Info received from Valve ONLY - NO questions/discussion

Some info about wires and physics

Yes that would require adding code. Right now ropes/cables are meant to
swing or sway when connected on at least one end.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:56 AM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: HL2 physics

Hi Rick,

I have been wondering about the overhead wires in city 17, they are told to be physically simulated. So if we can physically simulate a wire, would it be possible to create a scene like in star wars: empire strikes back where luke tripped that huge imperial walker? Also, could combine soldier be "tied up" by wrapping a wire around him over an over again for some cheap mans bondage? Would this require adding code?
That's the plan.

From: Kees Voesenek [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 5:16 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Deathmatch Classic

Hello there,
Will there be a Deathmatch Classic:Source? :P


Never expected he would answer that...
Well since noone else wants to.

Abom said:
Okay, guys. I (and others) have been noticing the repetition of certain details and answers in this thread. It's about time people need to stop asking and replying about:

  • Source mod ports.
  • The fact that Half-Life itself is being ported to Source.
  • Multiplayer. Valve clearly don't want to give any further information out at this point in time, so the same repetitive answer they give doesn't need to be posted over and over.

Chris_D EDIT: :thumbs: Thanks man!! :D
CS:Source Dedicated server

1st contribution to the thread... I think a lot of you guys will be happy to hear this.

"I emailed Erik Johnson from VALVe concerning the release of CS: Source Beta and whether your average user would be able to run a dedicated server for people to evaluate the Beta on. He said:

We'll be doing a release of the dedicated server prior to the Source Beta itself starting. Anyone will be able to run one.

We will all get the chance to setup our own servers to play with our clans and friends rather than a few overcrowded dedicated servers!"

This information was taken directly by me from a thread posted in the Steam general forums.
Thought you guys might be interested to know I wrote to Gabe recently about the use of HL2 physics (specifically cloth) on in-game player models during play and not just in death ragdoll effects.

He replied:

It can be done.

However, it's a lot of work for something that doesn't appear to have
any game play significance. If you could figure out how to have the
cloth do something interesting, then it might be worth the effort.

Since cloth has relevance for some of the player models in our Mod (we have characters with full length robes that could potentially blow in the wind and flow in a realistic manner not achievable through traditional animation techniques) this was great news to hear and we may consider adding this for cool factor in our Mod.
Not an amazing piece of news, but I had to decide where to buy my non-localized copy of the game (I live in Italy).


Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 4:05 PM
To: Erik Johnson
Subject: Half-Life 2 - UK version

Hi Erik,

I have read that your responsibilities include localization and I have a simple question for you :) Will there be any differences between the US version and the UK version of Half-Life 2, or will they be absolutely identical (or you just haven't decided yet)?

Thanks for your time!


Erik's reply:

Da: Erik Johnson
Inviato: martedì 3 agosto 2004 21.04

Oggetto: RE: Half-Life 2 - UK version

In terms of the game, they will be identical.
Yes, that is possible.

From: *** [mailto:***]
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 8:53 AM
To: Erik Johnson
Subject: damage by corpses ?

Hi Erik, I wonder if you could answer this question about physics in HL²/CS:S.

Imagine there's a group of people standing near each other, and someone throw a HE grenade between them. Also, a bit further, another character is standing : it's me, the player. When the grenade blows up, the little group will be ejected by the shockwave, right ? Now here's the question : I, as a player, am not wounded by the grenade, but, is there a chance that I could be wounded by one of the corpses that flew in the air, if it goes right where I am standing ?

Thank you and keep up the good work, I look forward to see HL² in stores ;)

PS : please excuse my English as it isn't my mother language :)
Not really informative or anything, but pretty impressive stuff. I asked Gabe the "specs" of the G-Man model, he forwarded it to the animator Doug Wood.
But 1500 tri's in the head is like a full character in other games, and 1024x1024 texture for such a small surface is insane detail (most games use 512x512 textures for the entire body).

I lost the original e-mail from me though.

Hey Julian,

Gabe forwarded me your email about the G-Man. Thank you very much for the compliment and your support.

