Infraction system changes

Except that the complaints came before the system was activated, and precious few afterwards. Funny, that.
Probably because we were under threat of infractions at that point. And it turned out to be kind of a badge of honour, losing one's avatar. Requisite sarcastic memetic phrase.
We are just ants in a cage for the amusement of our masters.

i got a warning for spelling something wrong a few weeks back

i demand compensation
With all these people losing their avatars and signatures, it's getting hard for me to remember who is who. It's probably more inconvenient for everybody else in the end lolz.
Oh, and Danimal, you don't need to feel left out any more.

I still don't get this post. Neither me nor Danimal have been infractioned for anything since this thing started. This post makes it sound like we were under some sort of protection, and now we aren't.

If thats the case, what can I do to get that protection back? I mean, not that I care. I'm too macho to be hurt by your meager punishments... but still.
Five more days until I can have my pretty avatar and signature and can block about a dozen people who I can not stand for another second.
Everyone losing their avatars is making browsing this forum really ****ing annoying. It seems every other person has no avatar or signature, and it makes reading posts boring and stupid and hard to identify. Pretty much, this weak bizarre pointless form of punishment ends up being a pain in the ass to everyone else on the forum.

I'm fully aware that no one will give a shit what I have to say, but I thought I would post anyway just so you're aware that I think this is a bunch of dumb bullshit.
I even have troubles finding MY posts!


You know that little red button you see at the post that got you an infraction, it might be nice if everyone could see that. It could be helpful for new members and shit to see what doesn't fly around here.

Also for fun.
With everyone losing their avatars, I actually know their names now...
Five more days until I can have my pretty avatar and signature and can block about a dozen people who I can not stand for another second.


With everyone losing their avatars, I actually know their names now...

I still don't. I have a hard time keeping track of who said what in many threads now.
Thats my plan for the inevitable day I get infractioned. Because I'm kind hearted and want to make things easier on others.
Hey everyone who doesn't have an avatar anymore
You should just take your old avatar and put it at the beginning of all your posts in img tags so I can remember who you are because reading your names takes a little more effort than I'm willing to invest

That's a good idea. I'll remember that for the next time I receive an infraction.

I'll create a bat file that I can pin to my task bar which will copy the text to link to an image of my avatar.

Unless I can't use a batch file for that.
Yeah, can't be always ctrl-c and ctrl-v'in know what I'm sayin? Shit.

9 year later edit: yikes can't be saying the n word even if it ends in a
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Well,Darkside55,do you think the Pi I know more than you is going to take your crap as a suggestion?As you said,"arbitary penalty bullsh*t".Your suggestions are "arbitary bullsh*t."
will be penalised
Really confusing me as to who he is.

1. His name seems to be a reference to biozeminades, which is an oldschool joke
2. He seems to know or be friends with Pi
3. I swear I've seen the "Right Behind You" location on someone here
4. He doesn't seem too bright so like what the hell
****'s sake. Signatures are limited to four lines of text in a normal sized font. If I were you, I'd prepare my anus for infraction points if that sig isn't changed.
Well,Darkside55,do you think the Pi I know more than you is going to take your crap as a suggestion?As you said,"arbitary penalty bullsh*t".Your suggestions are "arbitary bullsh*t."
will be penalised

I think the Pi you know better than me doesn't like you very much. With your spelling, grammar, and sentence structure, I doubt that anybody likes you very much.

As for your sig...

will be penalised
Really confusing me as to who he is.

1. His name seems to be a reference to biozeminades, which is an oldschool joke
2. He seems to know or be friends with Pi
3. I swear I've seen the "Right Behind You" location on someone here
4. He doesn't seem too bright so like what the hell
lyk wat da hel man i men srsly wat da fak is dis shit????

Vegeta stop being a butttttt.
I was gonna come into this thread and be like "why on Earth are people still complaining about this?"

I'm glad to see it was a little more amusing than that.
This doesn't make any sense. I can't edit my privacy features because I'm an "anti-citizen"? OK, Facebooklife2

Instead, anti-citizens shouldn't be allowed to create threads. What most newcomers get infractions for are terrible threads, often that break the rules. So they should be prevented from making any threads while they are anti-citizens.

Privacy features should never be removed.
Get yourself up to AC level two and you will be granted with the privilege of not being able to create new threads.
What exact privacy settings do you need to change? Comparing this forum, which doesn't display any of your private information no matter what your settings are set to, to facebook which does, is just a bit absurd.
I would like to retract some of the privacy settings I previously allowed, like allowing people to email me or post on my profile.
People currently can't email you; your email address is not public. I'm able to turn off your ability to receive private messages, but the only way that I know of to disable profile comments is to first remove all your friends and then make your profile friends-only, which is not something that a moderator or admin can do.

Whoops, never mind:

Just so you all know - Infractions are now known as "warnings" but they operate in just about the same way.
So... Does anyone still have any infraction points?