still is evolving)."

Well I thought that the Combine were Humens from a another parallel univers, not cyborgs or aliens (maybe some aliens).
Well, there's solid facts in Raising the bar and the game, to say that the combine are aliens.
“Well, there's solid facts in Raising the bar and the game, to say that the combine are aliens.”

Do you mean by aliens as in there humans from another parallel universe, because they can be considered aliens, even most of them are humans.

I really doubt that alien beings will wear European style uniforms (the heavy Infantry uniform looks more American style though), or have five fingers, and bleed red, and not to mention they speak English.
Roman Legion said:
“Well, there's solid facts in Raising the bar and the game, to say that the combine are aliens.”

Do you mean by aliens as in there humans from another parallel universe, because they can be considered aliens, even most of them are humans.

I really doubt that alien beings will wear European style uniforms (the heavy Infantry uniform looks more American style though), or have five fingers, and bleed red, and not to mention they speak English.

You don't seem to understand. The combine soldiers arn't actual Combine, they are humans that have been converted with combine technology. The overwatch soldiers arnt aliens. The only actual combine alien you see, is the large slug like creature you see in Breens office - the combine advisor.

The striders and gunships are synth. Yet another alien species the combine have conquered.
“The only actual combine alien you see, is the large slug like creature you see in Breens office - the combine advisor.”

I do not remember seeing a larger slug in the game, but I’ll look on it again.

So what I’m understanding is that combines conquer a planet, and if the planet joins them the planet it will be spared (and of course, it will be a territory or Commonwealth to the Empire).

I’m sorry I do like history so I have to compared with this.

The Combines are kind like the Romans they conquer a place in the people they conquer, become citizen or can work for citizenship by serving in the military.

The Combine empire is very diverse (just like the Romans) with different beings maintaining an empire, and of course, just like the Romans the combines will have slave labor.

So is the best way to describe the Combines?

I another question are the combines cloning humans for soldiers?

Another question I’m wording were you get all this information, because the game does not give you a good storyline, it’s almost like seeing Star Wars episode 1, then jump to episode 4.

All I did with the store board is just guessed, it seemed to me that the combine were from another pearl universe.

I don’t know about you, but I am surprised that the combines do not have heavy tanks or are using the American arsenal.

One last thing I have to say, I really hope they make a have HALF-LIFE 3!!!!!!!
Roman Legion said:
“The only actual combine alien you see, is the large slug like creature you see in Breens office - the combine advisor.”

I do not remember seeing a larger slug in the game, but I’ll look on it again.

So what I’m understanding is that combines conquer a planet, and if the planet joins them the planet it will be spared (and of course, it will be a territory or Commonwealth to the Empire).

I’m sorry I do like history so I have to compared with this.

The Combines are kind like the Romans they conquer a place in the people they conquer, become citizen or can work for citizenship by serving in the military.

The Combine empire is very diverse (just like the Romans) with different beings maintaining an empire, and of course, just like the Romans the combines will have slave labor.

So is the best way to describe the Combines?

I another question are the combines cloning humans for soldiers?

Another question I’m wording were you get all this information, because the game does not give you a good storyline, it’s almost like seeing Star Wars episode 1, then jump to episode 4.

All I did with the store board is just guessed, it seemed to me that the combine were from another pearl universe.

I don’t know about you, but I am surprised that the combines do not have heavy tanks or are using the American arsenal.

One last thing I have to say, I really hope they make a have HALF-LIFE 3!!!!!!!

Thats the Advisor. Thats not its actual true form, the combine aliens themselves gradually became massivley dependent on thier technology, which eventually consumed them. Now they go from planet to planet enslaving different races, and absorbing them into thier ranks...basically the Overwatch.

The striders and gunships are another alien race, they are Synth. But the Combine go about forcing thier technology onto other biengs, this is what the combine soldiers have become.

Remember at the beginning, in the trainstation? Gordon was boarding the express to Nova Prospekt, where citizens are sent to become combine soldiers or stalkers. Effectivley slaves, yes.

Alot of people find it difficult to piece together the story, but it is in thier. Its just not given to yoy directly. All the information you need is in Half life 2, and if you put it all together it will give you a good, clear pciture of how things came about.

And dont worry, half life 3 is already in the works :)
and one more thing.

Is the reason why the combines were gas masks (beside the reason the mask is bullet proof and protection from gases), and have voice simulators is to dehumanize their enemy?
The Combine Soldiers wear the gas masks to allow them to breathe in different atmospheres - they can be posted off-world.

With the Combine, conquered races are forcefully integrated into the Combine army, lobotomised and turned into stalkers or killed depending how useful they are the the Combine. The civilians you see in HL2 are the few people who haven't been killed / integrated / turned into stalkers but the Combine would eventually be subject to one of the 3 fates the Combine have for them.

I get the impression that the vast majority of Earth's population has been wiped out and the Combine would eventually kill the rest of the free humans once they have the resources they want from Earth and convert the planet into a military base / soldier factory, using Xen to deploy their armies on other planets.
"get the impression that the vast majority of Earth's population has been wiped out and the Combine would eventually kill the rest of the free humans once they have the resources they want from Earth and convert the planet into a military base / soldier factory,"

What do you mean kill the rest of the free humans on Earth?

Do you mean there’s people in earth that joined them.

And as for the military base, are they going to clone humans for soldiers?

I don’t understand, are the Combines are going to pull the Spanish empire?

The point I’m trying to make, what’s is their goal on earth?

Because it doesn’t make sense what the combine are trying to do.

Isn’t it better, conquering a place and not wiping out the population, because if you give conquered people at least some free will, you have progress in your empire and newer ideas to work with.
(as in studying their history, and the tactics they use, and as for free will . Its will bring you more inventions. )

“using Xen to deploy their armies on other planets.”

They conquered Xen?

Are you people sure, that the Combine are not humans from a another parallel universe.

And where do you people get this information from? (it sounds cool, don’t get me wrong).

Are they going make a half-life2 game where you’re the combine soldier or civil protection?
i don't think striders /dropships/ gunships are "synths" in raising the bar, synth is the name given just to the morot sythn and the larger synth you see walking on a walk way in the citadel just before dark energy starts. dropships and gunships sound a move a lot like whales, and since the combine are draining the oceans, it would make sense that they'd use certain animals they find there
Defpotec22 said:
i don't think striders /dropships/ gunships are "synths" in raising the bar, synth is the name given just to the morot sythn and the larger synth you see walking on a walk way in the citadel just before dark energy starts. dropships and gunships sound a move a lot like whales, and since the combine are draining the oceans, it would make sense that they'd use certain animals they find there

No, they quite clearly state they are Synths. Not whales. Or anythign else.
Yep. Have you got the game guide? They are shown as Synths. Thing is that the Advisor is shown as Synth - So could the Synths be a more dominant race, perhaps the origins of the Combine Themselves/