Right now his head weights in at around 1500 triangles. As for the textures, I'm not really sure. (they aren't on my this machine or I would try and dig them up)
I'm pretty sure his entire head is on a 1024x1024 sheet. I know that the other main actors are using that size of texture. (I animate him. I'm sure the modelers have those numbers burned into their heads)

Thanks again!

Doug Wood

I sent an e-mail to Gabe about the subtitles and he forwarded it to Bill Van Buren. I asked if every thing would be subtitled from the important conversations to the NPCs chatter. He had this to say:

We've got subtitles for everything, the only thing we've ended up suppressing subtitles for is some unessential/atmospheric sound, like certain lines of enemy chatter - lines that would generally be audible but not intelligible - so that the screen doesn't get too cluttered and distracting in action situations.
From: Fernando Castro [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 3:10 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: It's not a question only about HL2, it's also about you. :D

Hi, my name is Fernando and I am from Brazil but I am actually living in the US.

Well, I really want to work with gaming. From design to coding, anything! So I heard about a college in Arizona, Collins College.

The reason that I am sending you this email is that I have never talked to somebody that is actually working with gaming, so here it is some questions :P :

¬ Do you know anything about Collins College? And do you know other colleges that is related to gaming?

I don't know much about Collins College. The one program I am familiar with is Digipen's program here in Seattle, which is very good.

¬ What college did you graduate from, in what area? And how did you get to work with VALVe?

I attended Harvard University in Boston, Mass. I was one of the two founders of Valve.

¬ What are the chances that I would get a good job in gaming area? Where would I work?

The best way to find out is by working on a MOD. Many people at Valve came out of the MOD community.

¬ How is your life right now, wealth wise? Do you get pay very well for what you do?

I haven't been paid anything as I'm the primary financing source for the company. As a company, we've taken the money we made from Half-Life and plowed it back into Half-Life 2. Hopefully we will make it all back with sales of HL-2.
It's the same as copying someone's cache file. It doesn't let you do anything with it.

From: Johan_Tayn [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:48 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Is it wrong to preload CS:S on my machine?

Would it be wrong and if so, would there be repercussions?
Just Wondering,
I had accidentally disabled some of the reflections on my machine when I
took the screenshots. They'd normally be on by default for the hardware
I was using (9800 XT).

-----Original Message-----
From: David Rico [mailto:*********]
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 8:17 PM
To: Greg Coomer
Subject: Regarding the new screenshots you posted on

Hello Mr. Coomer.

This is just a quick email I decided to cook up in order to put some of
my suspicions to rest about some of the new screenshots you released a
few days ago. It's widespread knowledge that you guys are currently in
crunch time so I don't expect a prompt reply so don't worry about that
if you have more pressing issues to attend to.

Anyway my question regards one particular screenshot, to be precise it's
the one found at the following link:

My question is, why doesn't the water reflect some of the buildings and
the chopper like it has shown to be able to do in past screenshots and
Is it due to hardware limitations caused by the system they were took on
or has completely reflective water been taken out of the game entirely.
Perhaps it's a completely different reason from the one I just
described, if so, could you please put some of my worries to rest and

Thanks for the screenshots by the way, I hope all your hard work on the
game pays off when it hits retail.

- David Rico


That should put some fears to rest I hope.

Yes, HL2 and CS:Src will be included once the games are made available.



From: Spies [mailto:xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 10:05 AM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: ATI Voucher Holders

Hi Doug, a simple question in relation to ATI Voucher holders receiving HL2, considering that CS:S is going to be part of HL2 Retail, will the voucher holders recieve HL2 and CS:S once the game goes final?

Kind regards
It will be in english. You can switch languages using Steam.

We're pretty comfortable with the steps we are taking to prevent piracy.
I certainly hope we don't get pirated after all our hard work.

