Inglourious Basterds

I've heard from several reviews that this is Tarantino's best film to date. I find that a little difficult to believe, but I can't wait nonetheless. I even loved Death Proof so there's very little Tarantino I won't like. Apart from Four Rooms. *shudder*
Looking forward to this.

BTW, Tarantino directed only the last segment of Four Rooms. Which was good. Though Rodriguez's segment takes the cake.
Looks terrible. Tarantino is the biggest overrated modern director.
Looks terrible. Tarantino is the biggest overrated modern director.

See, the previous posts were building a sand castle of hope.

A castle which you just kicked over.

Also, excited for Basterds etc.
Looks terrible. Tarantino is the biggest overrated modern director.

Funny you should say modern director. Perhaps you've heard of a little film called Pulp Fiction. You know, the film that INFLUENCED HOW MANY MODERN MOVIES ARE MADE.
Not really a fan of Tarantino's work. Not really a fan of World War 2. Can't say I care about this movie.
Two moments in the trailer were enough to make me watch the movie.

1: Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein!
2: Killin' Nattsies.
Pulp Fiction is one of the most entertaining and unique films i've ever seen and is the source of many classic quotes that I will never tire of. It's also the only film I really like by Tarantino. I'm not a devoted fan of the weasely little basterd any more than i'm a devoted fan of, say, Ron Howard, but every director comes up with a diamond in his career, and Pulp was Tarantino's. Maybe I'm just hoping that one day he can top it, and maybe it will be with this one. But I doubt it. It does however look to be entertaining in a piss poor year for movies if nothing else.
I'm bored and it gives me something to do. :p
Looks terrible. Tarantino is the biggest overrated modern director.

I must say I really enjoyed pulp fiction but overall I completely agree. I especially thought kill bill was utter ****
I'm not getting hyped or anything, this film could easily be either very good, absolute shit or anywhere in between. That's Tarantino for you.



Pulp Fiction is a great film, but quite frankly Tarantino hasn't scaled the same heights since with any of his later movies (though Jackie Brown came close), and the only critics who seem to think that this latest effort is 'Mana from heaven' are the same sort who would happily let Tarantino sodomize them relentlessly just to bask in his glory.

Inglorious Basterds is not a film, its a media event. Tarantino could of filmed himself shitting in a bucket, whilst beating off to some foot porn and the guys at AICN would be hailing it as 'film of the year' even before the camera had stopped rolling.

Sheep will go and see it because they know no better, the Weinsteins will be able to keep their weight up, and Tarantino will spend the next 3 years making his next opus that will repeat the cycle. :dozey:
I loved pulp fiction , didn't like any of his other stuff.

This film looks fun though!
Seen it already at a press screening, and it is just as good as I expected. Had a hard time understanding most of the dialogue though as I'm not very good at German or French and there were no subtitles. It was still a great experience. Also, for people who are bothered by the misspelled title, it is like that for a reason and it is sort of explained in a subtle way in the movie.
Sheep will go and see it because they know no better, the Weinsteins will be able to keep their weight up, and Tarantino will spend the next 3 years making his next opus that will repeat the cycle. :dozey:

I've noticed you and I have very similar tastes with tv shows and films. If you don't mind could you post a more detailed review of what you think? Or if you can't be bothered could you point me in the direction of a review that shares your opinion on it?
Had a hard time understanding most of the dialogue though as I'm not very good at German or French and there were no subtitles.

How much of the dialogue would you say is unsubtitled german or french?
Tarantino directed only the last segment of Four Rooms. Which was good. Though Rodriguez's segment takes the cake.

Oh I know, but it's totally not worth watching the appalling rest of film just for a 10 minute section of Tarantino dialogue.
I've noticed you and I have very similar tastes with tv shows and films. If you don't mind could you post a more detailed review of what you think? Or if you can't be bothered could you point me in the direction of a review that shares your opinion on it?

I read the script a while back and based on that knew it was going to stink to high heaven. At best it can be described as some kind of wacked out vacuous Jewish War Fantasy (they kill Hitler), but a strange one in that the most likeable character is the SS officer (The Basterds just come across as a bunch of unlikeable foulmouthed sadistic psychopaths), and there's very little action in it either (a lot of not remotely period appropriate dialogue though). Were another writer/director pitching it, I doubt it would ever of been green lit. That Tarantino has gotten it made is simply down to the fact that he's Tarantino and there's a hangover expectation from Pulp Fiction in peoples minds that he has the potential to make another great film. However since then there's been a steady decline in the quality of product from Jackie Brown through Kill Bill 1 & Kill Bill 2 and Deathproof, and personally I'm just not buying into this latest waste of 3 hours. Despite being a big film fan and avid DVD collector, I can honestly say that after seeing them all in the Cinema I've never yet felt the urge to buy either KBI&II or Deathproof, even when I see them in bargain bins everywhere.

A serious flop might actually make QT reassess his career and perhaps lead to him challenging himself to make that great movie we'd all like to see, rather than watch him waste away the rest of his career trying to recapture 70s B movie Cinema.
I doubt it'll flop though, Tarantino in combination with Pitt should still pull in enough to make it a commercial success even if it's as bad as you say.
God I hated Deathproof. Pointless... Utterly.
At best it can be described as some kind of wacked out vacuous Jewish War Fantasy (they kill Hitler), but a strange one in that the most likeable character is the SS officer (The Basterds just come across as a bunch of unlikeable foulmouthed sadistic psychopaths)

Quite the opposite of what I expected there o_O
I don't see how you can dislike Tarantino, he writes wonderfully stylish and entertaining dialogue and the violence is always top-notch. Whatever, I'm used to half of you shitting all over everything I love.

Terribly excited about this movie, I love Tarantino and I love World War II. Definitely seeing it in theaters.

The Pulp Fiction hate in this thread is gonna get one of you mother****ers killed when Jules Winfield and/or Vincent Vega overhear.

Maybe you're trying too hard to take the film seriously. From what I understand, the movie is supposed to be an extreme satire of allied bravado, filmed in the old Spaghetti Western movie formula. The American brutality is deliberately over the top and the German perspective is also deliberately intended to provoke sympathy. Shit, that's all obvious just from the trailer and reading the synopsis - how can critics honestly miss the point so spectacularly? whoah hey, lets ignore that Tarantino has successfully yet controversially flipped the whole war on it's moralistic ass and instead berate him for not including gimps and quarter pounders with cheese.

Or maybe i'm wrong.
Yeah, no shit Cr0m.

Someone obviously can't have fun at the movies.
I dunno about you guys but I always pass total judgment on a movie before it comes out and I have a chance to see it.
I dunno about you guys but I always pass total judgment on a movie before it comes out and I have a chance to see it.
I don't see how you can dislike Tarantino, he writes wonderfully stylish and entertaining dialogue and the violence is always top-notch.

It takes more than entertaining dialogue and violence to make a good movie for me. I'm not gonna deny that Pulp Fiction is a decent movie, and I enjoyed Reservoir Dogs quite a bit, too.

But Kill Bill? From Dusk till Dawn? Deathproof? Uh, no. Complete garbage. He made two good (and I use the word loosely) movies - which I still think are both overrated - but he's far from being the "great" director that people fellate him for being.