****ing earthquake


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Being told it's magnitude 6.0 centered in Virginia. I just woke up at 1:46pm, before I put my glasses on 5 seconds later, shit starts shaking. My brain goes "EARTHQUAKE...wind?...NO, ****ING EARTHQUAKE."
felt it in toronto. reports are coming in from up and down the east coast. I just thought my chair was unbalanced or something
Shit, we went outside and there were a couple of dudes just walkin on by like nothing happened.
Felt it in Pittsburgh too. Damn desk and lights started swaying. Got let go for the day..wooooo
An earthquake in Virginia, wut. You guys aren't even on a fault line.
Shit, that must be so scary. I don't know what I would do if I woke up and everything started shaking, I think I would just completely lose it. Fortunately, Cork isn't really on any kind of fault line, although apparently we are at slight risk of tsunami. That would be worse than an earthquake. Thankfully I live on a hill but soon I won't live on a hill (in fact I'll be living on a flood plain) so I'll be a little bit worried every night when I go to sleep that I'll be under water when I wake up.

Anyway, good luck with your earthquake situation. I hope you're not trapped under a heavy thing or impaled on anything.
I feel wobbly when walking up steps now. But that's just my usual imbalance this soon after waking up.
Felt it in Harrisburg, PA. Wasn't too serious, thought a strong gust of wind caught the building at first.
Felt it in Pittsburgh too. Damn desk and lights started swaying. Got let go for the day..wooooo

Dude, lucky. All I got was an email from the university an hour later. Our building didn't really do anything though. It just felt like someone was pushing on my chair to get my attention. Thought it was the dude who sits behind me so I turned around wondering how my chair was shaking when nobody was there, but nope, it was just the earth shaking.
I didn't feel it. Damn earthquakes always discriminate against me :'(

Also not that I was to encourage the reposting of everything from reddit here but this made me laugh.
You're considerably far from it, so that's not really surprising.
You're considerably far from it, so that's not really surprising.

Yeah.. but one day!!

I was also referring to earthquakes in general, since we're so far from a fault zone here and the only tectonic stress is from the continents northern movement (and a little bit of hotspot action ;)) we vary rarely have significant earthquakes.
Thought this thread was about having sex with earthquakes.

Being told it's magnitude 6.0 centered in Virginia. I just woke up at 1:46pm, before I put my glasses on 5 seconds later, shit starts shaking. My brain goes "EARTHQUAKE...wind?...NO, ****ING EARTHQUAKE."

That's what you get for sleeping so late!

I found it interesting that Webcomig XKCD posted about a happenstance a while ago where you can hear about an earthquake before you feel it, which was the case with this one. I was reading about it on Facebook before they evacuated my work for "the building shaking". Sissies.