-----Original Message-----
From: sweetfish [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 8:44 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Half-Life2 Question


I hope you have the time to answer my mail, but if you don't, thanks
anyway for reading it. :)

Well I live in Sweden and if I buy the game from a store here when HL2
ships, will the subtitles and voices be in Swedish?
I sure don't hope so, I would realy like to play the game as it is ment
to be played... ;)

And one more thing, maybe kinda controversial (I don't know)...
Are you guys afraid that you will lose big money on HL2 as
pirated-software? (Don't know if you understand what Im saying, but I
hope I got it right...)

Your friend from Sweden,
Sven Andersson
Some very good news, especially for my site :)

----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Lombardi
To: Xrenity
Cc: Kellie Cosner
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 1:26 AM
Subject: RE: Exclusive Screenshot... ? and question regarding music


Thanks for mailing us.

I don't have any new shots to share right now, but I will keep you in mind next time we have some new ones -- always happy to share with friends in one of the greatest areas of the world.

Regarding your questions on the music in HL2, Kelly Bailey does all the music and audio engineering for HL2 (and he did both on HL1 as well). Right now, there are no plans to release a stand alone "soundtrack" CD, but that and many other new tracks will obviously be included with the game.

Finally, I've cc'd Kellie Cosner on this mail, who can add you to the CS: Source beta, and I've added your mail to our press list for future releases.


From: Xrenity [mailto:*****]
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 10:48 AM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: Exclusive Screenshot... ? and question regarding music

Hi Doug,

This morning I was thinking anout something. Some sites get exclusive screenshots (HL2 fall out got one yesterday), but these never seem to be Dutch sites.
You now may guess what I'd like you to ask... :D
I'm newsposter at this Dutch site , and we would very much appreciate it if you would like to send us just one new cool screenshot.
The Dutch HL2 community would of course also appreciate that (I just know :)).
I know you were NOT planning to release any new media, and I know it's a pretty rude question, and please tell me if you won't, but I thought I'd give it a shot :D

Also, I have some questions regarding the music in HL2;
I watched the Coastline video, and I heard the music playing in the background, I realy liked it :)
Now for the questions:

1. Who is composing this music? Is there a whole team behind it?
2. Will there be a soundtrack? (probably in de collectors edition?)
3. Do you like the music?
4. Is there a MP3 download of the coastline music?

I wish you luck on the upcoming release, I'm realy looking forward to this game.

Greets from Erwin van Kester

From: Kamran [mailto:...]
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 1:01 PM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: Detail textures

Are detail textures supported in Source engine? More importantly, HL2 and CS:S.
Torsten to gaben
More options 2:07pm (2½ hours ago)
I was just playing some CS and I was getting pretty aggravated because
I hate downloading all the .wavs servers put up, and at the same time
many of the custom servers have maps you have to download, making it
so you have to download the .wavs just to be able to download the .bsp
files. My suggestion would be a download filter so you could
specificy what types of files you don't want to download, in my case
.wav files.


Hey Torsten,

That's a good suggestion. I'm always thinking the same thing when I have
to grab those crazy "headshot, first blood" .wav's. Will pass this on to
the rest of the team.

Not really any thing intresting, but he seems to hint that it wont be long now ... :thumbs:

From : Gabe Newell <[email protected]>
Sent : 10 August 2004 18:50:47
To : "ashley tucker" <******>
Subject : RE: G-Man 'Wake up, and smell the ashes...'

Thanks. Can't wait to get the whole game out ...

-----Original Message-----
From: ashley tucker [mailto:******]
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 4:36 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: G-Man 'Wake up, and smell the ashes...'


I never thought that a movie of a computer-generated character could
seem so
real and believable. The 'wake up, and smell the ashes...' line makes
really seem like the devious guy i always thought he was : ).Just want
say congratulations on excellent character animation and lip-synch.
things like that makes me know Half-Life 2 is going to be amazing!

I KNOW that Dave Johnston isn't from Valve Dev team, but he likely worked with them by the past

From: "Dave Johnston (web)" <***>
To: "chandler (web)" <***>
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: about Dust on Source Engine


Dust was rebuilt entirely by Valve, specifically Ido Magal and Kristen I
think, and I'm glad they did it. They did an absolutely fantastic job
(more than I could have managed on my own). I imagine they rebuilt the
entire map from scratch, since it's rather easy to do, adding in all the
improvements along the way.

- Dave

chandler (web) wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm just wondering about whether you were consulted or not during the
> rebuilding of Dust under the Source Engine.
> If you were, what was the nature of your participation ? did you
> actively rebuilt the map using the Hammer ? Or simply supervising the
> overall work and dispensing advices ?
> Thanks for your time, chandler
Yay! my first reply from the man himself (actually from anyone at valve) :D

My email:


I was wondering if it would be possible to mod in different
intensities of gravity in different areas of the same map. To have
"gravity bubbles" so to speak.

I'm a great fan of Half-Life and I'll appriciate any answer.


Cliffe has just sent me this information, relating to a question he received from somebody in the cybercafe beta, I believe. The tutorial was written by Yahn Bernier:

If you want to record a fixed framerate playback movie with a properly synced .wav track, we generally do this (from the console -- we don't currently have a UI for doing moviemaking)):

host_framerate 30 (forces fixed framerate for playback)
playdemo xxx (starts the demo playback)
startmovie css (starts dumping demo frames to file and writing the .wav)

You do have to have a .dem file, obviously. Not sure whether there are any existing issues with .dem files in the CS:S beta, but if so, please let us know. They should work (or they did last time I checked).

Additionally, there is a demo playback UI available by pressing Shift-F1 when in the game, it's currently used internally only at this point so no promises that it doesn't have any bugs.

(Well I guess his the smart one at Valve too, coz I can't figure his joke out. :( Well heres the mail anyway: )

Q: Why did the mouse cross the road?

A: It was stapled to the chicken.


-----Original Message-----
From: sweetfish [mailto:xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 6:40 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Are you funny?

Well hello again! :)

It seams, by looking at pictures of you and your crew, that you are the
"funny-man" on Valve.
So maybe if you could tell a joke (of some sort) and I could get my
theory right... :)

(And to keep this HL2-significant email, will there be any jokes/hints
to the orginal half-life in HL2?)

Sven Andersson, Sweden
This would be a nice option to have available :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Parker, Nathan TQO [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 12:54 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: HL2DS suggestion


I would like to see a friendly fire option for HL2DS that makes it so
that the player who fires on teammates, gets all the damage that would
be inflicted to the teammate. For instance, if I shoot a teammate in the
head with a glock - I loose 40 hit points and the person I shot receives
no damage at all. Would your staff be able to implement this as an

Nathan "evilnate" Parker

RE: HL2DS suggestionJess Cliffe [[email protected]]
To: [email protected]
Cc: Gabe

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for the input. We'll take this into consideration for a future
SRCDS release.

When its ready. CS:S is currently in beta due to the large number of new
technologies we are deploying, with VAC2 eventually being one of them.

- Alfred

----Original Message----
From: Thomas 'King2500' Schulz [mailto:**************]
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 2:36 PM
To: Alfred Reynolds; Eric Smith
Subject: VAC modules for SrcDS / CSS Beta ?

> Hi Alfred, hi Eric,
> I just saw, that there is already a "hack" for css beta..
> So my question is: Will SrcDS (especially CSS) be VAC enabled? and
> when?
> Thanks for your info.
> Cheers
> Thomas 'King2500' Schulz
From: Joe [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 7:38 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Some FanArt for you gabe.

Here are my little creations. I call them, Gabemoticons (They're all .GIFs):

I have been using these as avatars on the forums I frequent.

lol, Nice! Gabe rules.
guide books

this was recieved from doug Lombardi in an e-mail:

Indeed, there are three books coming from Prima/Valve:

-- HL2 strategy guide
-- The making of Half-Life 2
-- The HL2/Source MOD author's handbook

Those are just working titles. Prima/Valve will be announcing more details soon.

-----Original Message-----
From: Teddy
To: Yahn Bernier
Subject: A quick question about the SDK from a big big fan ;-)


It seems the release of hl2 is imminent (what with the pre-loading and all), I was wondering if the SDK is still planned to be released at the same time? I can't wait to start work on our mod!

Thanks for your time,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Yahn Bernier
Subject: RE: A quick question about the SDK from a big big fan ;-)
To: Teddy

The SDK should be out near the launch, but probably not on the exact same day (but I could be wrong...)

From: Jess Cliffe <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 16:11:51 -0700
Subject: RE: Body shot decals
To: azz0r <[email protected]>

Both are on our list.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2004 4:02 PM
To: Jess Cliffe
Subject: Body shot decals

How cool would it be to have little blood shot decals on the player
where they got shot! not like blood splat, but like bullet hole type
thing ;p

Also can you fix the horrible shadow/ground tearing when a player dies

- Aaron Lote
-- administration creator

godam quote limit
Some of you guys were asking about the AI in CS Source. Talking about if they were going to take some AI from HL2 and maybe put it into CS Source for the bots. Here is the answer:

Fra: Biz <[email protected]>
Sendt: 18. august 2004 20:08:49
Til: "'Thomas E.'" <[email protected]>
Emne: RE: Same AI in source as in CZ?

| | | Innboks

We will start with the CS Bot AI system from Condition Zero and continue to
enhance it with Steam updates as we have in the past.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas E. [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 11:08 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Same AI in source as in CZ?
> Hello Michael.
> Thank you very much for answering my previous e-mail.
> Can I ask you another quick question?
> Are you going to use the same CS Bot AI in the source engine as Condition
> Zero is using now? Or will the source engine make things more advanced?
> Thanks in advance.
> >From Thomas.
Hi Abe,

This was a typo -- it's actually a 130k limit. Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Fredrik Näslund
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2004 9:36 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: CS:S Spraylogo limits

Hi Gabe.

It's nice you added some limits, but I think they were too strict (if it really is 128x128).

Some say it's actually 128 or 130kb, even though it says 128x128 in the changelog.
That means 256x256 (85.5kb) is possible, but what is it really?

Please enlighten us.

A bit more information as to when Valve may preload, and their current status. This message was sent 12:00 AM Valve time and 3:00 AM EST, so i'm not sure if he meant the 25th or the 26th.

We're shooting for tomorrow on this now.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt H [mailto:[email protected] om]
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:22 PM
To: Erik Johnson
Subject: Preload Info

Hey Erik,

I was wondering about the progress at Valve. I know you announced
that the preload would start on Monday, but since it didn't i'm sure you
guys are working on something hard over there. Do you have any
information as to what the current progress is, or any plans for
preloading? I'm not asking for a date...maybe just some information
about the progress. Thanks for your time!

A pretty pointless question, I asked because I was curious as to what was really being done to create the effect.

Subject: RE: High Dynamic Range in CS?
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 17:01:02 -0700
From: "Jess Cliffe" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book
To: "Ryan Rodman" <**************************>


From: Ryan Rodman [mailto:**************************]
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 4:57 PM
To: Jess Cliffe
Subject: High Dynamic Range in CS?

Many people keep labeling the light streaming in the dome on the Source version of Dust map as being a High Dynamic Range effect. An example here:

To me, this shot looks like the effect was made using sprites because of the clearly visible intersetion of the light with the dome. Is this effect being created with HDR?
I have noticed alot of posting on retailing dating so I decided to post this from a E-Mail i got from Gabe awhile back.

It's not from us.

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:*******]
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 11:04 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Retail Stores

I have noticed that alot of retail outlets have been saying that the
date for HALF LIFE 2 has been 9/1/04 I wanted to know is this just a
estiment or an offical date from a source of valve//vivendi??
No this doesn't happen in HL2 but I don't see why you couldn't do it in a mod.


Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 4:34 PM
To: Rick Ellis
Subject: Half-Life2 character models

So far Half-Life2 looks like an amazing game. I just have a couple of questions about it.

1.) Will character models in the game be able to deform in real time? Using a H-L2 example, a headcrab attaching itself to a human and deforming it into a zombie including the torso changes and the longer fingers.

2.) Will the above be in Half-Life2 and if not, can it be done in a mod?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. It must be a very busy schedule at this point. Good luck with the game!
Subject: RE: Hey Mr.Lynch
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 23:33:38 -0700
From: "Scott Lynch" <[email protected]>
To: "Ed Minczeski" <****************>

Hi Ed,

Nope. That's not my post.


From: Ed Minczeski [mailto:************]
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:17 PM
To: Scott Lynch
Subject: Hey Mr.Lynch


I just noticed a post on Planethalflife forums that you's the link

Anyway, I was wondering if you really made this post, or if it was an imposter. I'm just wondering if it's the real deal, or just some guy yanking our chain. Thanks :)

Ed Minczeski
This is regarding 'gabes' post on the hl2fallout forums. Not really news just word from GABE himself that it was not his post. He actually responded to this email which im sure was out of a billion other ones just like it. Anyway here is mail i got from him.
Subject: RE: Fake hl2fallout post?
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 20:48:18 -0700
From: "Gabe Newell" <[email protected]> Add to Address Book
To: "Russ" <*****>


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ [mailto:*****]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 8:03 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Fake hl2fallout post?

Hi gabe,

There has been quite a lot of confusion over this
post. Appearently the IP doesn't match up on the other
posts you have made.

IS this infact you posting "We're going gold

Thanks in advance for your answer!

I'm sure you've all gotten emails like this from Gabe, but for those of you who are interested....

From : Gabe Newell <[email protected]>
Sent : August 30, 2004 7:25:36 AM
To : "Mr Bongo" <*****>
Subject : RE: A concern regarding the recent rumors...

It was faked. A group is creating bogus accounts for Valve employees
(not just me) on a bunch of different forums.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mr Bongo [mailto:*****]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 6:03 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: A concern regarding the recent rumors...

First off, if you're actually taking the time to read this, I just want to tell you how excited I am about Half Life 2. But enough of this, on to the question, right?

Recently I've noticed that the Half Life 2 community has been riding a
proverbial rollercoaster as a result of missed dates and the pre-load on
Steam. I completely understand why dates are missed and why no one can give a more honest answer than "when its done", which is why I'm writing you today (or tonight, perhaps).

I awoke this morning to finding the Half Life 2 community once again
bustling with excitement regarding your apparent announcement on
"" that Half Life 2 will be going Gold this comming Monday. And while this may sound like good news, evidence has been found that the IP of this so-called "Gabe Newell" (possible imposter?) is quite different from the one you had when you visited's forums in the past. This has led people (myself included) to believe this was all a hoax, and that this was simply the work of a clever hacker.

Can you please confirm or deny whether or not Half Life 2 will be going
Gold monday? I hope for the best, but I'll never trust a rumor like this
until a hear an official announcement from Valve itself.

Thanks for your time, Gabe!
Okay guys, could we stop with the hl2fallout-related Gabe e-mails now. It's been long confirmed that it was indeed fake, we don't need any more proof. Thanks.
I had to ask cuz I was interested. But apparently the collector's edition will be limited in suppy.
::remembers how the collector's edition of unreal tournament 2004 sold out on day 1::

From: Doug Lombardi [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 1:39 PM
To: ME
Subject: RE: Question about Collector's Edition of Half-Life 2

Not sure, but I think so.


From: ME
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 3:56 PM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: Question about Collector's Edition of Half-Life 2
Hi, I have a quick question about the collector’s edition of half-life 2. Will it be a limited edition release?

To all of you who think buying a CDKey for CZ on ebay is legal:

From: Joe [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 8:26 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Selling CS:CZ cd keys on EBay...

Hey Gabe,

My father tells me that selling Counter-Strike: Condition Zero CD-Keys on ebay is illegal. I really don't think its illegal at all!

Gabe, please answer my question so we know who's right?


It isn't legal.

So watch it.